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(Main Library) KU Library Learning Support Desk Online

 On 2020-06-05 (5008 reads)

We are delighted to introduce our learner support via online.
Main Library will starts it from June 8, 2020.
Staffs from Learning Support Desk who are graduate students offer advice through Zoom to help you learn online, search books, or write academic paper.
All of them speak both English and Japanese fluently.
Please click here to make a reservation.
- Students of Kyoto University only.

Find more details about Learning Support Desk at

List of staffs (second semester, 2020)


■ Hours of operation: 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays (about 30 min per a meeting)
 Please make sure to register by 1 p.m., one day before the desired date,except for Saturday and Sunday.

■ If you are looking for advanced advice on your own field, see the list of staffs to find their fields of study.

■ Once your reservation is confirmed, we will inform you by email with details including URL for the online meeting.

Contact: Reference Section of the Main Library
     TEL: 075-753-2636
     Email: ref660 at

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