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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Six items, including books from Adam Smith’s Library and Chinese classic text of geography and astronomy in Ming dynasty, have been newly released

 On 2021-12-23 (2140 reads)

Six items held by the Graduate School of Law and Yoshida-South Library have been newly released.

Travels in Europe, Asia and Africaheld by the Graduate School of Law is a former collection of Adam Smith. A bookticket is attached to each volume, and an autograph letter addressed by MacIntosh to Adam Smith is inserted in vol.1.
This book is a travelogue consisting of 72 letters, and appendix B contains an observations of Smith’s “An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.”

Left: bookticket / Center: autograph letter addressed to Adam Smith / Right: appendix B


Five items held by Yoshida-South Library are Chinese classic text of geography, astronomy and book series published in Ming dynasty.
“De tu zeng yao” (地圖綜要) was donated by Motoharu Fujita, a geographer and a professor at the Third Higher School.




LibraryRecord IDTitleAuthorCall No
Yoshida-South LibraryRB00033234 地圖綜要(明)李釜源鑒定 ; (明)朱國達 [ほか] 編輯三高貴重書(和):533//167/三高和
RB00033235 雪廬讀史快編 60卷(明)趙維寰節三高貴重書(和):515//62/三高和
RB00033236 治暦縁起 8巻(明)徐光啓 [撰]三高貴重書(和):640//157/三高和
RB00033237 方輿勝畧 18巻外夷6巻首1巻(明)程百二等輯三高貴重書(和):533//57/三高和
RB00033238 李氏叢書(明)李贄三高貴重書(和):010//8/三高和
G. S. LawRB00033239 Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa : describing characters, customs, manners, laws, and productions of nature and art : containing various remarks on the political and commercial interests of Great Britain : and delineating, in particular, a new system for the government and improvement of the British settlements in the East Indies : begun in the year 1777, and finished in 1781Macintosh, William and  Thomson, William一般貴重書(洋):CIII||2||Mac


As of December 23, 2021, the Digital Archive provides 1,668,590 images of 20,570 titles.

