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【Library Network】7/20:The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "Introduction of Article Search and Automatic Creation of Citation lists"(7/13)

 On 2023-07-20 (2640 reads)

2023.07.20 update
The recording of the lecture is now available.

(1)Web of Science and EndNote Online
(2)CiNii Research

Please see the link below.
※ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.

These workshops will tell you how to find academic articles with database "Web of Science" and "CiNii Articles", and how to make citation lists with "EndNote Online".
We look forward to having you join us!

Library Network Online Workshop
" Introduction of Article Search and Automatic Creation of Citation lists "(Series of Introduction of Article Search and Management)
*This workshop is held in Japanese only.
(1)Let's find important articles and create citation lists automatically (Web of Science and EndNote Online)
Date:July 13, 2023(Thu.) 17:00-18:00
Lecturer:Miki Kumagai (Senior Manager of Academia Government Division of Clarivate Plc)
Route Map level:
[2]Obtain information accurately(Intermediate)
[3]Evaluate, organize, and manage information(Advanced)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

Detailed Contents
We invite a lecturer from Clarivate Plc, the provider of academic article database "Web of Science." She will explain article search and management.
・How to find important articles with Web of Science.
・How to organize articles and make citation lists with citation management tool "EndNote Online."
Let's learn tips on article search and management!
[Place] Online (WebEX)
Application form:
*Please apply by 17:00 the day before.
*We will share the recording later.

(2)Let's find Japanese articles (CiNii Research)
Release Date:July 13, 2023(Thu.)
Route Map level: (2)Obtain information accurately(Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network
Detailed Contents
Let's read Japanese articles for a deep understanding and your research! We explain how to find Japanese articles with CiNii Research, a major database for Japanese articles, on three videos below.
[1] Various Academic Resources (About 6 minutes)
[2] Article Search (About 8 minutes)
[3] How to Obtain Articles(About 7 minutes)
*These videos are held in Japanese only.

Recommended for anyone who would like to obtain and read Japanese articles .

Video Link: (ECS-ID / SPS-ID is required)
No application required. KU members can watch anytime.

Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: KU Main Library
MAIL: ref660[at]
