(日本語) 【医学図書館】動画公開しました:第8回 医学系DBオンライン講習会「初めての USMLE対策ツール :利用のススメ」(12/16〆切)

 On 2024-11-29 (733 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[E-books] How to use EBSCO eBooks from off-campus

 On 2024-11-26 (1578 reads)

If you access EBSCO eBooks from off-campus, please use the following methods.
*The following operations are not required when accessing from the campus network environment.

  1. If you access EBSCO eBooks from a network environment outside Kyoto University, the EBSCO sign-in screen will appear.
  2. Enter "Kyoto University" in the search form for affiliated institutions and press the enter key or click the magnifying glass icon.
  3. If "京都大学" appears as an institution name candidate, click on it.
  4. The "E-Journal and Database Authentication System" user ID selection screen will appear, so please select the type of ID you are using and log in.

(Example) Results of KULINE (KU Libraries Online Catalog)

Notes on use

Select "PDF full text" from the access options or click the chapter name from the table of contents to display the viewing screen.

If you use the scroll bar on the viewing screen to browse one after another and display the entire text one after another, or if you reload the page many times because it is slow to load, you may be blocked by the authentication system.

Please start reading from the chapter you need and use it as much as you can read within the time.

Example of viewing screen



Warning: Beware of impersonation by malicious publishing organizations

 On 2024-11-25 (2375 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Maintenance] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (Nov. 25)

 On 2024-11-25 (259 reads)

The Maintenance work was completed (2024/11/25 13:30) and the service has been restored.

Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive will suspend its service due to the system maintenance.
The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed.
Thank you for your understanding.


(日本語) 【附属図書館】冬季長期貸出サービスを実施します

 On 2024-11-21 (551 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.