(日本語) 【文学研究科図書館】移転作業による資料の利用制限について(B・D書庫)

 On 2024-05-14 (500 reads)

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(日本語) 【文学研究科図書館】 B・D書庫資料の利用について(2024年度)

 On 2024-03-28 (781 reads)

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KUDH Basics x NDL Lab Workshop (March 27)

 On 2024-03-05 (1279 reads)

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(日本語) 【文学研究科図書館】10月仮移転先開室のご案内(文学部東館3階)

 On 2023-09-22 (917 reads)

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(日本語) 【文学研究科図書館】改修工事による仮移転先資料の利用再開について

 On 2023-08-25 (1362 reads)

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[Library Network] Important Cultural Property "Dainihonshi Hensan Kiroku" Vol.51-55 (G.S. Letters) Newly Released

 On 2023-07-05 (831 reads)

The Graduate School of Letters of Kyoto University and the Kyoto University Museum have been carrying out the restoration and digitization of an important cultural property Dainihonshi hensan kiroku held by the Graduate School of Letters since academic year 2017. 214 images of the restored volumes 51-50 are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.

■Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive
"Important Cultural Property "Dainihonshi Hensan Kiroku" Vol.51-55 (G.S. Letters) Newly Released "

▼Important Cultural Property - Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (G.S. Letters)


[Letters Library]Reopening of the LAJ(The Library of Academic Journals)

 On 2023-07-03 (1545 reads)

LAJ(The Library of Academic Journals) is reopened on July 3, 2023.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused over the long period of time.
Please note that there is a change in the opening hours and location of the library.

Location : Research Bldg. No.5, 1st floor
Open hour : 10:00-18:00


【Letters Library】Notice of Restrictions on Use of Materials Due to Renovation Work

 On 2023-06-20 (1370 reads)



Due to the relocation of materials for the renovation of the Faculty of Arts Bldg.,
the following materials will be unavailable during this period.

  • Operation period: July 18,2023 to August 27
  • Materials covered: Japanese Language and Literature, Philology, Slavic Language and Literature, Trans-cultural Studies, Chinese Language and Literature, History of Chinese Philosophy, American Literature, Oriental History(call number: Ha), Master's and Doctoral Theses.

From August 28 to September 29, staff will be available to pick up materials and loan them out.
We will let you know how to apply later.

It is scheduled to begin use on October 2 at the former site of the LAJ(Letters Library) .


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Five of oriental maps and star charts have been newly released

 On 2023-03-29 (798 reads)

Five of oriental maps and star charts held by the Graduate School of Letters and Science have been newly released.

"混弌歴代國都疆理之圖" was established when a manuscript of a map produced in the Ming dynasty in the 16th century was transmitted to the Joseon dynasty, where the title and a map of the Korean peninsula were added. The material held by the Graduate School Letters is thought to be a manuscript of this. It is a valuable material from which the map and the afterword can be clearly read.

"混弌歴代國都疆理之圖" held by the Graduate School of Letters

“天象列次分野之図” is a stone-engraved star map produced during the reign of King Taejo of the Joseon Dynasty (first engraving), and a facsimile stone monument was produced during the reign of King Sukjong (re-engraving). The materials held by the Graduate School of Letters and the Graduate School of Science are re-engraved rubbings.
The Digital Archive of Rare Materials also has digital images of the first and second engravings in the collection of the Graduate School of Science (Astronomy Dep.). By viewing them side by side, it is possible to see the differences between the first engraving and re-engraving, as well as the differences between the re-engraving rubbings.

”天象列次分野之図" (Left: held by the Graduate School of Letters / Right: held by the Graduate School of Science)

Record ID Title Collection
RB00033993 [天象列次分野之圖] Grad. Sch. Letters
RB00033994 混弌歴代國都疆理之圖 Grad. Sch. Letters
RB00033991 天文圖(南宋淳祐天文圖) Grad. Sch. Science
RB00033992 天象列次分野之圖 Grad. Sch. Science
RB00033954 天文成象 Grad. Sch. Science

天象列次分野之図”, “天文圖” and “天文成象” are from the former collection of Dr. Issei Yamamoto, the first director of the Kwasan Observatory of Kyoto University.

The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.

井上充幸「東アジアにおける楊子器図の展開」(藤井讓治, 杉山正明, 金田章裕編『大地の肖像 : 絵図・地図が語る世界』京都大学学術出版会, 2007)pp. 282-297.

冨田良雄「東洋星図(花山天文台所蔵)」(『静脩』, 51(3), 2014, pp. 4-5.)


Suspension of the use of Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD) in CNKI From April 1, 2023.

 On 2023-03-22 (1825 reads)

KU Library’s access to CNKI will be partially suspended from April 1, 2023 in accordance with the Measures of Data Cross-Border Transfer Assessment and relevant laws effective September 1, 2022 in China. Date of resumption of access will be further notified.

The following content will be suspended, "Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD)" in CNKI.

CNKI  https://chn.oversea.cnki.net/index/

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