(日本語) (締め切りました)【吉田南総合図書館】短期図書館オフィスアシスタント募集のお知らせ(5/31〆切)

 On 2024-05-10 (424 reads)


(日本語) 【吉田南総合図書館】前期オンライン講習会「大学でレポートを書くために」(4/22,4/23)と「パーフェクトなレポート執筆のための引用の書きかた」(4/25,4/26)を開催します

 On 2024-04-05 (356 reads)

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(日本語) 【吉田南総合図書館】春季特別貸出のおしらせ

 On 2024-01-30 (830 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


【Yoshida-South Library】Guidance session on how to write reports(Jan.18th, 19th on Zoom)

 On 2024-01-09 (1172 reads)

Sorry, this content is English only.


(日本語) 【吉田南総合図書館】郵送貸出サービスについて(2023.9現在)

 On 2023-09-07 (900 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


(日本語) 【吉田南総合図書館】夏季休館および事務室休業について

 On 2023-08-07 (632 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Database] "MEMSO : Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online" is available

 On 2023-07-27 (1367 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


(日本語) [吉田南総合図書館]卒論・修論執筆応援キャンペーン~レポート・卒論に役立つ資料集め講座(zoom講習会)~を開催します

 On 2023-06-19 (1156 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


【Yoshida-South Library】Online guidance session for how to write reports / how to write citations for reports

 On 2023-04-14 (889 reads)
Sorry, this session will take place in Japanese only.
Please refer to the following website.

Suspension of the use of Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD) in CNKI From April 1, 2023.

 On 2023-03-22 (1864 reads)

KU Library’s access to CNKI will be partially suspended from April 1, 2023 in accordance with the Measures of Data Cross-Border Transfer Assessment and relevant laws effective September 1, 2022 in China. Date of resumption of access will be further notified.

The following content will be suspended, "Chinese Doctoral and Master Dissertation (CDMD)" in CNKI.

CNKI  https://chn.oversea.cnki.net/index/

Institute for Research in Humanities Library
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