(This page is currently not in use.)The change of service measures to prevent spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The following libraries change some service measures to prevent spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) .
The latest information is provided at the link.

Library Measures Period Last Update Notes
Kyoto University Library Service restrictions (details) May. 8(Fri) 2020 ~ undecidedMay 2, 2023
Yoshida-South Library Any changes to the service will be announced on our website. (details) April 5th(Mon) 2021 for the time being.Jul 27, 2022
The Library of the Graduate School of Letters and Faculty of Letters/The Library of Academic Journals, Graduate School of Letters Normal (details) Oct. 2(Mon) 2023 ~ Nov 10, 2023
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library Service restrictions (details) Aug. 20(Fri) 2021 ~ undecidedAug 20, 2021
Faculty of Law Library Normal (details) May. 8(Mon) 2023 ~Feb 20, 2024
Library of Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Normal (details) Jun. 6(Tue), 2023 ~ Jun 6, 2023
The Faculty of Science Common Library Nomal (details) Jun. 5(Mon) 2023 ~ Jun 5, 2023
Division of Physics and Astronomy , Physics Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science Closed (Division members only) (details) Apr. 25(Sat) 2020 ~ undecidedApr 24, 2020
Division of Physics and Astronomy, Astronomy Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science Only members can enter (details) Aug. 4(Tue) 2020 ~ undecidedAug 3, 2020
Earth and Planetary Sciences Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science Nomal Jun. 5(Mon) 2023~Jun 5, 2023
Division of Chemistry , Chemistry Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science Closed(details) Apr. 1(Thu) 2021 ~ undecidedApr 1, 2021
Division of Biological Sciences, Library of Biological Science, Graduate School / Faculty of Science Service restrictions (details) Nov. 9(Mon) 2020 ~ undecidedNov 5, 2020
The Medical Library Normal (details) May. 8(Mon) 2023 ~May 8, 2023
Library of Human Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine Normal (details) May 8(Mon) 2023~May 8, 2023
The Library of Graduate School / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences Service Ristrictions (details) Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 - undecidedMay 27, 2021
The North Library, Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering Normal (details) Apr. 3(Mon) 2023 ~ Apr 1, 2023
The South Library, Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering Normal (details) Apr. 3(Mon) 2023 ~ Apr 1, 2023
Katsura Library Normal (details) Apr. 3(Mon) 2023 ~ Apr 1, 2023
Uji Library Normal (details) May 8(Mon) 2023 ~ May 8, 2023
Graduate School of Energy Science Library Nomal(details) Aug 21(Mon) 2023 ~Aug 21, 2023
Graduate School of Informatics Library Normal (details) Aug. 21(Mon) 2023 ~Jun 28, 2024
The Library of the Institute for Research in Humanities Service restrictions (details) April. 23(Mon) 2023 ~ undecidedApr 3, 2023
Library, Center for Innovative Informatics of the Humanities, Institute for Research in Humanities Reservation Only (details) May. 8(Man) 2023 ~ May 8, 2023
Library of Institute of Economic Research Service restrictions (details) Oct. 4(Mon.) 2021 ~ undecidedMay 26, 2023
Graduate School/Faculty of Agriculture Library Normal(details) May 8(Mon) 2023 ~May 8, 2023
Library of Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture Normal(details) May 8(Mon) 2023 ~Nov 21, 2023
Library of Center for Southeast Asian Studies Service restrictions (details) Apr. 1(Thu) 2021 ~ undecidedApr 1, 2021
Inuyama Campus Library Normal(details) May. 8(Mon) 2023 ~ Aug 2, 2022
Library of Center for Ecological Research Normal May 8(Man) 2023 -May 8, 2023
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Library Normal (details) May. 8(Mon), 2023~ May 8, 2023
The Library of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics Service restrictions (details) Apr. 1(Sat) 2023 ~ May 7(Sun) 2023Apr 6, 2023
The Library of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences Normal (details) May 8 (Mon.) 2023 -May 8, 2023
Library of the Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
  • Asia: (details)
    • Africa: May. 16 (Tue) 2023~
    • Asia: Mar. 13(Mon) 2023 ~
    May 16, 2023

    Place Measures Period Last Update Notes
    Study Room (Clock Tower Centennial Hall) Closed (details) Closed on Aug. 14(Fri) 2020