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[Workshop]The Cochrane Library(Oct.7)

 On 2015-09-02 (2749 reads)

[Workshop] The Cochrane Library

Important: You need ECS-ID (ex. a0******) or SPS-ID (ex. taro123yoshida) and your password.
The workshop will be conducted in Japanese, however Q&A can be conducted in English.
And, There is English handout.

Date 2015/10/7 Wed. 
Time table 13:15 Open the lecture room
13:30 - 14:30 Primary level
14:30 - 14:45 Break time
14:45 - 15:45 Middle level
*You can attend a part of it 
Primary level

[For Beginners]
Overview of the Cochrane Library / What is systematic review?
How to read a Cochrane Review / Basic search

Middle level 

[For middle level users]
Focus on Advanced Search and MeSH Search
Description of databases other than Cochrane review

Place Media Center Satellite, Faculty of Medicine (Center for Anatomical Studies 2F)
Target Student, Faculty and Staff of Kyoto University 
  • Those who have ECS-ID(ex. a0123456) or SPS-ID (ex. taro123yoshida).
    You need your ID/PW to attend.
Instructor Wiley Japan  Mr.IWASAKI Jiro
Lecture format Practice by PC
Capacity Up to 100 people
Register No need to register beforehand


Questions [until Sep.30]

We would like to gather questions in advance via e-mail until Sep. 30. Please send your questions to email address below.

Medical Library, Kyoto University
TEL: 075-753-4313 MAIL: medlib[at] ([at]→@)
