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Trial Access to the "ProQuest Ebook Central" (20 Oct - 16 Feb 2018)

 On 2018-01-12 (8374 reads)

Main Library has a trial access to the eBooks available on "ProQuest Ebook Central".

ProQuest Ebook Central contains more than 800,000 titles of eBook titles representing a broad range of academic subject matter.

Trial access offer five (5) minutes of reading before you need to request longer use at no charge to you.

If you would like the library to purchase a book, simply click the "Request" button, fill out the quick form, and submit to the Library for approval. Library staff will notify you whether the request is approved or rejected by e-mail.


  • The trial access will be available only "20 Oct - 16 Feb 2018"


  • More than 800,000 titles of eBooks


User guide


Kyoto University Library Electronic Resources Section.

[Electronic Resources Section, Main Library]
