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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 20 rare materials held by the Main Library, including restored “大般若波羅蜜多経”, have become digitally available

 On 2021-03-08 (2487 reads)

Twenty titles of rare materials held by the Main Library, including restored “大般若波羅蜜多経”, have been newly digitized and released. As of March 8, 2021, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,638,715 images of 20,340 titles.

The Main Library’s “大般若波羅蜜多経” (Daihannyaharamitta-kyo or the Mahaprajnaparamita Sutra) in the scroll and folding book forms had long been unavailable for users because of serious worm damage throughout the materials. As the restoration of these materials was completed in the beginning of 2020, we have digitized them and released the images in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.

The restoration was done by using techniques called sukihame (漉き填め) and urauchi (裏打ち). Sukihame is an application of one of the washi-making techniques, nagashisuki (流し漉き), pouring solution including the same fiber as the original paper into its wormholes and tears. The method neither harms the original material, nor affects its color, feel or texture, and above all, it is reversible. On the other hand, urauchi adds a lining made of washi or cloth on the back of the material to support it. It may have an effect to smooth out wrinkles.

The restored materials are now ready for your curious eyes in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.


1) Remove attached parts such as the rod and the cover from the main body. Clean the main body in a dry state (photo above left).
2) After applying sizing agent, clean away all the old mending papers (photo above right).
3) Use the sukihame (photo below left) method to fill in the missing part or apply the urauchi (photo below right) method to reinforce the structure.
4) After drying, connect the papers, cut the edges of the paper to the original size, and restore the material to the original form.



"大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第23" Before (photos left) -> After the restoration (photos right)


Record IDTitleAuthorCollectionCall No
RB00009303 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第17(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/2貴
RB00009307 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第23(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/4貴
RB00009309 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第40(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/6貴
RB00009314 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第162(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/11貴
RB00009321 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第303(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/18貴
RB00009324 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第450(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/21貴
RB00009328 大般若波羅蜜多経 巻第565(唐)玄奘奉詔訳谷村文庫1-23/タ/25貴
RB00013306 三国史記 50巻金富軾奉宣撰一般貴重書(和)5-46/サ/1貴
RB00013309 懲毖録(雑記) 16巻一般貴重書(和)5-46/チ/1貴
RB00013331 大明一統志 90巻一般貴重書(和)5-86/タ/1貴
RB00013390 四種彙粋類纂一般貴重書(和)7-02/シ/2貴
RB00013407 類聚医方一般貴重書(和)7-02/ル/1貴
RB00013444 山草堂集 第1-12帙(第1-10,第11欠,第12-16,第17欠,第18-22,第23-25欠,第26-27)(明)郝敬輯一般貴重書(和)10-02/サ/1貴, 10-02/サ/2貴
RB00013447 百川学海 10集(甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸)(宋)左圭編一般貴重書(和)10-02/ヒ/1貴
RB00013459 芝峯類説 20巻李睟光(朝鮮, 1563-1628) 著一般貴重書(和)10-04/シ/1貴
RB00013464 古言 2巻(明)鄭曉一般貴重書(和)10-06/コ/1貴
RB00013465 丹鉛総録 27巻(明)楊慎撰・梁佐校一般貴重書(和)10-06/タ/1貴
RB00013672 大明一統志 90巻序目1巻(明)李賢等奉敕修一般貴重書(和)5-86/タ/2 貴
RB00013673 雅尚斎遵生八牋 19巻総目1巻(明)高濂撰一般貴重書(和)7-02/シ/19 貴
RB00017448 如如居士語録 三十四巻蔵経書院文庫藏/17/シ/13

