【Library Network】 Library Workshop video clips are available.

 On 2022-11-18 (3811 reads)



Library Network released these video clips. *in Japanese only
1. Copyright law
  (1)Copyright law and your daily life.
        (2)Copyright law and your research paper.

2. How to make the reference list?

Please visit the link below.
※ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.  

Route Map level:  [4] Use and disseminate information suitably (Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

Many other videos for international students are available!

Library Network

MAIL: ref660[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


[Economics Lib.] Online Workshop -"eol" Datebase (Nov 29)

 On 2022-11-07 (887 reads)

The "eol" workshop will be held as follows.
This is a rare opportunity to hear directly from the provider. We look forward to your participation.


Date and Time: Tuesday, November 29th, 12:00-13:15
Method: Online via Zoom
Target: Students and faculty at KU
Lecturer: I-N Information Systems, Ltd.
Contents: Overview of the database "eol" and how to use it

Application form: https://forms.gle/Jj5dYMsJrBaSQzfXA
Application deadline: Monday, November 28th

*The URL to connect will be emailed to applicants before the start of the workshop.
*A recording will be shared at a later date for those who are unable to attend the workshop and wish to do so. Please contact the Library of the Faculty of Economics.

What is "eol"?

It is a comprehensive corporate information database. It contains securities reports, company overviews, financial information, market information, various filings and reports, financial statements, and timely disclosure documents. Useful for job hunting!

■Kyoto University Library -List of Electronic Journals

Recommended for...

  • Researchers and students studying accounting and marketing
  • Students interested in corporate analysis
  • People seeking employment
  • Faculty in charge of employment

Contact Us

Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Library
(TEL) 075-753-3412
(E-mail) 040etsuran*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please change * to @)

[Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Library] (2022.11.7)


【Yoshida-South Library】後期講習会「‐レポート・卒論に役立つ‐資料集め講座」を開催します(オンライン開催)

 On 2022-10-13 (3297 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Main Library] 7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. [Online Workshop]"How to use KULINE" June 24, 12:30- (Japanese Only)

 On 2022-07-11 (1911 reads)

Sorry. This page is Japanese only.


【Library Network】7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "CiNii Research, Web of Science, and EndNote Online"(7/1, 7/5)

 On 2022-07-11 (4360 reads)

poster2022.07.11 update
The recording of the lecture is now available.

(1)CiNii Research(Speaker: Main Library)
(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online(Speaker: Clarivate)

Please see the link below.
※ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.

How can you find academic papers? How can you create a list of references easily?
These workshops will tell you how to find academic papers with database "Web of Science" and "CiNii Research", and how to make citation lists with "EndNote Online".
Library Network Online Workshop
"Web of Science, CiNii Research, EndNote Online"
*These workshops is held in Japanese only.
(1)CiNii Research
Date:July 1, 2022(Fri.) 17:00-17:45
Route Map level:
(2)Obtain information accurately(Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online
Date:July 5, 2022(Tue.) 17:00-17:45
Speaker:Ms. Kumagai (Clarivate)
Route Map level: (2)Obtain information accurately(Intermediate, (3)Evaluate, organize, and manage information(Advanced)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

[Place] Both workshops are held in online.

Application form:

*Please apply by 17:00 the day before.
*We will share the recording later

Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: KU Main Library
MAIL: ref660[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


【Yoshida-South Library: Online guidance session】 How to write a report(4/21,4/22) and How to cite references (4/25,27)

 On 2022-04-13 (2275 reads)

Sorry, this session is Japanese only. 


[Economics Lib.] Online Workshop -"eol" Datebase (April 22)

 On 2022-04-08 (1027 reads)

The "eol" workshop will be held as follows.
This is a rare opportunity to hear directly from the provider. We look forward to your participation.


Date and Time: Friday, April 22, 13:15-14:45
Method: Online via Zoom
Target: Students and faculty at KU
Lecturer: I-N Information Systems, Ltd.
Contents: Overview of the database "eol" and how to use it

Application form: https://forms.gle/MxUMM4sfnsX8nb687
Application deadline: Thursday, April 21

*The URL to connect will be emailed to applicants before the start of the workshop.
*A recording will be shared at a later date for those who are unable to attend the workshop and wish to do so. Please contact the Library of the Faculty of Economics.

What is "eol"?

It is a comprehensive corporate information database. It contains securities reports, company overviews, financial information, market information, various filings and reports, financial statements, and timely disclosure documents. Useful for job hunting!

■Kyoto University Library -List of Electronic Journals

Recommended for...

  • Researchers and students studying accounting and marketing
  • Students interested in corporate analysis
  • People seeking employment
  • Faculty in charge of employment

Contact Us

Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Library
(TEL) 075-753-3412
(E-mail) 040etsuran*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please change * to @)

[Graduate School of Economics and Faculty of Economics Library] (2022.4.8)



[Library Network] Workshop: What is a conference presentation? -Graduate students' presentation experiences- (Feb 9)

 On 2022-01-31 (1841 reads)

What is a conference presentation? -Graduate students' presentation experiences-

Learning Support Desk provides the workshop to talk about an academic conference on February 9th. Please feel free to join us.

Reservation: Click here to make a reservation.
-Please register by 17:00 one day before the desired date.

*The language of the workshop: Japanese (You can ask the question in English)
*The workshop won't be recorded.
*If you have any questions about not only this workshop but also learning, please feel free to ask Learning Support Desk!

Date and Contents:

■What is a conference presentation? -Graduate students' presentation experiences-
Date: 2022/2/9 Wed. 15: 00-16:00
Place: The workshop is held in online (through Zoom).
Human & Env D2
Speaker: ASAFAS D2, Economics D2 and Informatics D3
Route Map level: (4) Use and disseminate information suitably, Practical Research 
(Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)



Recommended for: Undergraduate students and graduate students interested in conference and conference presentation

User Support Section, Main Library
Email: ref660 [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

[User Support Section, Main Library]


【Yoshida-South Library】 Quick review of academic writing (2/7,10)

 On 2022-01-25 (2328 reads)

Sorry this session is Japanese only. 


【Workshop】1/14: The recordings of the lectures are available now. / November 1st - 11th "Learning Support Weeks for International Students" - Learning Support Desk presents -

 On 2022-01-14 (4564 reads)

Learning Support Weeks for International Students


유학생 학습 집중 지원 주간

2022.01.14 update
The recordings of the lectures "Learning Support Weeks for International Students" are now ready to watch!

(3)실험 레포트 작성 방법
(4)What is Scientific Presentation
(5)LaTex hands-on tutorial
(6)Let's explore Japanese Conferences
(7)Let's enjoy e-resources

Please click the below URL to access them.
*You must log in with your ECS-ID or SPS-ID.

We hope they help your learning and studying.

-----Learning Support Weeks for International Students-----

Learning Support Desk provides special learning support for international students during the following period.
We also hold English lectures as follows.
○The lectures will be recorded and open to the members of Kyoto University.
○If you have any questions about not only this workshop but also learning, please feel free to ask Learning Support Desk!

Date: Nov.1(Mon) - Nov.11(Thu), 2021
Place: The lectures are held in person (at Workshop Room of Main Library, up to first five people) and online (through Zoom).
Reservation: Click here to make a reservation.

-Please register by 17:00 one day before the desired date.

1. What is Scientific Presentation (All in English)
 Do you really know how to present your result? If you find it’s difficult to deliver your idea? We will be giving a lecture about scientific presentation at 11/5 from the introduction to the conclusion.
 For Students who wish to improve their presentation skills
      Nov.5 (Fri) 16:45-17:25, 18:15-18:55
      Speaker: Engineering D1
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Advanced ※

2. LaTex hands-on tutorial (All in English)
 Are you new to LaTeX? This mini-lecture gives a short introduction to LaTeX and a step-by-step guide to complete your minimal LaTeX report with math formulas and figures.
 For a student who wants to start mastering LaTeX or a novice LaTeX user who needs help in basic usage
      Nov.10(Wed) 13:30-14:15, 15:00-15:45
      Speaker: Informatics D3 
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Intermediate ※

3. Let's explore Japanese Conferences (All in English)
 For people who have never experienced Japanese conferences, you could get to know how to find conference information and what you need to concern before and after joining the conference in this workshop!
 For 3rd-4th year Undergraduate Students, Graduate foreign Students
      Nov.10(Wed) 16:45-17:15、18:25-18:55
      Speaker: Economics D2
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Advanced ※

4. Let's enjoy e-resources (All in English)
 I’ll explain the basics of how to find and use e-books, e-journals, and databases that Kyoto University offers.
 For students who want to learn how to access e-resources
      Nov.11(Thu) 13:30-14:00, 15:00-15:30
      Speaker: Science M2
      Route Map level: (1)Plan for academic information seeking, Foundational ※

Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

Host: Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: User Support Section, Main Library
Email: ref660 (at mark) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


Learning Support Desk将在以下时间内举办中文学习讲座,欢迎大家积极参与。
○If you have any questions about not only this workshop but also learning, please feel free to ask Learning Support Desk!

申请:请点击这里! *The link is the English and Japanese page.

1. 一小时,理解日语论文写作要领(上、下)
 For 修士1、2年级的中国人留学生
      时间:2021年11月1日(周一)(上)16:45-17:15, (下)17:30-18:00
         2021年11月8日(周一)(上)16:45-17:15, (下)17:30-18:00
         ※The contents of the two days are the same.
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Advanced ※

2. 日语学术写作经验分享
 For 本科在读与硕士在读的中国留学生
      时间:2021年11月2日(周二)16:45-17:15 / 18:25-18:55
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Advanced ※

Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

Email: ref660 (at mark) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

-----유학생 학습 집중 지원 주간-----

Learning Support Desk에서는 다음 기간 동안 유학생 지원을 강화합니다.
기간 중 한국어로 강좌를 개최합니다.
○강의는 녹화되어, 추후 학내 한정으로 공개할 예정입니다.
○If you have any questions about not only this workshop but also learning, please feel free to ask Learning Support Desk!

장소:부속 도서관 3층 강습회실 (최대 다섯 명)과 온라인(Zoom)으로 개최됩니다
사전 신청:온라인 사전신청 바로가기 (바로가기) *The link is the English and Japanese page.
*개최 전날 17:00까지 온라인으로 사전 접수해 주십시오.

실험 레포트 작성 방법
 실험수업을 들은 다음 제출해야하는 실험 레포트. 그 실험 레포트를 어떻게 써야하는지 이야기합니다.
 대상 : 이공계열 학부생
      2021년11월5일(금)13:30-14:00 / 15:00-15:30
      담당:의학연구과 M2
      Route Map level: (4)Use and disseminate information suitably, Beginner, Intermediate ※

Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network

주최:교토대학 도서관기구
문의처:부속도서관 이용지원과
Email: ref660 (at mark) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Email: ref660 (at mark) mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp