Newspapers - List of Japanese Newspapers

*List of KU libraries

Title Type Library (*) Storage Period
Asahi Shinbun National Kyoto University Library 1year
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library 3 months
The Faculty of Science Common Library 1 month
Medical Library 2 months
Katsura Library 1 month
Graduate School/Faculty of Agriculture Library 2 weeks
The Library of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences 1 week
Sankei Shinbun National Kyoto University Library 1 year
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Katsura Library1 month
Nikkei Shinbun National Kyoto University Library 1 year
Uji Library2 months
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
The Faculty of Science Common Library 1 month
Katsura Library1 month
Mainichi Shinbun National Kyoto University Library 1 year
Uji Library2 months
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library 3 months
Katsura Library1 month
The Library of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences1 week
Yomiuri Shinbun National Kyoto University Library 1 year
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library 3 months
Katsura Library1 month
Kyoto Shinbun Local Kyoto University Library 1 year
Uji Library2 months
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library 3 months
The Faculty of Science Common Library 1 month
Medical Library2 months
Katsura Library1 month
Graduate School/Faculty of Agriculture Library2 weeks
The Library of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences1 week
Medical Tribune Specialized Medical Library3 years
Kagaku Shinbun Specialized Uji Library2 months
Division of Physics and Astronomy , Physics Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science1 year
Division of Biological Sciences, Library of Biological Science, Graduate School / Faculty of Science1 week
The Library of Graduate School / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences3 months
The South Library, Graduate School of Engineering and Faculty of Engineering3 months
The Library of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics3 months
Library of Center for Ecological Research1 year
Kyoiku Gakujyutsu Shinbun Specialized Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library Permanent
Shukan Igakukai Shinbun Specialized Medical Library1 year
Zenkoku Nogyo Shinbun Specialized Library of Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture1 year
Chugai Nippo Specialized The Library of the Institute for Research in HumanitiesPermanent
Denki Shinbun Specialized Library, Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science, Kyoto University3 years
Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun Specialized Kyoto University Library 1 year
Uji Library2 months
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
Katsura Library1 month
Graduate School/Faculty of Agriculture Library2 weeks
Nikkei Sangyo Shinbun Specialized Kyoto University Library 1 year
Nippon Kyoiku Shinbun Specialized Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library 1 year
Nippon Syokuryo Shinbun Specialized Library of Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture1 year
Nippon Nogyo Shinbun Specialized Library of Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture1 year
Yakuji Nippo Specialized The Library of Graduate School / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences3 months
Shukan Dokushojin Book Review Yoshida-South Library 2 years
The Library of the Institute for Research in Humanities1 year
Tosho Shinbun Specialized Yoshida-South Library 2 year
Graduate School of Education and Faculty of Education Library Permanent
The Library of the Institute for Research in Humanities1 year
Kyoto Daigaku Shinbun University Kyoto University Library Permanent
Library of Center for Ecological Research3 months
Japan Times English Kyoto University Library 1 year
Uji Library2 months
Yoshida-South Library 1 year
The Faculty of Science Common Library 1 month
Medical Library2 months
Katsura Library1 month
【Kyoto University Library, Library Planning Section】Last update: 2024.07.22