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KURENAI Deposit System officially started

 On 2017-04-27 (15646 reads)

KURENAI Deposit System, which trial phase was launched on March 24 2016, officially started its service on April 1, 2017.

KURENAI Deposit System:

The KURENAI Deposit System has been created to promote depositing articles covered by "Kyoto University Open Access Policy*".

The system uses Scopus data and researchmap data.
This system is available to Kyoto university faculty and staff with SPS-ID.

Kyoto University Library Network > About Open Access >  KURENAI Deposit System


*"Kyoto University Open Access Policy".

This policy provides that faculty members shall publicize in principle their academic articles on the Internet by depositing them in "Kyoto University Research Information Repository KURENAI".

Kyoto University Library Network >  About Open Access >  Kyoto University Open Access Policy


Contact : Academic Support Section, Academic Support Division, Kyoto Library
