KURENAI Deposit System

KURENAI Deposit System is a system for applying for registration of papers subject to the Open Access Policy in the Kyoto University Repository for Academic Information, KURENAI.
The system obtains article data from the abstract and citation database Web of Science and the researcher database researchmap.

The KURENAI Publication Support System is available to faculty members who have an SPS-ID.
*Faculty and staff who do not have an SPS-ID or who have trouble using the KURENAI Publication Support System should follow the instructions for the registration procedure and complete the “Application for Registration” form.

■Please click this icon to log in.

(Reference Information)

Manual of KURENAI Deposit System

1. Login

Log in to the KURENAI Deposit System.

① Enter your SPS-ID and Password to login.


② KURENAI Deposit System home screen will open.

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2. Submit your paper for publication

The KURENAI Deposit System works with Web of Science and researchmap to retrieve data on papers and display them in a list. The application procedure differs depending on whether the article is displayed in the list or not.

After the application for publication is submitted, the copyright will be checked by the library and the article will be published on KURENAI one by one.

[1]When you find the paper you wish to submit for publication in the list on the Home page or the Register for Diversion page.

① Click on the "Register with KURENAI" button to the right of the paper you wish to apply for KURENAI publication.

If the article has been assigned a DOI (10.*****/******), enter the DOI and click "Complete bibliographic information from DOI" to complete it automatically. The DOI will be automatically completed.

Drag and drop the manuscript file of the relevant paper into the item "Paper File (required)".

Please attach the author's final manuscript (not the version that has been layout- proofread by the publisher and published in the journal, but the finalized manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted by the publisher).

What is the author's final manuscript?https://www.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp/content0/13091

In some cases, the publisher's version (the version that the publisher proofread the layout and published in the journal) can be used for KURENAI publication, in which case the library will replace it.

However, if the file size exceeds 5 GB for a single file, please contact us in advance; it may not be able to be registered in KURENAI as is.

④ If you have appendix data such as charts and tables, drag and drop them into the item "Paper Appendix Data File".

If you wish to publish your research data (source data) on a separate screen from your paper, please register it by clicking [Register research data as well] on the completion screen after submitting your paper.

If you wish to publish your research data (source data) on a separate screen from your paper, please register it by clicking [Register research data as well] on the completion screen after submitting your paper.

What happens if I register my research data on a separate screen?

・DOI can be assigned to individual research data (data on which papers are based). Detailed information such as conditions for secondary use can be given.

・KURENAI can obtain a secret URL that can only be shared with reviewers before publication.

For more information, please refer to "Publishing Research Data (Evidence Data for Articles) with DOIs in KURENAI".


Confirm the item "Agreement (required)" and check the box.

I agree to the publication of this information in KURENAI.

Kyoto University Academic Information Repository Operation Guideline is here.

※Please make sure that there are no problems after the publication of KURENAI, such as obtaining the consent of the co-author(s).

Click "Confirm your entry" to go to the entry confirmation

If there are no errors, click "Register with this information. This completes the KURENAI registration application. The data will be moved to the left menu column, "Open to the public".

After that, the library will confirm the copyright and release KURENAI to the public. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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[2]When submitting a paper for publication that is not on the list

If there is no article you wish to submit to the KURENAI Deposit System, you can apply for publication from "New Registration".

From the home screen after logging in, click "New Registration" in the left menu column.

Click the "Register a new paper" button on the New Paper Registration screen to open the New Paper Registration

If the article has a DOI (10.*****/******), enter the DOI and click "Complete bibliographic information from DOI" to automatically complete the information.

Drag and drop the manuscript file of the paper into the "Paper File (required)" field.

Please attach the author's final manuscript (not the version that has been layout- proofread by the publisher and published in the journal, but the finalized manuscript that has been peer-reviewed and accepted by the publisher).

What is the author's final manuscript?

In some cases, the publisher's version (the version that the publisher proofread the layout and published in the journal) can be used for KURENAI publication, in which case the library will replace it.

However, if the file size exceeds 5 GB for a single file, please contact us in advance; it may not be able to be registered in KURENAI as is.

If you have appendix data such as charts and tables, drag and drop them into the item "Paper Appendix Data File".

If you wish to publish your research data (source data) on a separate screen from your paper, please register it by clicking [Register research data as well] on the completion screen after submitting your paper.

What happens if I register my research data on a separate screen?

・DOI can be assigned to individual research data (data on which papers are based). Detailed information such as conditions for secondary use can be given.

・KURENAI can obtain a secret URL that can only be shared with reviewers before publication.

For more information, please refer to "Publishing Research Data (Evidence Data for Articles) with DOIs in KURENAI".


Confirm the item "Agreement (required)" and check the

I agree to the publication of this information in KURENAI.

Kyoto University Academic Information Repository Operation Guideline is here.

Please make sure that there are no problems after the publication of KURENAI, such as obtaining the consent of the co-author(s).

Click "Confirm your entry" to go to the entry confirmation

If all the information entered is correct, click on "Register with this information". This completes the KURENAI registration application. The data will be moved to the left menu column, "Open to the public".

After that, the library will confirm the copyright and release KURENAI to the public. If you have any questions, please contact us.

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3. Apply for publication of your research data

In the KURENAI publication support system, you can also register and apply for publication of your research data and the evidence data of your thesis.
After the application is submitted, the library will work on it and release it to KURENAI sequentially.
For more information, please refer to "Publishing Research Data (Evidence Data for Articles) with DOIs in KURENAI".

[1] For immediate registration and publication

① Please check if there are any problems with the release of research data and data on which the paper is based using the "Check Flow Before Release of Research Data". Please pay particular attention to the protection of personal information.

②After logging in, click "New Registration" in the left menu column from the home screen.

Click the "Register Research Data" button on the New Registration screen to open the New Research Data Registration

Attach files of research data and evidence data for the paper to "File (required)" by drag & drop. Multiple files can be attached at the same

・We recommend that you use only one-byte alphanumeric characters (and some one-byte symbols such as hyphens and underscores) in file names, and not double-byte characters. If double-byte characters are used, file names may be garbled when data is transferred.

・There are no restrictions on file format, but the following formats are generally recommended.

 ・Format independent of specific commercial software

 ・Format for which specifications are internationally standardized

 ・Widely used format

・ZIP files and other files that have been compressed together can also be registered.

・Multiple files can be registered in a single content (a unit to which metadata is assigned, with a URL for each content). There is no limit to the number of files that can be registered.

・If you wish to grant DOIs, please keep in mind that one DOI can be granted per content (one URL), and consider the granularity of registration (what range of content is considered one content).

・It is recommended to prepare a "README file" that describes the contents and structure of the data file.

・If the data size is too large, registration may not be possible. If the total size of your data will be more than 5 GB, please contact us before submitting your application.

Enter the following items: "Title of data (required)," "Author (required)," "Keywords (required)," "Content description/supplementary explanation (required)," "Title of the article from which this data was taken (if any)," and "DOI/URL (if any).

⑥ If you want to register and publish KURENAI immediately, select "Do not obtain" in the item "Obtain Secret URL".

⑦ Select "Immediately" or "Specify a date" for the item "File release start date (required)".

・If you select "Immediately," KURENAI will release the information as soon as it is ready at the library after registration.
・If you select "Date", the library will set the date to publish KURENAI on that date.

⑧ Please select the item "Conditions for secondary use (required)" from the pull-down menu.

About the CC license https://creativecommons.jp/licenses/

The public page of the research (basis for the paper) data will be displayed as follows

In accordance with the Kyoto University Research Data Management and Dissemination Policy, the right to manage and disseminate research data rests with the researcher, creator, or person responsible for research data management. The license of the terms and conditions of use of this publicly available research data is (selected terms and conditions of use license). Please clearly indicate the source of this data for any secondary use or publication."


⑨ Check each of the four items "Confirmation items (required)" and check the box.

・The data does not contain any personal information, information related to legal issues such as security export control, inventions for which applications are to be filed, or confidential corporate information.

・It does not include content that is restricted from being made publicly available due to contracts with funding agencies or companies, or due to legal or ethical requirements of the research community in the field.

・The release of the data is subject to the agreement of all the parties who have rights to the data.

・There are no restrictions on downloading this data.

⑩Under item "Obtain DOI," select "Obtain" or "Do not obtain.

If "Retrieve" is selected, a DataCite DOI will be assigned (https://doi.org/10.57723/kds****).

【Note】Note: However, it takes about one week after KURENAI's release for the DOI to become effective (link resolution).

Clicking on "Confirm your entry" will take you to the entry confirmation screen.

⑫If the information entered is correct, click "Register with this information. This completes the KURENAI registration application. The data will be moved to the left menu column, "Open to the public".

After that, the library will confirm the copyright and release KURENAI to the public. If you have any questions, please contact us.

[2] If you want to share with reviewers only first, and then publish on KURENAI after peer review

If you would like to share the data on the basis of your paper with reviewers only before publication (during writing), you can use the secret URL function. A temporary secret URL will be generated for peer review, so please send the URL to the editorial office.

The secret URL is only a temporary feature that is subject to KURENAI publication. Please apply for KURENAI registration and publication as soon as the peer review process is completed (as soon as your paper is accepted and published).

Steps (1) through (5) are the same as in [1] Register and publish immediately.


⑥If you want to share only with reviewers first, select "Obtain" in the item "Obtain Secret URL". The default value for the expiration date is 3 months later. Edit it as necessary (up to 1 year later can be set).

⑦ If you select "Get Secret URL", the item "File Publication Start Date (required)" will only be "Undecided".

As soon as the peer review is finished (as soon as the paper is accepted and published), please apply for KURENAI registration and publication.

⑧ Please select the item "Conditions for secondary use (required)" from the pull-down menu.

About the CC license https://creativecommons.jp/licenses/

The public page of the research (basis for the paper) data will be displayed as follows

In accordance with the Kyoto University Research Data Management and Dissemination Policy, the researcher/creator/research data manager has the right to manage and disseminate the research data. The license of the terms and conditions of use of this publicly available research data is (selected terms and conditions of use license). Please clearly indicate the source of this data for any secondary use or publication."



⑨ Check each of the four items "Confirmation items (required)" and check the box.

・The research data does not contain any personal information, matters related to legal issues such as security export control, inventions for which applications are to be filed, or confidential corporate information.

・It does not include content that is restricted from being made publicly available due to contracts with funding agencies or companies, or due to legal or ethical requirements of the research community in the field.

・The release of the data is subject to the agreement of all the parties who have rights to the data.

・There are no restrictions on downloading this data.


⑩Under item "Obtain DOI," select "Obtain" or "Do not obtain.

If "Retrieve" is selected, a DataCite DOI will be assigned (https://doi.org/10.57723/kds****).

【Note】However, it takes about one week after KURENAI is published for the DOI to become effective (link resolution). DOIs will not be valid while using the Secret URL function.

⑪ Clicking on "Confirm your entry" will take you to the entry confirmation screen.

If there are no errors, click "Save with this information and retrieve the secret URL". The data will be moved to the left menu column "Under Review".

Secret URL will be issued. Please send this URL to the Journal Editor.

【Note】Anyone who obtains the secret URL can access this data, so please handle the secret URL with care.

On the Secret URL screen, only the download button, expiration date, and number of downloads are displayed.

Once the secret URL expires, the research data on the secret URL will be automatically deleted. Automatically deleted research data cannot be returned.

※For other details such as DOIs obtained, please refer to [Under Review].


⑮After the peer review is finished, select the relevant data from "Under Review" in the left menu column to display "Details".

Click "Register with this information" on the detail screen to complete the KURENAI public submission. If you need to update the file, please let the library know by clicking "Contact Us" on the right side of the screen.

Thereafter, the library will do the preparatory work for publication and make KURENAI available to the public. If you have any questions, please contact us.

4. Application on behalf of a client

The registration application proxy requestor (author) registers a proxy entrant so that the proxy entrant can apply for registration on behalf of the author.

① Click the [Register/Delete proxy] button on the list screen.

② Enter the proxy's SPS-ID in the “SPS-ID” field on the registration screen, and click the “Register” button to register. When the proxy is added to the list of registered proxy inputters, click the X button in the upper right corner to close the screen and return to the list screen.

③ After registering a proxy, log in with the proxy's SPS-ID, and a “Delegate” button will appear at the top of the list screen. Click on this button to start proxy entry.

④ Select the faculty member to be substituted and click the “Substitute” button.

⑤ The List of Delegate Requestors screen will open, and the registration application process will be performed.


Application and Inquiries: Repository Section, Kyoto University Library
repository at mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp TEL: 075-753-2618
