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[E-Resource] Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996 is available!

 On 2021-01-21 (3987 reads)


Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996

We are pleased to announce that "Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996" has been added to our online collection as Special Collections in 2019 and 2020 (provided by Graduate School of Science).

The archive is a major resource for History of Science courses and also covers major works in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Maths and the broad interdisciplinary studies for which the Royal Society journals are so well known. (Ref. : )

1. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665-1886)
2. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (1887-1996)
Subject: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
3. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (1887-1996)
Subject: Biological Sciences
4. Proceedings of the Royal Society (1854-1905)

5. Proceedings of the Royal Society A (1905-1996)
Subject: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science
6. Proceedings of the Royal Society B (1905-1996)
Subject: Biological Sciences
7. Philosophical Collections (1679-1682)
8. Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1800-1843)
9. Abstracts of the Papers Communicated at the Royal Society (1843-1854)
10. Obituaries/Biographical Memoirs (1932-1996)
11. Notes and Records (1938-1996)

How to use
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Ref.: How to use e-resources


Library Section, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
050tosho [at]
