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[Main Library] The library hours will be changed from August 24.

 On 2020-08-06 (3961 reads)

The library hours will be changed from August 24 as follows:

  • Weekdays: 9:00 - 17:00
  • Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays: closed
Please refer to the following website for details:
Kyoto University Library Network > Hours > Main Library

Preventive measures required when visiting the Main Library (Jump to the end of this news. Read the notice before visiting the library.)

  • Reading Room
    Reading rooms will be closed from August 24.
  • Study Room 24
    Study Room 24 will be closed from August 24.

Learning Commons and all the areas on the 3rd floor (Media Commons, Media Theatre, Common Study Room, Study Cubicles and OSL(Open Space Laboratory)) are not available.


  1. Borrowing of the Main Library's items

    *As for the book delivery service, please refer to the following website:
    [Main Library] Book delivery service for KU members

    • Hours
      • Weekdays: 9:00 - 17:00
             Open shelves: 9:00 - 17:00
             Stack rooms: 9:00 - 16:00
      • Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays: closed
    • How to borrow library items
      • Users can access shelves on the 1st and 2nd floors and in stack rooms of basements and take library items to borrow them by a self-borrowing machine on the 1st floor.
        Please find library items to borrow by searching Kyoto University's OPAC KULINE before visiting the library, in order to make the visit to the library as short as possible. (See How to use KULINE in English.)
      • The numbers of items users can borrow, the borrowing periods and the times to extend the periods are as follows.
        Type of items

        Borrowing period

        Number of items

        Times to extend the period

        Items from the open shelves

        2 weeks

        Up to 10 (increased from 5 of the normal rule)

        Up to 5 times

        Items from the stack rooms

        1 month

        Students: up to 10
        Faculty: up to 30

        Up to 2 times


        2 weeks

        Up to 5

        Up to 5 times

        books bound in traditional Japanese stylesUnavailable
      • Users can extend the borrowing period through MyKULINE to up to three months (five times for items from open shelves, twice for items from stack rooms and five times for journals), unless other users have reserved them.
      • Return library items to the book drop next to the main entrance. If you need to get items immediately processed, please use a self-returning machine on the 1st floor.
      • Users can also return the Main Library's items by postal mail or other delivery services. Items borrowed from libraries other than the Main Library are excluded.
        Sending Address: User Support Division, Kyoto University Main Library
        Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
        TEL 075-753-2632
        - Pack library items appropriately so that they are not damaged in transit.
        - Specify on the package that library items are inside.
        - Users are to pay the delivery fee.
        - Keep the copy of the delivery invoice in case of accidents.
  2. Microfilm readers
    Hours: 9:00-12:00, 13:00-16:45 weekdays
    * Do not use a reader for more than two hours.
    * Application is required at the service counter.
    * Wash and disinfect your hands before using a reader.
  3. Borrowing and document delivery service from KU libraries other than the Main Library
    • Please understand that your application may take more time to be processed than usual or even be canceled, because many libraries are now closed responding to the declaration of the state of emergency.
    • You can pick up delivered items at the Main Library's service counter.
    • Return items borrowed from KU libraries other than the Main Library at the Main Library’s service counter.
  4. Borrowing and document delivery service from libraries outside Kyoto University
    • The same rules as the above 2. apply.
    • Return items borrowed from libraries outside Kyoto University at the Main Library’s service counter.
  5. NDL’s digitized contents and historical recordings collection transmission service
    Hours: 9:00-11:45, 13:00-16:45 weekdays
    * Do not use the service for more than two hours.
    * Application is required at the service counter.
    * Wash and disinfect your hands before using a reader.
    * When using NDL’s historical recordings collection transmission service, bring your own headphone.
    * Please refer to this site for more details.
  6. Registration of library user cards
    Library user cards will be issued to Kyoto University members who are not issued with student/faculty/staff IC cards that also work as library user cards. Some types of IC cards may need to be registered as library user cards. Please refer to the following website for details:
    Kyoto University Library Network > Service > Service Guide
  7. Registration of MyKULINE accounts
    Users can apply for online services such as reservation for library items, borrowing period extension and document delivery through MyKULINE. Please refer to the following website for details:
    Kyoto University Library Network > Service > Guide to Kyoto University Library Network Online Services

We are also accepting registration of library user cards and MyKULINE accounts via email from May 8 until further notice. Please send the following application form and a photo of your ID card that shows the period of your affiliation with the university (eg. student/faculty IC card, working conditions notice, etc.) to application660[at] (replace [at] with @).
Kyoto University Library Card Registration Form
MyKULINE Registration Form
・Kyoto University Library > Service > Library Application Forms

Preventive Measures Required When Visiting the Main Library
In order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus, please continue to act carefully.
- Avoid using public transportation during peak hours.
- Wear a mask.
- Keep a social distance from other users and avoid long face-to-face conversations.
- Leave the library immediately after borrowing library items.
- Users might be required to wait outside the library when there are already many people inside.

User Support Division

