[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 54 Zokyo Shoin-Bon And 20 Nichizo-Bon (Unpublished) Of Zokyo Shoin Collection Have Been Newly Digitized And Released

 On 2019-11-20 (2920 reads)

Zokyo Shoin Collection consists of Buddhist sutras and books collected from the archives of temples by a publisher in Kyoto, Zokyo Shoin and is categorized in four sections: “Zokyo Shoin-bon”, “Nichizo-bon (published)”, “Nichizo-bon (unpublished)” and “Shinshu-bon”. Among these, 54 items from “Zokyo Shoin-bon” and 20 “Nichizo-bon (unpublished)” have been newly digitized and released. As of November 20, 2019, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,290,729 images of 14,328 titles.

Zokyo Shoin-bon is a collection of Buddhist sutras and books used as original text for Dainihon Zoku Zokyo, which was compiled under the leadership of Tatsue Nakano (1871-1934) and published by Zokyo Shoin from April 1905 to 1912. Dainihon Zoku Zokyo consists of 750 volumes of Buddhist sutras and books in 50 cases selected from 6,957 volumes of original texts written by over 950 Buddhists collected from the archives of temples. Zoku Zokyo includes many noted writings by Indian or Chinese Buddhists, which previously published Dainihon Kotei Kunten Daizokyo did not cover.

Nichizo-bon (unpublished) is composed of the books on Japanese Buddhism collected for a planned but unrealized sequel to Nihon Daizokyo, a Zokyo in 48 volumes compiled in Japan including writings by more than 300 Japanese Buddhists. The collection includes writings by Buddhist priests of great learning of every Japanese Buddhist sect.

The digitization of part of the materials released this time is supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (JP19HP8002).



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 92 Items From Shimada Bankon's Shugendo Collection "Shimada Collection" Newly Released

 On 2019-11-20 (2318 reads)

Ninety-two items from Shimada Bankon's Shugendo Collection "Shimada Collection" have been newly digitized and released.

▼Shimada Collection

"Shimada Collection" is a unique collection of books on Shugendo, Japanese mountain asceticism-shamanism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts, into which Shimada Bankon (島田蕃根; 1827-1907), a buddhologist during the Meiji era, combined documents handed down through the Shimada family and his own collection.

Shimada Bankon was born in Tokuyama, currently Yamaguchi Prefecture, in 1827 and died of an illness in Kyoto at the age of 81 in 1907. Having learned Shugendo and Buddhism in Hieizan and Miidera respectively, he was well-informed about each sect of Buddhism. In the beginning of the Meiji era, he returned to secular life and became a professor at Kojokan (興譲館), a domain school of the Mori family. He came up with a plan to publish Daizokyo (大蔵経; reduced-size ed.) and established Kokyo-shoin (弘教書院) with Fukuda Gyokai (福田行誡; 1809-1888) in 1879. In five years of hard work, the large-scale enterprise resulted in the publication of 419 volumes of Daizokyo. He is also well known for his enthusiasm to collect and preserve Buddhism books.

The Main Library of Kyoto University takes part as a core university in the "Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts (NIJL-NW project)" led by the National Institute of Japanese Literature, which supports the digitization of the 92 books released this time.




[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: A new collection "Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)" newly released

 On 2019-10-30 (4892 reads)

A new collection "Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)" of 592 books has been released. This collection consists of books on Wasan, or Japanese mathematics, including astronomy, Chinese classics, as well as Western mathematics held by the Department of Mathematics, Mathematics Library, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.

▼Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)

Wasan, or Japanese mathematics, developed in Japan independently from the Western mathematics, through the Edo Period and the Meiji Era. It has fostered many math enthusiasts among general Japanese people and a custom called Sangaku hono (算額奉納), dedication of Ema (votive picture of a horse) to shrines when difficult problems were solved, became popular. The collection includes Jinko-ki (塵劫記), an introductory book that triggered enthusiasm in mathematics among Japanese people, and Katsuyo Sanpo (括要算法), a posthumous collection of Seki Takakazu's works.

Many books that have played significant roles in the progress of Western mathematics are also available: Euclid's Elementorum, Apollonius’s Conicorum, and Diophantus’s Arithmeticorum (our holding is the same edition as the one on which Fermat wrote the famous "Last Theorem" in the margin). Anyone who is interested in mathematics can enjoy the development of mathematics through these books.

The digital archive provides 1,262,613 images of 14,162 titles as of October 30, 2019.

筭爼 5巻
筭爼 5巻
Apollonii Pergæi conicorum libri octo...
Apollonii Pergæi conicorum libri octo



Service restored -[Maintenance] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (September 11, 2019)

 On 2019-09-11 (2637 reads)

The maintenance work was completed (2019/09/11 11:10) and the service has been restored.

Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive will suspend its service due to the system maintenance for about an hour from 10:00am, September 11, 2019. The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed.

Thank you for your understanding.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 『東文選』『續東文選』『日用冊』 from Kawai Collection released

 On 2019-07-30 (3849 reads)

Forty-nine items from Kawai Collection digitized under the joint project by the Main Library and the Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and RIKS, Korea University have been released. The digital archive provides 1,164,364 images of 13,575 titles as of July 30, 2019.


Record IDTitleAuthorCollectionCall Number
RB00023565동문선(東文選)徐, 居正||서, 거정Kawai Collection河合文庫/ト/32
RB00023566속동문선(續東文選)申, 用漑||신, 용개Kawai Collection河合文庫/ト/32
RB00023589정묘정월일위시(丁卯正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028368동문선(東文選)徐, 居正||서, 거정Kawai Collection河合文庫/ト/32
RB00028369동문선(東文選)徐, 居正||서, 거정Kawai Collection河合文庫/ト/32
RB00028370정축정월일위시(丁丑正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028371정해정월일위시(丁亥正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028372정유정월일위시(丁酉正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028373정미정월일위시(丁未正月日爲始) 대길신(大吉辰) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028374무진정월일위시(戊辰正月日爲始) 일용대방책(日用大房冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028375무자정월일위시(戊子正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028376무술정월일위시(戊戌正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028377무신정월일(戊申正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028378기사정월일위시(己巳正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028379기묘정월일위시(己卯正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028380기축정월일위시(己丑正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028381기해정월일위시(己亥正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028382기유정월일(己酉正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028383신미정월일위시(辛未正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028384신미정월일위시(辛巳正月日爲始) 일용(日用)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028385신묘정월일위시(辛卯正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028386신축정월일위시(辛丑正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028387신해정월일(辛亥正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028388임신정월일위시(壬申正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028389임오정월일위시(壬午正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028390임진정월일위시(壬辰正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028391임인정월일위시(壬寅正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028392임자정월일(壬子正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028393계유정월일위시(癸酉正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028394계미정월일위시(癸未正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028395계사정월일위시(癸巳正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028396계묘정월일위시(癸卯正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028397계축정월일(癸丑正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028398갑술년(甲戌年) 대방일용책(大房日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028399갑신정월일위시(甲申正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028400갑오정월일위시(甲午正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028401갑진정월일위시(甲辰正月爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028402을해유사선상기(乙亥有司先上記)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028403을유정월일위시(乙酉正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028404을미정월일위시(乙未正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028405을사정월일위시(乙巳正月日爲始) 대길신(大吉辰) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028406병자정월일위시(丙子正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028407병술정월일위시(丙戌正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028408병신정월일위시(丙申正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028409병오정월일위시(丙午正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028410경진정월일위시(庚辰正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028411경인정월일위시(庚寅正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028412경자정월일위시(庚子正月日爲始) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1
RB00028413경술정월일(庚戌正月日) 일용책(日用冊)綿紬廛||면주전Kawai Collection河合文庫/ニ/1



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Important Cultural Property "Dainihonshi hensan kiroku" (G.S. Letters) newly released

 On 2019-07-01 (2884 reads)

The Graduate School of Letters of Kyoto University and the Kyoto University Museum have been carrying out the restoration and digitization of an important cultural property Dainihonshi hensan kiroku held by the Graduate School of Letters since academic year 2017. Two hundred and six new images of the restored material are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.

▼Important Cultural Property - Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (G.S. Letters)

Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (大日本史編纂記録) is a collection of more than 6,000 letters (copies) exchanged between Shokokan (彰考館; Mito Domain’s office for history compilation) in Mito (currently in Ibaraki Prefecture) and Edo (currently Tokyo) and their Kyoto office regarding the compilation of Dainihonshi by Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川光圀; 1628-1701). A total of 42,810 people and organizations and 15,159 historical records and literature works are mentioned in the letters and the content covers a wide range of aspects of the time, such as history, literature, Confucianism and Japanese classical literature, as well as the publishing culture during the Genroku Period, which makes this rare material a first-class historical record.

The rare material, before being restored, consisted of 248 volumes of about 10,000 sheets (one sheet folded in half to form a pouch makes two pages) in the form of fukuro-toji yotsume-toji (袋綴四つ目綴装) with sheets of papers folded at the fore edge and sewn at the back edge at four points. However, the rebinding and restoration done to the material during the Edo period were not appropriate to secure its long-term preservation; they also made it impossible to read the majority of the volumes without damaging them, because the text near the back edge was sewn inside the spine. Therefore, a restoration project was launched in academic year 2018, with a plan to restore first 20 volumes funded by the Sumitomo Foundation. The Graduate School of Letters has also set up Kyoto University Fund for the restoration of its library collection and the Kyoto University Museum acquired the university's special budget for this project in 2018.

Each volume of Dainihonshi hensan kiroku is to be released on the Internet through Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive upon the completion of restoration and digitization processes. As of July 1, 2019, the Digital Archive provides 1,159,075 images of 13,526 titles.


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Main Library's materials including "Portrait of Hakuseki Arai" newly released

 On 2019-06-06 (2984 reads)

Three new materials including "portrait of Hakuseki Arai" and Korean classics are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. Detailed description about the items are also added to more than 7,000 records.

As of June 6, 2019, the Digital Archive provides 1,158,869 images of 13,525 titles.

RB00025174白石新井君美先生肖像 / 高岱賛, 水野徳方書Muroga Collection室賀/YR/2/和1960830331軸 ; 84cm
RB00023215經世遺表 / 丁若鏞(1762-1836) 撰Kawai Collection河合文庫/ケ/1519366811冊 : 四周雙邊 半郭 18.8×12.8cm, 有界, 10行22字 ; 24.1×15.4cm
RB00025175經世遺表 / 丁若鏞(1762-1836) 撰Kawai Collection河合文庫/ケ/151936684冊(45丁, 19丁, 56丁, 72丁) : 24.1×15.7cm




Service restored - [Maintenance] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (from 10:00am, Friday, April 5, 2019)

 On 2019-04-05 (1958 reads)

The Maintenance work was completed (11:10am, April 5, 2019) and the service has been restored.

Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive will suspend its service due to the system maintenance for approximately one hour from 10:00am, Friday, April 5, 2019.
The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed.
Thank you for your understanding.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Manyoshu, from which Japan's new era name Reiwa is derived, is available in the Digital Archive

 On 2019-04-01 (5800 reads)

Japan's new era name Reiwa is derived from a poem in “Manyoshu”, the oldest existing compilation of Japanese poetry.
See the image of "Manyoshu" in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive!




[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Illustrated plans regarding the accessions of the Emperors from Nakai Collection newly digitized and released

 On 2019-03-29 (3957 reads)

Four illustrated plans regarding the accessions of the Emperors from "Gishiki-nobu", Nakai Collection held by Kyoto University Main Library have been digitized and become available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. As of March 29, 2019, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive has 1,157,922 images of 13,522 titles.

Nakai Collection is a collection of materials passed down through the Nakai family, Tokugawa Government's master carpenter family in Kyoto, including the plans of Kyoto Imperial Palace, Nijo Castle, Shimogamo Shrine and other shrines and temples, concerning documents and maps. These are categorized in sections such as “Kinri-no-bu” (Imperial Court), “Bakufu-no-bu” (Tokugawa Government), “Shaji-no-bu” (shrines and temples), “Chiri-no-bu” (maps) and Gishiki-no-bu” (ceremonies).


The materials publicized this time, included in “Gishiki-no-bu”, are illustrated plans regarding the accessions of Emperor Sakurammachi (r. 1735-1747) [RB00025164, RB00025165] and Empress Gosakuramachi (r. 1762-1771) [RB00025166, B00025167] during the Edo Period. In particular, Kyouhou nijuu kinotou no toshi juuichigatsu mikka gosokui toushou touka kazari gokisiki no zu narabini seiryouden reifuku goran zu” (享保二十乙卯歳十一月三日御即位堂上堂下飾御規式之圖并於清涼殿禮服御覧圖) demonstrates Takamikura (Imperial throne), protecting four Gods of Genbu (Black Tortoise), Seiryu (Azure Dragon), Suzaku (Vermilion Bird) and Byakko (White Tiger), and attending courtiers, all of them so colorfully and finely depicted. The digitization of these has been realized thanks to the support from donors to Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.

The new emperor will ascend to the throne on May 1, 2019. On this occasion, why don’t you have a moment to reflect on what our ancestors have passed down to us so lively preserved in historical documents.

Gishiki-no-bu (ceremonies), Nakai Collection

Digitization Project and Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund

Large-sized illustrated plans are digitized by using a no-contact, ultra-high resolution scanner. The scanner runs over a plan along the frame set around it, producing strips of digital images, which are then merged into one entire image.


When investigating large-sized folded plans or maps, we need to prepare a proper area to unfold it safely and be cautious not to put too much pressure on them. On the other hand, digital images are easy to handle with a viewer that enables zooming in or out, or jumping to different sections. Kyoto University Library Network is promoting the digitization of rare materials in order to secure the long-term preservation and the wider use of them at the same time, while respecting the importance for researchers to investigate original materials.

In order to advance our digitization project, we launched “Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund” as a special purpose fund of Kyoto University Fund in June 2018.

We hope to contribute to the promotion of academic research and the development of education and culture by digitizing the rare materials, a common property of society, handed down to our generation and making them available to the world, while preserving the original materials for future generations.