【Yoshida-South Library: Online guidance session】 How to write a report(4/21,4/22) and How to cite references (4/25,27)

 On 2022-04-13 (2415 reads)

Sorry, this session is Japanese only. 


[Main Library][Yoshida South Library] 2022 April Event for Freshers in Main Library & Yoshida South Library

 On 2022-04-05 (1987 reads)

Kyoto University have 40 libraries. There are some events for freshers in Main Library & Yoshida South Library. We are waiting for your coming to the Kyoto University Library!

Event List

  • Main Library
    • Your First Book in Kyoto University Library
    • Twitter: Short video for freshers
  • Yoshida South Library
    • Yoshida-South Library(YSL) Virtual Tour
    • Interview with a senior students

Main Library


Let' join the event!

Your First Book in Kyoto University Library
APRIL 6th – JUNE 30th, 2022
Please submit the title of your first book in Kyoto University Library and your comment from the form. Let's get the present!
For detail: Seethe poster.

Twitter: Short video for freshers
Everyday in April, we will post the short video for library guidance. Follow our Twitter @kumainlib!

User Support Section, Main Library, Kyoto University


Yoshida South Library

Yoshida-South Library offers the following two types of content.

[YouTube: Yoshida-South Library(YSL) Virtual Tour]

You can explore what YSL is online.
Watch a video of the tour and take a quiz!

Event dates: April 5th - May 31st

The tour can be accessed via our YouTube channel during the period.
You can access the quiz from the description of the video.
Those who answer all questions correctly will receive an original tote bag (first 50 people only).

Yoshida-South Library(YSL) Virtual Tour

[YouTube: 'Interview with a senior students']

They talk about the books recommended by the Yoshida-South Library and how they use the library in their research and studies.
The video is for new students and upper-class students about to start their research.
It is also recommended for all postgraduate students.

Interview with a senior students

Yoshida-South Library
 Tell: 075-753-6525 Email: a30yslib(at)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp






【Yoshida-South Library】 Quick review of academic writing (2/7,10)

 On 2022-01-25 (2445 reads)

Sorry this session is Japanese only. 


【Exhibition】 "A place for books, a place for us - Library design project exhibition"

 On 2022-01-21 (2677 reads)

Please follow the webpage in Japanese.



[Learning Support Desk] Grad. staff will consult you in Yoshida South Library (2022/1/11-2/4)

 On 2021-12-27 (1679 reads)

Do you have any trouble with the exam or your learning at KU? The grad staff of the Learning Support Desk will consult you in Yoshida South Library on 1/11-2/4. Please feel free to contact us.

Who will consult you?

User Support Section, Main Library
Email: ref660 [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

[User Support Section, Main Library]


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Six items, including books from Adam Smith’s Library and Chinese classic text of geography and astronomy in Ming dynasty, have been newly released

 On 2021-12-23 (2132 reads)

Six items held by the Graduate School of Law and Yoshida-South Library have been newly released.

Travels in Europe, Asia and Africaheld by the Graduate School of Law is a former collection of Adam Smith. A bookticket is attached to each volume, and an autograph letter addressed by MacIntosh to Adam Smith is inserted in vol.1.
This book is a travelogue consisting of 72 letters, and appendix B contains an observations of Smith’s “An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations.”

Left: bookticket / Center: autograph letter addressed to Adam Smith / Right: appendix B


Five items held by Yoshida-South Library are Chinese classic text of geography, astronomy and book series published in Ming dynasty.
“De tu zeng yao” (地圖綜要) was donated by Motoharu Fujita, a geographer and a professor at the Third Higher School.




LibraryRecord IDTitleAuthorCall No
Yoshida-South LibraryRB00033234 地圖綜要(明)李釜源鑒定 ; (明)朱國達 [ほか] 編輯三高貴重書(和):533//167/三高和
RB00033235 雪廬讀史快編 60卷(明)趙維寰節三高貴重書(和):515//62/三高和
RB00033236 治暦縁起 8巻(明)徐光啓 [撰]三高貴重書(和):640//157/三高和
RB00033237 方輿勝畧 18巻外夷6巻首1巻(明)程百二等輯三高貴重書(和):533//57/三高和
RB00033238 李氏叢書(明)李贄三高貴重書(和):010//8/三高和
G. S. LawRB00033239 Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa : describing characters, customs, manners, laws, and productions of nature and art : containing various remarks on the political and commercial interests of Great Britain : and delineating, in particular, a new system for the government and improvement of the British settlements in the East Indies : begun in the year 1777, and finished in 1781Macintosh, William and  Thomson, William一般貴重書(洋):CIII||2||Mac


As of December 23, 2021, the Digital Archive provides 1,668,590 images of 20,570 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Open Access week 2021 (October 25-31)

 On 2021-10-25 (2162 reads)

Twitter Moment : [Digital Archive] OpenAccessWeek2021 [Japanese]  https://twitter.com/i/events/1456041644650688515
*Added on 2025/1/8: Due to changes in the X (formerly Twitter) specifications, the posts no longer appear on the summary page above. Please see below for the contents of the posts.


Open Access Week is a global, community-driven week of action to open up access to research.
During the Open Access week 2021 (October 25-31), Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides some special contents.

・OA week special banner for Kyoto University Digital Archive website.


 Left: Yoshida-South Library, Kyoto University Geographica nova ex. Oriente gratiosissima, duabus tabulis specialissimis contenta, quarum una Mare Caspium, altera Kamtzadaliam seu Terram Jedso, curiosè exhibēt / Adapted.
 Right: Open Access Week 2021 Theme Graphics (SPARC)

 ▼Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive


・Our staff will be tweeting about the latest information of digitization. Check out our twitter!

 ▼Twitter Moment : [Digital Archive] OpenAccessWeek2021 [Japanese]


・ALSO check oht the twitter of Kyoto University Research Information Repository KURENAI, which provides information about open access!

 ▼KURENAI update!(@KURENAI_update


Library Planning Section, Library Planning Division, Main Library
Please replace ☆ with @.



Solved: [Database] Trouble: CNKI unavailable

 On 2021-10-19 (1710 reads)

Trouble had been solved.  (2021.10.19)


CNKI is currently not available. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.



*Please replace (at) with @.



【YSL】Offering The Historical Recordings Collection (NDL)

 On 2021-10-12 (1193 reads)

We have connected to the service of The Historical Recordings Collection of NDL.

Opening hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:00-17:00 at reference counter in YSL.

※Recording is not available. / Bring your own Headphones.








【Yoshida-South Library】Library Cards & Borrowing for contractual staff

 On 2021-10-05 (1792 reads)

Sorry, this news is written in Japanese only. 

Please refer to the following website.
