[Medical Library] [Lecture] An American surgeon and entrepreneur shares his thoughts about working in the U.S. as a foreigner and how to build a career as a physician (Jul 15, 5:15 - 6:15 pm) [Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part 2, 2016]
Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part.2, 2016
[Lecture] An American surgeon and entrepreneur shares his thoughts about working in the U.S. as a foreigner and how to build a career as a physician.
We will be holding a lecture having an American surgeon and entrepreneur.
He will share his thoughts about working in the U.S. as a foreigner and how to build a career as a physician
Date: Friday, July 15 2016, 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm (Reception starts at 5:00)
Place: Medical Plaza (Bldg. I) at Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University
Yoshida-Konoecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Please click the poster to check a map.
Speaker: Dr. Peter Edelstein
(Chief Medical Officer for Elsevier, The doctor certificated from the American Board of Colon & Rectal Surgery)
(1) Lecture from an award-winning Stanford University Medical School surgical educator
(2) Working as a physician in the evolving U.S. healthcare market
(3) Entrepreneurial opportunities for creative, business-oriented physicians
Language: The lecture will be conducted in English.
How to reserve: There is no need to apply in advance.
Please refer to the following page about this promotion.
Medical Library, Kyoto University
[Medical Library / Trial] JoVE (- Jun. 30), Thieme Medical eJournal Package (- Aug. 31)
(※ 学内環境からアクセスしてください)
★ トライアルご案内ページ(医学図書館)
JoVE (The Journal of Visualized Experiments)
これまでもPubMed Centralから2年前までの論文は利用可能でしたが、今回のトライアルでは最新号までご利用いただけます。
【2016年6月23日追記 現在JoVEの論文にアクセスできなくなっております。出版社に確認中です。ご迷惑をおかけし大変申し訳ございません】
- http://www.jove.com/
- 学内からのみアクセス可能
- トライアルセクションはJoVE Journalのみ(Jove Science Educationは対象外)
- トライアル期間: 2016年6月30日まで
Thieme 医学系電子ジャーナルパッケージ
Thieme Publishing Group が刊行する医学電子ジャーナルから、世界中で利用の多いタイトルを収録したパッケージです。
「Content Licensed by my Institution」以下の Journal が利用できます(※ 学内環境からアクセスしてください)。
日本からの購読・投稿も多い Endoscopy、International Journal of Sports Medicine、Hormone and Metabolic Research などのタイトルが含まれています。
- https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/all/home.html
- 学内からのみアクセス可能
- 「Content Licensed by my Institution」以下の Journal が利用可(ご利用可能な範囲はタイトルによって異なります)
- トライアル期間: 2016年8月31日まで
TEL: 075-753-4314
FAX: 075-753-4318
E-mail: medlib*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
[Medical Library / Trial] Medical Online Ebooks (- Jul. 15)
医学図書館ではメディカルオンライン イーブックスのトライアルを開始しました。下記のリンクからぜひご利用ください。
★ トライアルご案内ページ(医学図書館)
メディカルオンライン イーブックス
- http://mol.medicalonline.jp/library/ebooks/
- 学内からのみアクセス可能
- トライアル期間: 2016年7月15日まで
TEL: 075-753-4314
FAX: 075-753-4318
E-mail: medlib*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
[Medical Library]ENDNOTE basic for beginners (May 30, 17:00-18:30)
This workshop will be conducted in Japanese
文献管理ソフトEndNote Basicを使って、学術文献の検索と検索結果の
※文献管理ソフトEndNote Basicは、京都大学でウェブ利用できます(無料)。
【日 時】 2016年5月30日(月) 17:00 - 18:30
【場 所】 医学部構内 総合解剖センター2階
※ PC持込可(クイックレファレンスガイドを参考にしてプラグインをインストールしておいてください)
【対 象】 京都大学学生・教職員
【内 容】
■ 文献管理ソフトとは
■ EndNote Basic の特徴と使い方
■ EndNote Basic と EndNote の違い
【講 師】 ユサコ株式会社 リサーチアシストグループ 広瀬 聡 氏
【申 込】 ※申込は不要です。直接会場にお越しください。
TEL: 075-753-4323
[Medical Library] USMLE Step 2 CS Workshop & Medical Specialization Session (May 13, 16:45-18:15) [Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part.1, 2016]
Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part.1, 2016
[Seminar] USMLE Step 2 CS Workshop & Medical Specialization Session
We will be holding a workshop and medical specialization session having an instructor from the Kaplan Medical.
This is a must for those who are planning to take the USMLE Step 2 CS!
Date: Friday, May 13 2016, 16:45 - 18:15 (Reception starts at 16:30)
Place: Memorial Auditorium at Faculty of Medicine Kyoto University
Yoshida-Konoecho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
Please click the poster to check a map.
(1) USMLE exam Review
- Provide Overview of US Medical Specialization Pathway and Statistics
- Discuss What Hospital Directors are Looking For in Medical Graduates as Part of Specialization Programs
(2) Overview of USMLE Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills)
(3) Practice Session
A few attendees will participate in the session with a standardized patient on stage.
Instructor: Dr. Judson Cooper Epperly
(Director of International Recruitment, Kaplan Medical)
SP: Mr. Bob Rumnock
(Hollywood actor)
Language: The seminar will be conducted in English.
How to reserve: There is no need to apply in advance.
Please refer to the following page about this promotion.
Medical Library, Kyoto University
[Medical Library]Medical Library Self tour "Medical Library for the first time"(2016/4/11-4/28)
●Medical Library Self tour "Medical Library for the first time"(2016/4/11-4/28)
Sorry, the leaflet is only available in Japanese.
● Contact
Medical Library
Tel 075-753-4313 Email medlib@mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Website: http://www.lib.med.kyoto-u.ac.jp/
[Medical Library, Kyoto University]
[Seminar] An example of career path of a clinician in USA(3/16, 17:00-)
Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part.7
[Seminar] An example of career path of a clinician in USA
You can talk to the doctor who has career of MPH(Master of Public Health) in USA.
Date | 2016/3/16 17:00-18:30 |
Place | Medical Plaza |
Speaker | Dr. Amish J. Dave (MPH candidate at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) |
Coordinator/Commentator | Prof. Shunichi FUKUHARA (Healthcare Epidemiology) |
How to reserve | https://questant.jp/q/4Z2VQYOG Please let us know your attendance to the dinner reception by Mar.9 from the URL. |
Remarks | There will be an academic session of KUSPH & HSPH at 16:00-18:00 on Mar.16 Wed. at Building G 2F Seminar room A. |
See following page about the Campaign.
Medical Library, Kyoto University
[Seminar] Guide to working abroad - USA & Australia -(2/18, 17:10-)
Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam Part.6
[Seminar] Guide to working abroad - USA & Australia -
You can talk to the doctors who have experience of working in USA and Australia.
Date | 2016/2/18 17:10-18:30 |
Place | Medical Plaza Click the poster to see the map. |
Speaker |
How to reserve | No need to reserve |
See following page about the Campaign.
Medical Library, Kyoto University
[Seminar] Experience as a resident doctor in USA(11/10 18:00-19:00)
Medical Library Support Campaign for foreign medical licensing exam
Part.4[Seminar] Experience as a resident doctor in USA
You can talk to the professor who has experience as a resident doctor in USA.
Date: Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Place: Medical Plaza (Click the poster to see the map)
Speaker: Prof. Kenji KABASHIMA (Dermatology)
How to apply: No reservation needed.
The workshop will be conducted in Japanese, however Q&A can be conducted in English.
Contact: Kyoto University Medical Library
TEL: 075-753-4323
Email: medlib [at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
[Medical Library]
[Workshop]The Cochrane Library(Oct.7)
[Workshop] The Cochrane Library
Important: You need ECS-ID (ex. a0******) or SPS-ID (ex. taro123yoshida) and your password.
The workshop will be conducted in Japanese, however Q&A can be conducted in English.
And, There is English handout.
Date | 2015/10/7 Wed. |
Time table | 13:15 Open the lecture room 13:30 - 14:30 Primary level 14:30 - 14:45 Break time 14:45 - 15:45 Middle level *You can attend a part of it |
Contents |
Primary level[For Beginners] Middle level[For middle level users] |
Place | Media Center Satellite, Faculty of Medicine (Center for Anatomical Studies 2F) |
Target | Student, Faculty and Staff of Kyoto University
Instructor | Wiley Japan Mr.IWASAKI Jiro |
Lecture format | Practice by PC |
Capacity | Up to 100 people |
Register | No need to register beforehand |
Questions [until Sep.30]
We would like to gather questions in advance via e-mail until Sep. 30. Please send your questions to email address below.
Medical Library, Kyoto University
TEL: 075-753-4313 MAIL: medlib[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp ([at]→@)