Solved: [Library Network] Access to Taylor & Francis e-journals is rejected

 On 2025-01-17 (134 reads)

Solved. (2025/01/17)

Kyoto University has been blocked from accessing content on Taylor & Francis website due to an excessive download violation.

Publishers of e-journals and e-books are prohibited from accessing all pages, not only the full text, but also the table of contents and abstracts, with excessive frequency, thus overloading the servers.
If excessive access or large downloads are detected, penalties such as blocking access to e-journals from the entire university will be imposed by publisher.

Please read the "[Library Network] Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for E-Resources" announced on Dec. 2, 2024, and review the settings of your browser and reference management tool plug-ins.


(日本語) 【吉田南総合図書館:オンライン講習会】「総復習!レポート・論文執筆 これだけ押さえる」開催のお知らせ(1/22,23)

 On 2025-01-07 (256 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Database] Trial use of database "Sociology Source Ultimate" (Until Mar. 31, 2025)

 On 2025-01-06 (191 reads)

Sociology Source Ultimate (EBSCOhost), a database containing full-text information on academic materials in sociology and related fields, is now available for trial.

*This database is scheduled to be officially introduced in April 2025.


[Infomatics Library] [eBooks] Springer Nature Access and Select (Computer Science + Artificial Intelligence) (-2025/3/31)

 On 2025-01-06 (387 reads)


About 4,200 computer science ebooks (copyright year between 2022 and 2025), and about 50 artificical intelligence ebooks (copyright year 2025) are available through to the end of the academic year.

Graduate School of Informatics Library will purchase a certain number of them after the trial.


Access URL

Springer Nature Link - Computer Science (Copyright Year 2022 – 2025)

Springer Link - Artificial Intelligence (Copyright Year 2025)


How to use

 Setting up the authentication system

How to use e-resources


1. Access the following URL

Springer Link - Computer Science (Copyright Year 2022 – 2025)

Springer Link - Artificial Intelligence (Copyright Year 2025)


2. Choose a book or a chapter


3. Click the bookmarklet

Click the bookmarklet [EJDB], and the buttons [Download book PDF]  [Download book EPUB] will appear to make the full text available.



You can search trial and purchased titles.

Springer Nature Link - Computer Science


(Contact) Graduate School of Informatics Library

Tel: 075-753-5390

E-Mail: 140tosho (at)    Please replace (at) with @.



[Main Library] The library hours and services from January 13 to February 7, 2025

 On 2025-01-06 (380 reads)

Main Library set January 13 (Mon.) to February 7 (Fri.),  2025 as the preparation period for the examination and will provide special services as follows.

1. 3F Library Hall is available as a study room(from January 17)

Hours are as follows:

  • Weekdays 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays 10:00 a.m. - 30 minutes before the closing time

2. Extension of hours on January 25-26, February 1-2

The library will be open from 10:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the following days.

  • 1/25 (Sat.)
  • 1/26 (Sun.)
  • 2/1 (Sat.)
  • 2/2 (Sun.)

For details, please check the Main Library's hours.

3. For non-KU users (including graduates)

Please refrain from entering the library because it is crowded with KU students for the period.
Thank you for your cooperation.

* For service during regular period, please refer to the "Guide for non-KU users" on the Kyoto University Library website.