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WWW  HathiTrust Digital Library  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Full-text databases  分野...General - Whole Field  英語
HathiTrust Digital Library is a digital preservation repository and highly functional access platform.

WWW  Health & Medical Collection [ProQuest]   
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1960-  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Medicine  英語

Health & Medical Collection [ProQuest] provides coverage from  leading health journals and essential medical journals in key medical specialties.

WWW  Hebrew and Judeo-Arabic printing in Baghdad online [Brill]   [provided by Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies] new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Literature and Linguistics / History  英語

The world’s foremost private collection of early and rare Hebraica housed in the Valmadonna Trust Library is the basis for this collection. It comprises a resource for the study of oriental printingHebrew liturgical history, Judeo-Arabic literature, and the history and culture of the most ancient Jewish Diaspora community. All of these bibliographic treasures are reproduced here for the first time.

WWW  Hindu Conspiracy Cases: Activities of the Indian Independence Movement in the U.S., 1908-1933 [Gale]  [provided by Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1908-1933  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

During World War I, Indian nationalists took advantage of Great Britain’s preoccupation with the European war by attempting to foment revolution in India to overthrow British rule. Their activities were aided politically and financially by the German Government. Indian nationalists in the United States were active in the independence movement effort through fundraising, arms buying, and propagandizing through the Hindustan Ghadar newspaper published in San Francisco.

WWW  Historical Abstracts [EBSCOhost]  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...History  英語
Historical Abstracts is an exceptional resource that covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more.

WWW  History Vault [ProQuest]  [provided by Graduate School of Letters and Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

This database presents archival materials with a single search. Researchers can access letters, papers, photographs, scrapbooks, financial records, diaries, and much more from a single interface.

It includes the following collections.

  • Vietnam War and American Foreign Policy, 1960-1975
    This exceptional resource covers U.S. involvement in the region from the early days of the Kennedy administration, through the escalation of the war during the Johnson administration, to the final resolution of the war at the Paris Peace Talks and the evacuation of U.S. troops in 1973. Along the way, documents in this module trace the actions and decisions at the highest levels of the U.S. foreign policy apparatus, as well as events on the ground in Vietnam, from the perspective of State Department officials, Associated Press reporters, and members of the U.S. Armed forces, including the Marines and the Military Assistance Command Vietnam. The strong collections also highlight all of the most important foreign policy issues facing the U.S. between 1960 and 1975.

WWW  Historical Statistics of the United States. Millennial Edition Online  [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...History  英語
Historical Statistics of the United States is a standard source for data on all aspects of American history. The Millennial Edition is divided into five sections broadly covering: population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Data relates to the social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade. Includes over 37,000 data series and statistics from more than 1,000 sources.

WWW  House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest U.K. Parliamentary Papers)   [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...18th century - 21th century  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers contains over 200,000 papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material which goes back to 1688.

■HCPP in two ways of provision are available.