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IEEE/IET Electronic Library [IEEE Xplore]
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Your online subscription includes access to the full text of IEEE content published since 1988 with select content published since 1872 from: - IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents
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InCites Benchmarking
[provided by Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA) ]
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InCites is a tool provided by Clarivate Analytics to analyze research output based on research articles and their citations in the Web of Science.
You can easily analyze research performance by institution, researcher, department, project, and various other indicators.
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Index Chemicus(Web of Science)
...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas
Index Chemicus provides researchers with access to the chemical compound information. Covering more than 100 of the world's leading organic chemistry journals, Index Chemicus is text- and substructure-searchable, and offers full graphical summaries, important reaction diagrams, and complete bibliographic information.
You can cross-search with other databases by Web of Science.
Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920 [Gale] [provided by Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies]
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For generations of British and Indian Officers and men, the North-West Frontier was the scene of repeated skirmishes and major campaigns against the trans-border Pathan tribes who inhabited the mountainous no-man’s land between India and Afghanistan. This collection contains Army Lists; Orders; Instructions; Regulations; Acts; Manuals; Strength Returns; Orders of Battle; Administration Summaries; organization, commissions, committees, reports, maneuvers; departments of the Indian Army; and regimental narratives. This collection is a welcome addition to the new-flourishing literature on the military history of South Asia and the growing field of serious study of the British military experience in India.
Indochina, France, and the Viet Minh War, 1945-1954: Records of the U.S. State Department, Part 1: 1945-1949 [Gale] [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
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Comprising records of the State Department's Central Classified Files, this collection contains records relating to the internal affairs of Indochina, during the period 1945-49. The records include instructions sent to and correspondence received by the State Department; the State Department's internal documentation, as well as correspondence between the Department and other federal departments and agencies, Congress, and private individuals and organizations; telegrams, airgrams, instructions, inquiries, studies, memoranda, situation reports, translations, special reports, plans, and official and unofficial correspondence.
The International Women's Movement: The Pan Pacific Southeast Asia Women's Association of the USA, 1950-1985 [Gale] [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
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Formerly known as the Pan Pacific Women's Association of the U.S.A., the Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association was founded in 1930 to strengthen international understanding and friendship among the women of Asia and the Pacific and women of the U.S.A. The group promoted cooperation among women of these regions for the study and improvement of social, economic, and cultural conditions; engaged in studies on Asian and Pacific affairs; provided hospitality to temporary residents and visitors from Pacific and Asian areas; and presented programs of educational and social interest, dealing with the customs and cultures of Asian and Pacific countries.
INIS : The International Nuclear Information System
...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes
The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) is the world's leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Information
IRDB( Institutional Repositories DataBase) [FREE]
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...General - Whole Field
IRDB (Institutional Repositories DataBase) is a database service that collects and provides metadata of contents registered in academic institutional repositories in Japan.
Manual (jpn)