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WWW  UpToDate [Wolters Kluwer]  [provided by University Hospital] new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Medicine  英語

The authors, who are experts in their fields from around the world, integrate their own clinical experience with clinical information from the latest literature to compile the best evidence-based practice guidelines into a clinical decision support tool.

How to access from within the university
After connecting to the Kyoto University network, please visit https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search.
How to access from outside the university
You must be connected to the Kyoto University network and register an account in advance. Please see p.18 of the UpToDate Basic Operation Manual to register. Re-authentication from the Kyoto University network is required every 90 days.
*Not accessible via e-Resources Access Authentification System (bookmarklet)

UpToDate Basic Operation Manual (Wolters Kluwer)
*This manual is available only to campus personnel.

WWW  United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN comtrade)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This web site provides access to information and data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) and the work of the International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section (IMTSS) of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

How to register an account:
Click on "Login" link in the upper right corner of the screen and "Sign Up Now" to create an account with your Kyoto University email address (@kyoto-u.ac.jp or @st.kyoto-u.ac.jp). Then, please access the site from the new platform.

For details, please refer to the following User Guide.
▼User Guide

WWW  U.S. Civilian Advisory Effort in Vietnam: U.S. Operations Mission, 1950-1954 [Gale]  [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1950-1954  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

This collection consists of unique records of U.S. agencies established to intervene in Vietnam-the country U.S. foreign policy deemed a lynchpin in the free world’s fight against communism. The Subject Files from the Office of the Director, U.S. Operations Missions, document the myriad concerns and rationales that went into the control and direction of U.S. economic and technical assistance programs, as well as the coordination of mutual security activities, with respect to Vietnam.

WWW  The U.S. Civilian advisory effort in Vietnam : U.S. Operations Mission 1954-1957 [Gale]  [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies] new
収録範囲...1954-1957  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

This collection consists of unique records of the U.S. Operations Mission established to intervene in Vietnam-the country U.S. foreign policy deemed a lynchpin in the free world’s fight against communism.

WWW  The U.S. Military advisory effort in Vietnam : Military assistance and advisory group, Vietnam 1950-1964 [Gale]  [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies] new
収録範囲...1950-1964  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

The involvement of the United States in the affairs of Vietnam began with grants of money and military equipment. The United States created the Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Indochina, in 1950 to process, monitor, and evaluate American military aid to the French forces fighting in Southeast Asia.

WWW  U.S. Policy toward Iran: From the Revolution to the Nuclear Accord, 1978-2015 [ProQuest] KU EJ/DB Authentication System  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
収録範囲...1978-2015  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

Collection of 1,761 primary source documents on U.S.-Iranian relations, including declassified U.S. government agency documents from the period prior to the 1978 Iranian revolution through the 2015 nuclear deal.
Part of the Digital National Security Archive and integrated search is  supported.

WWW  U.S. Relations and Policies in Southeast Asia, 1944-1958: Records of the Office of Southeast Asian Affairs [Gale]  [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...History  英語

This collection identifies the key issues, individuals, and events in the history of U.S.-Southeast Asia relations between 1944 and 1958, and places them in the context of the complex and dynamic regional strategic, political, and economic processes that have fashioned the American role in Southeast Asia.