(日本語) 【附属図書館】【締め切りました】学部生オフィス・アシスタント(=アルバイト)の募集について(7/21(木)〆切)

 On 2022-07-14 (1901 reads)

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[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Suruga Date Documents (Medieval) have been newly released

 On 2022-06-30 (1195 reads)

Suruga Date Documents (Medieval) have been newly released by a joint project with Princeton University.

Suruga Date Documents (Medieval)

The Suruga Date, a family sharing the same ancestor as the famous Date Masamune of Northern Japan were a warrior (kokujin) family based in Suruga Province (currently known as Shizuoka Prefecture). They moved to Tsuyama domain in Mimasaka province (current day Okayama Prefecture) where they survived during the Early Modern era (1600-1868). In all, 118 documents survive in the Suruga Date collection, with the oldest dating from the fourteenth century, and the most recent dating from the late nineteenth century (Meiji era).
Of those documents, the oldest 56, dating from the fourteenth century through 1467, are reproduced in their entirety. Many are from the Ashikaga shoguns, or protectors (shugo) and high-ranking officials. Among them, the petitions for military award submitted by the warrior Date Kagemune are informative, while the documents dating from the 14-15th century from the Imagawa, a hegemon of Eastern Japan, are particularly rare.


Ashikaga Takauji sodehan kudashibumi 足利尊氏袖判下文


Kyoto University and Princeton University have initiated a joint project in March 2020 in order to deepen the knowledge and awareness of Japanese history and culture throughout the world. The goal is to disseminate images, transcriptions, translations, and research about Japanese documents owned by the Kyoto University Museum.
The Kyoto University Museum, Kyoto University Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University Library Network and the Department of East Asian Studies of Princeton University will collaborate in carrying out this project.  


As of June 30, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,928,514 images of 23,729 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 417 titles from the Main Library’s Daiso-bon collection newly released

 On 2022-06-30 (1333 reads)

Four hundred and seventeen titles from the Daiso-bon collection held by the Main Library have been newly digitized and released.

Daiso-bon is a collection of books formerly owned by Daiso (大惣), a book lender run by Sohachi Onoya (大野屋惣八) and his family in Nagoya from the middle of the Edo period to the middle of the Meiji period. Book lenders at the time usually kept books in high demand in their stock and sold the ones out of fashion away to buy new ones. Daiso, however, had a policy not to sell away books they had bought and increased their inventory until the end of the Edo period when they became the largest book lender in Japan. After the arrival of mass production of books in the Meiji period, many book lenders disappeared, Daiso being no exception. Around 1898, Daiso decided to close the business and sold its enormous inventory of 16,734 titles of books, most of which were acquired by the Imperial Library (current National Diet Library), Tokyo Imperial University, Kyoto Imperial University and the Higher Normal School (current University of Tsukuba). Daiso Collection owned by Kyoto University amounts to 3,667 titles, or 13,081 volumes. 


Most of the newly released books are the Maruhon (丸本) that contain entire lyrics of the Jōruri play, and Lots of works by popular dramatists, such as Kokusen'ya kassen (国姓爺合戦) by Chikamatsu Monzaemon (近松門左衛門), Kana tehon Chūshingura (假名手本忠臣蔵: RB00033452, RB00033453, RB00033454) by Takeda Izumo (竹田出雲) and Chikamichi taiheiki (捷徑太平記) by Santō Kyōden (山東京傳) are included. Bakekurabe ushimitsu no kane (化競丑満鐘) by Kyokutei Bakin (曲亭馬琴) is a rare materials that still retains the color-painted title page, the publisher’s greeting, and the advertisements.


化競丑満鐘”  Left: Title page and advertisements, Right: Front cover


化競丑満鐘”  Left: Illustrations, Right: Publisher’s greeting

408 of 417 items released this time were digitized under the “Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts” by the National Institute of Japanese Literature in which Kyoto University Library participates.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Three books from the Main Library have been newly released

 On 2022-06-30 (1200 reads)

Three books, Gosan shichiya shidai oboe, Ikoku monogatari and Ehon ikoku ichiran held in the Main Library have been newly released.

Gosan shichiya shidai oboe (御産七夜次第覚) from the Nakanoin Collection is an autograph document by Nakanoin Michimura (中院通村 1588-1653), and is a memorandum on birth rituals at the Imperial Court.
Nakanoin Collection was formerly held by Michinori Nakanoin (1856-1925). The family's contribution to research in Japanese literature is acknowledged. In particular, Michikatsu (1558-1610) and Michimura are renowned for their deep knowledge of Japanese literature, especially waka (31-syllable Japanese poetry). Furthermore, the memorandums of the authoritative precedents of court ceremonies and the records of religious rites are important materials for research in the history of people’s lives.




Ikoku monogatari (異國物語) and Ehon ikoku ichiran (繪本異國一覽) are illustrated books of ethnography published in the Edo period that depict the characteristics of people around the world.
In addition to real countries, legendary countries also appear in these books.





There are some more illustrated books of ethnography published in the Edo period in the Digital Archive.
12titles including 西夏文華嚴經 and 万国人物図 have been newly released (2022-02-04)



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Three Illustrated Kabuki play books have been newly released

 On 2022-06-01 (1210 reads)

Three Illustrated Kabuki play books, Kitsunegawa Ima Sesshōseki (狐川今殺生石), Tanba Yosaku (丹波与作) and Ryōshū Renri no Matsu (兩州連理の松), held by the Graduate School of Letters have been newly released.

Illustrated Kabuki play book is an illustrated book published in the Edo period that contains outlines of Kabuki plays.
These books were formerly in the collection of Fumihiko Nakano (中野文彦), but are now in the possession of the Graduate School of Letters.
Although only the first part of the each book remains, the illustrations depicting major scenes and the plates filled with fine text provide a glimpse of the contents of the books.





CollectionRecord IDTitleCall No
文学研究科所蔵RB00033834狐川今殺生石 零本国文貴:Kk/58/貴重
文学研究科所蔵RB00033835丹波与作 零本国文貴:Kk/58/貴重
文学研究科所蔵RB00033836兩州連理の松 零本国文貴:Kk/58/貴重


As of June 1, 2022, the Digital Archive provides 1,872,564 images of 23,253 titles.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Important Cultural Property "Dainihonshi hensan kiroku" vol.15-20 (G.S. Letters) newly released

 On 2022-05-17 (2213 reads)

The Graduate School of Letters of Kyoto University and the Kyoto University Museum have been carrying out the restoration and digitization of an important cultural property Dainihonshi hensan kiroku held by the Graduate School of Letters since academic year 2017. Three hundred twenty-two images of the restored volumes 15-20 are now available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.

Dainihonshi hensan kiroku

▼Important Cultural Property - Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (G.S. Letters)

Dainihonshi hensan kiroku (大日本史編纂記録) is a collection of more than 6,000 letters (copies) exchanged between Shokokan (彰考館; Mito Domain’s office for history compilation) in Mito (currently in Ibaraki Prefecture) and Edo (currently Tokyo) and their Kyoto office regarding the compilation of Dainihonshi (*1) by Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川光圀; 1628-1701). A total of 42,810 people and organizations and 15,159 historical records and literature works are mentioned in the letters and the content covers a wide range of aspects of the time, such as history, literature, Confucianism and Japanese classical literature, as well as the publishing culture during the Genroku Period, which makes this rare material a first-class historical record.

The rare material, before being restored, consisted of 248 volumes of about 10,000 sheets (one sheet folded in half to form a pouch makes two pages) in the form of fukuro-toji yotsume-toji (袋綴四つ目綴装) with sheets of papers folded at the fore edge and sewn at the back edge at four points. However, the rebinding and restoration done to the material during the Edo period were not appropriate to secure its long-term preservation; they also made it impossible to read the majority of the volumes without damaging them, because the text near the back edge was sewn inside the spine. Therefore, a restoration project was launched in academic year 2017 funded by the Sumitomo Foundation, and also funded by government from 2021. The Graduate School of Letters has also set up Kyoto University Fund for the restoration of its library collection and the Kyoto University Museum acquired the university's special budget for this project in 2018.

Each volume of Dainihonshi hensan kiroku is to be released on the Internet through Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive upon the completion of restoration and digitization processes. As of May 17, 2022, the Digital Archive provides 1,872,545 images of 23,250 titles.



Service restored -[Maintenance] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive (May 17)

 On 2022-05-13 (760 reads)

The Maintenance work was completed (2022/05/17 11:50) and the service has been restored.

Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive will suspend its service due to system maintenance for about 2 hours from 10:30am, May 17, 2022.
The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed. 
Thank you for your understanding.



[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: A reverse side of Chronicle of the Kamakura Period have been newly released

 On 2022-04-21 (1626 reads)

Additional images 46-56 are now available. (2022/4/25)

Kamakura Nendaiki (鎌倉年代記) is a chronicle of the Kamakura Period. It was formerly owned by the Mibu family and now in the possession of the Main Library.
The front side of the folded book is already available on Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, and now the reverse side has been digitized and released.
On the front page, each vertical column corresponds to a year, with a summary of the major figures’ appointments and biographies.
The reverse side contains the events of the year corresponding to the front side, and also includes many records not founded in other historical documents.



LEFT Reverse side: Gentoku 2-3 (1330-1331)
RIGHT Front side: Around Gentoku 2 (1330)


As of April 25, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,872,223 images of 23,250 titles.



[Main Library] Rare Materials exhibited outside Kyoto University during AY2021

 On 2022-04-06 (1549 reads)
MaterialInstitutionExhibitionPeriod (Our materials may be exhibited during part of this period.)
坂本龍馬書状(維新特別資料文庫)The Sakamoto Ryoma Memorial Museum特別展「龍馬と北の大地」第1部 蝦夷地へのまなざし-龍馬と幕末の志士Oct. 5 - Dec. 3, 2021
癸巳西遊日記(谷村文庫)Nezu MuseumSpecial Exhibition Commemorating Designation as an Important Cultural Property Suzuki Kiitsu's Mountain Streams in Summer and AutumnNov. 3 - Dec. 19, 2021
年中行事(重要文化財)Saiku Historical Museum三重とこわか国体・三重とこわか大会記念特別展「斎宮平安五種競技-弓・馬・鞠・鷹・相撲-」Oct. 2 - Nov. 21, 2021
万葉集 巻1・9 近衞文庫
[曼朱院本]萬葉集 巻1・6・20 一般貴重書(和)
Osaka Museum of History特別展「難波(なにわ)をうたう-万葉集と考古学-」Oct. 2 - Dec. 5, 2021
今昔物語集(鈴鹿本)9冊中2冊(国宝)27・29巻Kyoto National MuseumSpecial Exhibition National Treasures of Kyoto: Preserving the Cultural Heritage of Japan's Ancient CapitalJul. 24 - Sep. 12, 2021
[中院日記] 中院文庫KARIYA city Museum of History企画展「歴史へのいざない―佐藤コレクションの魅力―」Apr. 24 - Jun. 6, 2021


      Past exhibitions
      ▼Academic year 2020
      ▼Academic year 2019
      ▼Academic year 2018 (Japanese only)
      ▼Academic year 2017 (Japanese only)
      ▼Academic year 2016 (Japanese only)
      ▼Academic year 2015 (Japanese only)
      ▼Academic year 2014 (Japanese only)



      [Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 49 plates of map from Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) have been newly released

       On 2022-03-31 (1100 reads)

      The Kiheitai Nikki (奇兵隊日記) is a record of the activities of the Kiheitai, founded by Takasugi Shinsaku at the end of the Tokugawa shogunate.
      It was held by Shinagawa Yajiro (品川弥二郎) at the memorial hall Sonjo-do (尊攘堂). Whole collection of the Sonjo-do was donated to the Main Library in 1900, and became the current “Meiji Restoration Collection.”
      The Kiheitai Nikki consists of 27 volumes of bound records, which were already available in our digital archives, and 49 plates of maps.


      Left: Chōfu-han Katsuyamajō shūhen ezu (長府藩勝山城周辺絵図)
      Right: Echigotsugawa Aizutakada kan dōro ezu (越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図)


      Record IDTitleList NOSizeCall No
      RB00033185 [長府藩勝山城周辺絵図]1203×222cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033186 [小倉藩領内里付近絵図]226×39cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033187 [石見国絵図]345×95cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033188 [陸奥国河沼郡道路図]422.5×29.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033189 [下関絵図]540.5×80cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033190 [越後国蒲原郡粟瀬村付近絵図]624×33cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033191 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その1> ]724.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033192 [越後国岩船郡海岸図]824×135cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033193 [越後国古志郡北部絵図]939×42cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033194 [薩英戦争鹿児島湾図]1033.5×49cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033195 [越後国蒲原郡新津町絵図]1140×74.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033196 [越後国蒲原郡津川町周辺道路図]1249×67cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033197 [越後国蒲原郡五泉町付近道路図]1338.5×55cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033198 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その1> ]1431.5×44.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033199 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その1> ]1540×67.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033200 [越後国蒲原郡若松街道図]1653.5×77.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033201 [越後国古志郡・魚沼郡絵図]1781×81cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033202 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その1> ]1873.5×52cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033203 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その1> ]1939×137cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033204 [越後国栃尾町・八十里越間道路絵図]2039×81cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033205 [越後国古志郡・三島郡絵図]21105×149cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033206 [越後国長岡・栃尾間道路絵図]2224.5×34.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033207 [奥越国境八十里越・六十里越方面守備布陣図]232枚とも: 33.5×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033208 [越後国長岡・新発田間道路絵図]2440×74cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033209 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その2> ]2527.5×38.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033210 [越後国三島郡絵図 <その3> ]2640×55.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033211 [越後国見附・村松間道路絵図]2734×48.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033212 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その2> ]2870×97.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033213 [越後津川・会津高田間道路絵図]2966.5×36.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033214 [陸奥国耶麻郡絵図]3027.5×47cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033215 [越後国頸城郡細野村付近絵図]3173×26.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033216 [陸奥国柳津・会津若松間道路略図]3233.5×25.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033217 [越後国蒲原郡津川町付近絵図 <その2> ]3324.5×33.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033218 会津絵図3456×70cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033219 [陸奥国会津若松周辺略図]3522.5×30cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033220 [陸奥国会津若松周辺道路図]3626×31.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033221 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その3> ]3757×65cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033222 [会津若松城下絵図]3830×53cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033223 [越後津川・会津若松間道路絵図 <その4> ]3983×71cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033224 越後国岩船郡米沢御預所七拾七ヶ村郡中絵図4027.5×44cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033225 [越後国蒲原郡馬取村にて探索略図]4167×24.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033226 [越後国蒲原郡下田郷絵図]4274×101cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033227 [越後国見附・加茂間同盟軍布陣図]4324.5×65.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033228 [越後国三島郡・古志郡長岡町周辺絵図 <その2> ]4439×27.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033229 [越後国古志郡長岡町周辺絵図]4524.5×32.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033230 [陸奥国耶麻郡野沢付近道路略図]4627.5×63cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033231 越後国岩船郡粟生島之図4730×22.5cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033232 [越後国蒲原郡東部絵図 <その2> ]4883×83cm尊/キ7/貴
      RB00033233 [陸奥国越後街道図]無番27.5×62.5cm尊/キ7/貴


      The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
      We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.

      As of March 31, 2022, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive provides 1,872,197 images of 23,250 titles.