[Main Library] Temporarily Closed on Sep. 19th due to bad weather

 On 2022-09-19 (2168 reads)

The Main Library is temporarily closed on September 19th due to bad weather.

Ref. Kyoto University Main Library HP > Weather Emergency Preparedness Policy


[Main Library] From October 2022, the "Study Room 24" will extend the opening hours!

 On 2022-09-07 (4718 reads)

After October 2022, you can study in the "Study Room 24" even after the library is closed. We will change some operations as follows.

  • Monday to Thursday:9.30 am - 8.30 am (next morning)
  • Friday:9.30 am - 9.30 pm
  • Weekends & Holidays:10 am - 7 pm
  • The day library is closed:CLOSED

 * Due to cleaning time, the "Study Room 24" will be closed from 8.30 to 9.30 am.
   The day before a holiday, the study room will be opened until 9.30 pm.

Weekly schedule








Opening Hours

9.30 am - 8.30 am (next morning)

9.30 am - 9.30 pm

10 am - 7 pm


Closed from 8.30 to 9.30 am. for cleaning.

Closed other than the above.

  • When entering or exiting the "Study Room 24", it is necessary to identify yourself by means of your IC Student ID, Authentication IC Card or Library Card.
    You cannot use the study room without your IC Student ID, Authentication IC Card or Library Card.
  • Only the drinks with caps which can shut tightly are allowed. No food allowed.
  • During night time hours (9.30 pm - 8.30 am), you can use the specially designated after-hours restrooms.
  • To ensure safety, there is a security camera as well as a watchman present during night time hours.
  • Please always wear a mask, wash your hands and disinfect your fingers.
  • For details, please visit here.

[User Support Division, Kyoto University Library]


【Main Library】PC area and the north reading seats on the 3rd floor will be closed (2 September 2022, 3pm-9pm)

 On 2022-09-02 (1616 reads)

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[Library Network] Pamphlet "Book recommendation for you" vol.1-3 released!

 On 2022-08-31 (3303 reads)
Sorry, this page is Japanese only.

[Main Library]The library hours and services from August 5 to September 30, 2022

 On 2022-07-29 (3403 reads)

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(日本語) 【附属図書館】【締め切りました】学部生オフィス・アシスタント(=アルバイト)の募集について(7/21(木)〆切)

 On 2022-07-14 (1918 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Main Library] 7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. [Online Workshop]"How to use KULINE" June 24, 12:30- (Japanese Only)

 On 2022-07-11 (1880 reads)

Sorry. This page is Japanese only.


【Library Network】7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "CiNii Research, Web of Science, and EndNote Online"(7/1, 7/5)

 On 2022-07-11 (4306 reads)

poster2022.07.11 update
The recording of the lecture is now available.

(1)CiNii Research(Speaker: Main Library)
(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online(Speaker: Clarivate)

Please see the link below.
※ECS-ID/SPS-ID is required.

How can you find academic papers? How can you create a list of references easily?
These workshops will tell you how to find academic papers with database "Web of Science" and "CiNii Research", and how to make citation lists with "EndNote Online".
Library Network Online Workshop
"Web of Science, CiNii Research, EndNote Online"
*These workshops is held in Japanese only.
(1)CiNii Research
Date:July 1, 2022(Fri.) 17:00-17:45
Route Map level:
(2)Obtain information accurately(Beginner, Intermediate)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

(2)Web of Science and EndNote Online
Date:July 5, 2022(Tue.) 17:00-17:45
Speaker:Ms. Kumagai (Clarivate)
Route Map level: (2)Obtain information accurately(Intermediate, (3)Evaluate, organize, and manage information(Advanced)
(ref. Route Map for Supporting Academic Information Literacy by Kyoto University Library Network)

[Place] Both workshops are held in online.

Application form:

*Please apply by 17:00 the day before.
*We will share the recording later

Kyoto University Library Network
Contact: KU Main Library
MAIL: ref660[at]mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


[Main Library] You can study in the Library Hall during the examination period (July 8 to August 4)

 On 2022-07-08 (1056 reads)

The Library Hall on the 3rd floor will be available as a study room during the examination period.

Period : July 8 to August 4, 2022

Opening hours :   Weekdays 9am ~ 9pm

        July 9~10  10am ~ 6.30pm

        July 16~18, 23~24, 30~31 10am ~ 9pm

【User Support Division, Kyoto University Library】


[Main Library]The library hours and services from July 8 to August 4, 2022

 On 2022-07-08 (3002 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.