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WWW  Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs Online  [provided by Graduate School of Education] new
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1950年代~1970年代  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Whole Field / History  日本語

Collection of Magazines on Japanese Mass Entertainment and Sexual Customs Online are popular entertainment and sex culture maga­zines from the 1950s-70s. 29 titles, 458 volumes.

Cross-searchable as "Socio-Cultural History Database"

WWW  Saishin Kango Sakuin Web  [provided by Graduate School of Medicine]
同時接続数...3   収録範囲...1987-  更新頻度...Monthly  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Full-text databases  分野...Medicine  日本語

Saishin Kango Sakuin (Current Index to Japanese Nursing Literature) Web provides indexing for over 800 Japanese journals dating back to 1987 from the field of nursing. Saishin Kango Sakuin Web database is searchable by keyword, article title or author, and link to other databases (e.g. Ichushi-Web and Medical*Online) are available from the search results. The articles of “Nihon Kango Gakkai Ronbunshu” published after 2012 are available as PDFs through this database.

User Guide (Japanese Nursing Association) [JPN]

注意事項  Please click “ログイン” button to start.
Please be sure to logout using “終了” button.

WWW  Zasshi Kiji Sakuin (Japanese Periodicals Index)  
資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Whole Field  日本語

Articles in journals selected by the NDL can be searched by title, author, etc.

 Zassi Kiji Sakuin in various ways of provision are available.

WWW  Zasshi Kiji Sakuin Shusei (Japanese Periodicals Index from Meiji Era)  
同時接続数...1   収録範囲...明治-  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Whole Field  日本語

The Complete Database for Japanese Magazine and Periodicals from the Meiji Era to the Present.

WWW  "Diamond Weekly" Digital Archives   
同時接続数...4   収録範囲...1913-2019  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field  日本語

To access this database via the authentication system, click here.

This is a digital archive of the business magazine "Diamond Weekly" published by DIAMOND, Inc..

You can cross-search with "Economist" (1960s - 2020) provided on the same platform.

WWW  Japan Data Catalog for the Humanities and Social Sciences (JDCat)  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  日本語

Metadata across fields of the humanities and social sciences from the research institutions commissioned can be retrieved in batches. An English version of the Catalog is also available. (Some metadata are omitted.)

JDCat Analysis Tool
JDCat Analysis Tool provides Jupyter Notebook and RStudio execution environment on the cloud, allowing users to and log in to the JDCat Analysis Tool to immediately create and run programs in R or Python.Some data published on JDCat can be imported into the JDCat Analysis Tool at the touch of a button and data analysis can begin immediately.

A Guide to Data Sharing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Japanese only)
The Guide helps young researchers and graduate students in fields of the humanities and social sciences to effectively manage data while sharpening their perception of the importance of data sharing, utilization, and archiving.