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- Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde Online [Provided by Data-oriented Area Studies Unit (DASU)]
...No limit ...Full-text databases This is a collection of academic papers in the humanities and social sciences provided by Brill. It contains a wealth of materials on Southeast Asian studies. It includes papers and e-books on history, politics, archaeology, anthropology, urban studies, media, popular culture, literature, and linguistics.
- Visible Body
...No limit ...Full-text databases ...Medicine Visible Body was replaced by Visible Body Web Suite on January 2023.
Please create an account and access from the new URL.
*We recommend accessing Visible Body Web Suite via the new authentication system.
Visible Body Web Suite: https://websuite.visiblebody.com/
System Requirements: https://support.visiblebody.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045450074-System-Requirements-for-Web-Suite
List of products in Visible Body Web Suite: https://support.visiblebody.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045539374-List-of-products-in-Visible-Body-Web-Suite
・Human Anatomy Atlas
・Physiology Animations
・Muscle Premium
・Visible Biology
・Anatomy & Physiology