- Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas -

WWW  CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform   new
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry  英語

Information search tool for researchers in chemistry and life science related fields. It allows you to search academic papers, patents, chemical substances, chemical reactions, physical properties, laws and regulations, reagent catalogs, formulation/compounding information, and analytical methods in one place, enabling you to obtain information efficiently.

Available tools

You can access all tools with your CAS SciFinder® username/password; if you do not have a username, please register as a new user by following the instructions in the User Registration.

注意事項  Set up "Security Information" at User Registration in case you forget your password.
  • Don't store more than 5,000 records in electronic form at any one time.
  • Don't forget to SignOut.

WWW  Kigyo Shiryo Tougou Database (BAO: Business Archives Online)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1877-1990  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  日本語

Containing Financial Reports (1877-1950), Prospectus (1948-1990), Marketable Securities Reports (1949-1960) and documents relevant to the Act for Elimination of Excessive Concentration of Economic Power (1948-1950). Searchable by company name, year, industry type and free word.

WWW  Japan Data Catalog for the Humanities and Social Sciences (JDCat)  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  日本語

Metadata across fields of the humanities and social sciences from the research institutions commissioned can be retrieved in batches. An English version of the Catalog is also available. (Some metadata are omitted.)

JDCat Analysis Tool
JDCat Analysis Tool provides Jupyter Notebook and RStudio execution environment on the cloud, allowing users to and log in to the JDCat Analysis Tool to immediately create and run programs in R or Python.Some data published on JDCat can be imported into the JDCat Analysis Tool at the touch of a button and data analysis can begin immediately.

A Guide to Data Sharing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Japanese only)
The Guide helps young researchers and graduate students in fields of the humanities and social sciences to effectively manage data while sharpening their perception of the importance of data sharing, utilization, and archiving.

WWW  Taiwan Colonial Statistic Database  [FREE]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1895-1945  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...History  
The Taiwan Colonial Statistics Database (TCSD) was established to preserve the official statistical data from the colonial period and to facilitate academic use of these data. It gathered original colonial statistics stored by the National Taiwan University Library and the National Taiwan Library and now includes 684 books on colonial statistics, 195,513 digital image files, and 104,315 sets of metadata.

WWW  Prefectural Statistics Online (24 modules)  [provided by Division of Natural Resource Economics, Graduate School of Agriculture] new
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1873-1972  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Whole Field  日本語

This database contains about 8,000 volumes of prefectural statistics (about 1.5 million statistical tables) from the microfilm editions of "Collection of Prefectural Statistics in Meiji Era", "Collection of Prefectural Statistics in Taisho Era", and "Collection of Prefectural Statistics Postwar", 1460 reels in total (1964-1979, published by Yushodo Shoten). The statistics cover the period from the beginning of the Meiji era to 1972.

Prefectural statistical books are annual statistical books published by each prefecture from around 1876 to 1874, covering various kinds of general statistics for their respective jurisdictions.
Some of them were published before the Ministry of Home Affairs issued the "Prefectural Statistics Forms" in 1884, and some of them were published after World War II, and some of them were called "Statistical Yearbooks.
In addition, "Prefectural Statistical Forms," "List of County Name Variations," and "Outline Tables of the Prefectures of the Prefectures of the Prefectures of the Prefectures of the Prefectures of the Prefectures" are available from "References" as reference materials.

User Manual [J-DAC] (Japanese)

WWW  Rika Nenpyo Premium  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1925-  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Technology  日本語
Rika Nenpyo Premium provides all of the data (from 1947 to present) in Rika Nenpyo (science data book which compiled by National Astronomical Observatory of Japan). You can also download these data in CSV form.
注意事項  Click [ログイン] button to login the database.

WWW  Cambridge Structural Database (CSD)   new
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1965-  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry / Bioscience  英語

The Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) is provided by The Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC) in the UK. It is a database of crystal structures of organic and organometallic molecules. In addition to the core functionality called CSD Systems, which includes search software, the system consists of CSD-Materials for materials science and CSD-Discovery for biotechnology, all of which are distributed as CSD-Enterprise for academics. Kyoto University has purchased campus licences for at least the Yoshida and Uji campuses, so researchers wishing to use the database on those campuses should contact the following. (Please replace [at] with @ in the e-mail address.)

  • Yoshida campus: Kitagawa Group in iCeMS, KUIAS, kitagawa-g [at] icems.kyoto-u.ac.jp (The costs are divided proportionally between the laboratories used each year.)
  • Uji campus: SuperComputer System, Institute for Chemical Research, spradm [at] scl.kyoto-u.ac.jp

WWW  ChemSpider  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry  英語

ChemSpider is a free-to-access collection of compound data from across the web, provided for the benefit of the community by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC). It aggregates chemical structures and their associated information into a single searchable repository and makes it available to everybody. ChemSpider builds on the collected sources by adding additional properties, related information and links back to original data sources. ChemSpider offers text and structure searching to find compounds of interest and provides unique services to improve this data by curation and annotation and to integrate it with users’ applications. ChemSpider SyntheticPages, CS|SP, extends this model to cover reactions, providing quick publication, peer review and semantic enhancement of repeatable reactions

WWW  Current Chemical Reactions(Web of Science)  
収録範囲...1998-  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry  英語

Current Chemical Reactions delivers the latest synthetic methods reported in over 100 of the world's leading organic chemistry journals. Each reaction provides complete reaction diagrams,critical conditions, bibliographic data, and author abstracts.

You can cross-search with other databases by Web of Science.

WWW  eol  [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
同時接続数...2   収録範囲...1961-  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  日本語

This database offers corporate information (for approximately 6,000 companies with registered data going as far back as 1984) mainly for Japanese listed companies.

How to access "eol.Channel"
*Limit on Number of Users: 2

注意事項  Don't forget to logout by [ログアウト] button.

WWW  Essential Science Indicators (ESI)   
収録範囲...2002-  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Whole Field  英語

Essential Science Indicators (ESI) is a resource that enables researchers to conduct ongoing, quantitative analyses of research performance and track trends in science. Covering a multidisciplinary selection of 12,000+ journals from around the world, this in-depth analytical tool offers data for ranking scientists, institutions, countries, and journals.

*Web of Science products, including Essential Science Indicators and Journal Citation Reports, removed support for Internet Explorer 11 on May 31, 2021.
  If you are currently using Internet Explorer 11, we recommend that you switch to Microsoft Edge or another supported browser.

注意事項  To utilize some functions are required signing in.
※ E-mail Address / Password to be used to sign-in are the same as Web of Science and Endnote Basic.

WWW  Gale Business: Insights  [provided by Graduate School of Economics] new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This database contains the latest data and literature from 510,000 companies and 1,000 industries in 193 countries around the world.
Contents include magazine and newspaper articles, investment reports, company histories, reports by industry and market, and much more.

WWW  Historical Statistics of the United States. Millennial Edition Online  [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...History  英語
Historical Statistics of the United States is a standard source for data on all aspects of American history. The Millennial Edition is divided into five sections broadly covering: population, work and welfare, economic structure and performance, economic sectors, and governance and international relations. Data relates to the social, behavioral, humanistic, and natural sciences including history, economics, government, finance, sociology, demography, education, law, natural resources, climate, religion, international migration, and trade. Includes over 37,000 data series and statistics from more than 1,000 sources.

WWW  InCites Benchmarking KU EJ/DB Authentication System  [provided by Kyoto University Research Administration Center (KURA) ] new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  英語

InCites is a tool provided by Clarivate Analytics to analyze research output based on research articles and their citations in the Web of Science.
You can easily analyze research performance by institution, researcher, department, project, and various other indicators.

*If you already have a Web of Science account, you can use it with InCites.
  If you do not know your password, please reset it by clicking Forgot Password.

●InCites Help

WWW  Index Chemicus(Web of Science)  
収録範囲...1993-  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry  英語
Index Chemicus provides researchers with access to the chemical compound information. Covering more than 100 of the world's leading organic chemistry journals, Index Chemicus is text- and substructure-searchable, and offers full graphical summaries, important reaction diagrams, and complete bibliographic information.

You can cross-search with other databases by Web of Science.

WWW  Journal Citation Reports (JCR)   popular database
更新頻度...Annually  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Whole Field  英語

The database, provided by Clarivate Analytics, enables you to identify the highest impact journals in your research field, the most frequently used journals.

For more information: https://clarivate.com/webofsciencegroup/support/support-jcr/

注意事項  To utilize some functions are required signing in.
※ E-mail Address / Password to be used to sign-in are the same as Web of Science and Endnote Basic.

WWW  Landolt - Bornstein  
資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Technology  英語

Refer to "SpringerMaterials - The Landolt Bornstein Database" for current information about "Landolt - Bornstein".

注意事項  The full text is not available. (The retrieval function is available.)

WWW  Lexis+   popular database
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper / Patents  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  英語

To access this database via E-Journal and Database Authentication System, click here.

This database contains U.S. federal and state law sources and legal news.

*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).

WWW  OECD iLibrary  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  英語

OECD iLibrary contains books, papers and statistics published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).

User Guide (English): https://issuu.com/oecd.publishing/docs/oecd_ilibrary_user_guide_2018_print?e=3055080/63216264
Resources for Users and Researchers: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/oecd/help/users#guides

WWW  re3data.org : Registry of Research Data Repositories  
資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Whole Field  英語

re3data.org is a global registry of research data repositories that covers research data repositories from different academic disciplines.

WWW  SciFinder® KU EJ/DB Authentication System  
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Chemistry  英語

CAS SciFindern is a research discovery tool that allows college students and faculty to access a wide diversity of research from many scientific disciplines, including biomedical sciences, chemistry, engineering, material science, agricultural science, and more.

CAS SciFinder® (CAS) (CAS)
SciFinder Training (CAS)

注意事項  Set up "Security Information" at User Registration in case you forget your password.
  • Don't store more than 5,000 records in electronic form at any one time.
  • Don't forget to SignOut.

WWW  SpringerMaterials - The Landolt Bornstein Database  
資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Technology  英語

SpringerMaterials is based on the Landolt-Bornstein New Series, the unique, fully evaluated data collection in all areas of physical sciences and engineering. SpringerMaterials also comprises the Dortmund Data Bank Software & Separation Technology, a Database on Thermophysical Properties and the Linus Pauling Files, a Database on Inorganic Solid Phases and chemical safety data.

Product Summary [Springer]

注意事項  The full text is not available. (The retrieval function is available.)

WWW  United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN comtrade)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This web site provides access to information and data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) and the work of the International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section (IMTSS) of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

How to register an account:
Click on "Login" link in the upper right corner of the screen and "Sign Up Now" to create an account with your Kyoto University email address (@kyoto-u.ac.jp or @st.kyoto-u.ac.jp). Then, please access the site from the new platform.

For details, please refer to the following User Guide.
▼User Guide

WWW  Web of Science KU EJ/DB Authentication System  
資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / Patents  分野...General - Whole Field / General - Technology  英語

To access this database via the authentication system, click here.

The database provides access to essential information for all levels of academic, corporate, and government research.

Web of Science Training (YouTube)

It includes 9 databases

注意事項  Signing in is required to use some functions.
E-mail Address / Password to sign-in each database is common.
※ If you have an account of EndNote Basic, you can sign in with the same account.