[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Digital images of the Graduate School of Science freely reusable

 On 2019-01-29 (3777 reads)

Digital images of the materials held by the libraries of the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, publicized on the Internet are now freely reusable without application or fee.

The Graduate School of Science has introduced a new rule on the reuse of the digital images of its library materials, in order to promote the use of the digital images created from its rare materials and publicized on the Internet as part of the Open Access Promotion Project. Under the new rule, the digital images of materials held by the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, publicized on the Internet are reusable without application or fee.

Currently, the Main Library, Yoshida-South Library and the libraries of the Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University, permit the free reuse of their digital images by indicating their attribution and any change made to them. Please refer to "Guide for Content Reuse" of Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive for detail.

Many of the rare materials held by Kyoto University are used in publications or broadcasting. For example, Newe Zeyttung auss der Insel Japonien and Kunijo Kabuki Ekotoba are cited in textbooks for students. Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive publicizes 1,071,087 digital images of 12,793 titles as of January 29, 2019.


[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 49 books held by the Main Library and the Graduate School of Science have been newly released

 On 2018-11-13 (3588 reads)

49 books held by the Main Library and the Graduate School of Science have been newly released.
996,520 images of 10,426 titles in total are available in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive as of November 13, 2018.

Miyako rinsen meishou zue

燕行日記 RB00022888Main Library
乙亥燕行録 RB00022890Main Library
勘界使交渉日記 RB00022891Main Library
韓鮮疆域圖 RB00022894Main Library
許生傳 RB00022898Main Library
左氏輯選 RB00022897Main Library
種藷譜 不分卷 RB00022893Main Library
諸述雑抄 RB00012532Main Library
西浦漫筆 2巻RB00012533Main Library
石砮詩 RB00012114Main Library
宣祖(大王)實記 RB00022899Main Library
大学衍義 巻23-43 RB00012997Main Library
朝天日乘/조천 일승 RB00022889Main Library
都名所図会拾遺 4巻 RB00008617Main Library
都林泉名勝図会 RB00022902Main Library
文殊師利問経 巻下 RB00009401Main Library
廣輿圖 RB00022896Main Library
渤海攷 RB00022892Main Library
萬姓譜 (40冊) RB00022900Main Library
靈山縣地圖書 RB00022895Main Library
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken by the command of his Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore : in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 RB00015104Graduate School of Science
A voyage to the Pacific Ocean : undertaken, by the command of His Majesty, for making discoveries in the Northern hemisphere : performed under the direction of captains Cook, Clerke, and Gore, in His Majesty's ships the Resolution and Discovery, in the years 1776, 7, 8, 9, and 80 : compiled from the various accounts of that voyage hitherto published RB00015105Graduate School of Science
An inquiry into the original state and formation of the earth : deduced from facts and the laws of nature RB00015091Graduate School of Science
Beitrage zur kenntniss des Norddeutchen Oolithgebildes und dessen Versteinerungen RB00015111Graduate School of Science
Coup-d'oeil sur la fauna des iles de la sonde et de l'empire du Japon : discours preliminaire destine a servir d'introduction a la Fauna du Japon ; Apercu general et specifique sur les mammiferes qui habitent le Japon et les iles qui en dependent RB00015114Graduate School of Science
Description des animaux sans vertebres decouverts dans le bassin de Paris : pour servir supplement a le description des coquilles fossiles des environs de paris comprenant une revue generale de toutes les espece actuellement connues RB00015115Graduate School of Science
Description geologique et mineralogique du depaetment du Bas-Rhin RB00015118Graduate School of Science
Etudes sur les glaciers RB00015112Graduate School of Science
Herbarium diluvianum RB00015097Graduate School of Science
Histoire naturelle : generale et particuliere des mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles tant des especes que l'on trouve aujourd'hui vivantes, que des depouilles fossiles de celles qui n'existent plus; classes d'apres les caractreres essentiels que presentent ces animaux et leurs conquilles RB00015109Graduate School of Science
Histoire naturelle des animaux sans vertebres, presentant les caracteres generaux et particuliers de ces animaux, leur distribution, leurs classes, leurs familles, leurs genres, et la citation des principales especes qui s'y rapportent : precedee d'une introduction offrant la determination des caracteres essentiels de l'animal, sa distinction du vegetal et des autres corps naturels, enfin, l'exposition des principes fondamentaux de la zoologie RB00015106Graduate School of Science
Historia Conchyliorum : Liber Primus Qui est de Cochleis Terrestribus RB00015099Graduate School of Science
Historia sive synopsis methodica Conchyliorum quorum omnium pictura ad vivum delineata, exhibetur liber primus. Qui est de Cochleis Terrestribus RB00015098Graduate School of Science
Holothurien RB00015116Graduate School of Science
Institutions geologiques RB00015108Graduate School of Science
L'archipel de la Nouvelle-Caledonie RB00015119Graduate School of Science
Mineralogia, sive Natvralis philosophiae thesavri : in qvibus metalliccae concretionis medicatorumque fossilium miracula, terrarum pretium, colorum & pigmentorum apparatus, concretorum succorum virtus, lapidum atque gemmarum dignitas continentur RB00015103Graduate School of Science
Monographie Paleontologique des couches de la zone a Ammonites Tenuilobatus (Badener Schichten) deBaden (Argovie) RB00015117Graduate School of Science
Odontography; or, a treatise on the comparative anatomy of the teeth : their physiological relations, mode of development, and microscopic structure, in the vertebrate animals RB00015113Graduate School of Science
Recherches sur les ossemens fossiles : ou l'on retablit les characteres de plusieurs animaux dont les revolutions du globe ont detruit les especes RB00015110Graduate School of Science
Strata identified by organized fossils : containing prints on colored paper of the most characteristic specimens in each stratum RB00015107Graduate School of Science
Testacea Musei Caesarei Vindobonensis, quae tussu Mariae Theresiae Augustae RB00015100Graduate School of Science
Traite ou description abregee et methodique des mineraux : presente a l'Academie Imperiale & Royale des Sciences & Belles-Lettres de Bruxelles, qui l'a juge digne de faire partie de ses propres memoires & de leur servir de suite RB00015102Graduate School of Science
Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde RB00015092Graduate School of Science
Voyages de M.P.S. Pallas : en differentes provinces de l'Empire de Russie, et dans l'Asie septentrionale RB00015093Graduate School of Science
雲根志 RB00015095Graduate School of Science
雲根志 RB00015096Graduate School of Science
貝よせの記 RB00015101Graduate School of Science
怡顔齋介品 RB00015094Graduate School of Science



Sci. Chemistry Liblary closed May 16 - May 20, 2016

 On 2016-05-16 (2016 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


Sci. Chemistry Library Closed from Oct. 19 to Oct. 21

 On 2015-10-15 (1914 reads)


・理学部化学図書室休室日程 2015年10月19日(月)?10月21日(水)


[Sci. Mathematics Library]Inventory work in the stack room on Sep. 4-18

 On 2015-09-04 (2530 reads)
2015年 9月14日(月) - 9月18日(金)



[Sci. Biology] BOOK COLLECTION about Seybold research

 On 2015-02-09 (3002 reads)



生物科学図書室が所蔵する『Flora Japonica 日本植物誌』と『Fauna Japonica 日本動物誌』およびそのデジタル画像は内外を問わず、学術出版、一般書、団体機関誌、報道等で幅広く利用されています。「貴重書」というだけでなく、分類学や博物学の研究とともに今もなお色褪せず輝く「生きた資料」として活用される『日本植物誌』・『日本動物誌』とシーボルト研究に関連する書籍を紹介いたします。

■ 開催場所 : 2015年2月9日(月) - 3月13日(金)
■ 場  所 : 京都大学生協 ショップ ルネ イベントコーナー


シーボルトと京都大学の分類学者たち -分類学って何だ?-


■ 日時 : 2015年2月24日(火)  18:30 - 20:30
■ 会場 :  京都大学生協 ショップ ルネ イベントコーナー


[Sci. Biology] BOOK MEMORIAL about Mr. Hidaka Toshitaka

 On 2014-02-14 (6461 reads)
-知られざる巨人- 動物行動学者 日高敏隆 BOOK MEMORIAL


理学研究科生物科学図書室では、『知られざる巨人 動物行動学者 日高敏隆 BOOK MEMORIAL』として、理学部動物学教室旧1講座教授で、日本動物行動学会創設初代会長、滋賀県立大学初代学長、総合地球環境学研究所初代所長であった故日高敏隆先生の企画イベントを行います。
また、2012年NHK京都放送局開局80周年記念作品『知られざる巨人 動物行動学者 日高敏隆』を上映します。

■ 開催期間: 2014年2月17日(月) 〜 3月14日(金)
■ 場所: 京都大学生協 ショップ ルネ イベントコーナー


 日高敏隆とその時代 -動物行動学は楽しい- 


■ 日時: 2014年2月26日(水) 18:30〜20:30
■ 会場: 京都大学生協 ショップ ルネ イベントコーナー

[Science Lib]Exhibition at Kyoto University Museum Dec.11-Jan.12

 On 2013-12-06 (4004 reads)





■場所:京都大学総合博物館2階 第二総合展示室


Tel :075-753-3622
Mail:tosyo*office.sci.kyoto-u.ac.jp (*を@へ変えて下さい)



[Workshop]"Mathematica" on Oct. 29 at North Campus

 On 2013-10-15 (2421 reads)




・場所:理学部6号館南棟(講義棟) 3階302号室




Tel :075-753-3622
Mail:tosyo*office.sci.kyoto-u.ac.jp (*を@へ変えて下さい)


[Science Library] Extend opening hours from Oct. 1, 2013

 On 2013-09-27 (2613 reads)





Mail:tosyo*office.sci.kyoto-u.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください)
図書室Twitter: https://twitter.com/kuscilib