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General - Social Science

WWW  Kanpo jouhou kensaku sa-bisu (Japan Official Gazette Data Providing Services)  
同時接続数...1   収録範囲...1947-  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  日本語
This service enables you to search the Japan Official Gazette Data (from 1947 to present) by date of issue and articles.
注意事項  Only available from on-campus. The methods to connect to the network(limited on-campus) from Off-campus

WWW  Japan Data Catalog for the Humanities and Social Sciences (JDCat)  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  日本語

Metadata across fields of the humanities and social sciences from the research institutions commissioned can be retrieved in batches. An English version of the Catalog is also available. (Some metadata are omitted.)

JDCat Analysis Tool
JDCat Analysis Tool provides Jupyter Notebook and RStudio execution environment on the cloud, allowing users to and log in to the JDCat Analysis Tool to immediately create and run programs in R or Python.Some data published on JDCat can be imported into the JDCat Analysis Tool at the touch of a button and data analysis can begin immediately.

A Guide to Data Sharing in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Japanese only)
The Guide helps young researchers and graduate students in fields of the humanities and social sciences to effectively manage data while sharpening their perception of the importance of data sharing, utilization, and archiving.

WWW  Local System and Decentralization in Post War Japan (online edition)  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / History  日本語

A collection of materials for about half a century when Japan's local system is transformed from centralized administrative and local system to decentralized administrative and local system, starting from postwar reforms. It mainly contains a huge amount of materials such as the following committee reports, minutes, survey materials, and handouts.
User guide (jpn)[J-DAC]

Cross-searchable as "Modern Historical Documents Database" https://j-dac.jp/MJPH/index.html

WWW  Chihou Jichi Kankei Siryou online edition  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1974-2015  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  日本語

Forty years of Japan Research Institute for Local Government (Chiho Jichi Sogo Kenkyusho/ ”Jichisoken” ) activity, now accessible in a single location.

WWW  Urban Issue and Local Autonomy (online edition)  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1922-2017  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / History  日本語

This database contains for over ninety years' worth of study and research on municipal concerns.
User guide (jpn)[J-DAC]

WWW  Cairn.Info Journals Collections Bouquet Général   [provided by Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Law and Institute for Research in Humanities]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...2001-Present  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  

This database contains a wide range of French academic journals.
Fields covered: social sciences, humanities, history, linguistics, philosophy, linguistics, literature, philosophy, geography, psychology, sociology, political science, etc.

WWW  Climate Change and Law Collection [Brill]  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  英語

This comprehensive collection of climate change and law documents contains original source, non-edited and non-redacted “grey literature” (non-peer reviewed) in English, centered on climate change and the law. Incorporated in the category of ‘law’ is any discipline of law which addressed climate change, including corporate law, environmental law and human rights law. Materials in the collection originate from a wide range of organizations in the public and private sector, institutions, and/or individuals, world-wide.

WWW  DBpia  [provided by Faculty of Letters and Institute for Research in Humanities ]
収録範囲...1984-  更新頻度...Monthly  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  

DBpia, provided by Nurimedia (Korean company), enables you to access full-texts of Korean academic journals and academic society journals. You can use humanities and social science package.

Title List(see "人文社会"sheet)[offered by n-online]

WWW  EBSCOhost  
資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  英語

EBSCOhost offers a variety of proprietary full text databases and popular databases from leading information providers.

 It includes some databases.

  • Academic Search Ultimate : This database which covers virtually every area of academic study offers full text for nearly 10,000 scholarly journals, including nearly 9,000 peer-reviewed titles. *For HTML format, some figures are not available.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 1 : AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Series 1 presents over 500 titles from 1691 through 1820.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 2 : AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Series 2 presents over 1000 titles dating from 1821 through 1837.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 3 : AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Series 3 presents over 1,800 titles dating from 1838 through 1852.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 4 : AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Series 4 presents over 1,100 titles dating from 1853 through 1865.
  • American Antiquarian Society (AAS) Historical Periodicals Collection: Series 5 : AAS collection features over 7500 titles from the seventeenth through the late nineteenth century. Series 5 presents over 2,500 titles dating from 1866 through 1877.
  • Open Dissertations (Formerly, American Doctoral Dissertations 1933-1955) : This database provides record of dissertations accepted by American universities during that time period, the print index Doctoral Dissertations Accepted by American Universities. Containing nearly 150,000 citations.
  • Architectural Digest Archive : The Architectural Digest Archive is an extensive collection of the famed international design magazine from its first issue in 1920 through 2011, presented in a comprehensive cover-to-cover format.
  • Bloomberg Businessweek Archive : Indexing, abstracting, and full text for the complete archive of Businessweek, beginning with its first issue in 1929 and ending in December 2000.
  • Business Source Ultimate : This business database provides full text for nearly 3,500 scholarly business journals, including nearly 2,100 peer-reviewed titles. *For HTML format, some figures are not available.
  • CINAHL : The database about nursing science.
  • EconLit with Full Text : EconLit, the American Economic Association’s electronic database, is the world’s foremost source of references to economic literature. Also, This database provides full text for 630 sholarly journals.Guide(JPN only)[Provided by EBSCO]
  • European Views of the Americas : This new bibliographic database is a valuable index for libraries, scholars and individuals interested in European works that relate to the Americas. EBSCO Publishing, in cooperation with the John Carter Brown Library, has created this resource from "European Americana: A Chronological Guide to Works Printed In Europe Relating to The Americas, 1493-1750," the authoritative bibliography that is well-known and respected by scholars worldwide. The database contains more than 32,000 entries and is a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750.
  • Forbes Archive : Indexing, abstracting, and full text for the complete archive of Forbes, beginning with its first issue in 1917 and ending in December 2000.
  • GeoRef : The database, maintained by the American Geological Institute, enables you to search bibliography of books and articles in geology and the geophysics. GeoRef In Process contains unedited records that are still in the process of being indexed, prior to their integration in the main GeoRef database.
  • GreenFILE : The database about human impact to the environment.
  • Historical Abstracts : Historical Abstracts is an exceptional resource that covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and more.
  • LISTA : Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts : Indexes more than 600 periodicals, plus books, research reports and proceedings.
  • MEDLINE : The database about medical science.
  • MLA International Bibliography:The MLA International Bibliography indexes books, articles and dissertations published on modern languages, literatures, folklore, and linguistics, providing coverage from 1926 to the present.
  • Philosopher's Index with Full Text : The Philosopher's Index is a current, comprehensive, and easy-to-use subject and author index to Philosophical articles, Books, Anthologies, Contributions to Anthologies, including author-written abstracts and more than 220 full-text journals.
  • Regional Business News : This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications.
  • Sociology Source Ultimate: (On trial until March 31, 2025, to be introduced in April 2025) This database contains full-text of e-journals on academic materials in sociology and related fields. It includes journals published in English and local languages in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America as well as North America.
  • Teacher Reference Center : Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for 280 of the most popular teacher and administrator journals and magazines to assist professional educators.

WWW  Gale Primary Sources [Gale]  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

Gale Primary Sources is a platform that enables a user to cross-search Gale's digital archives available at Kyoto University Libraries, including:

  • 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection
  • American Historical Periodicalsfrom the American Antiquarian Society
  • Archives Unbound
  • British Library Newspapers
  • British Literary Manuscripts Online
  • The Economist Historical Archive
  • Financial Times Historical Archive
  • The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926
  • The Making of the Modern World: Part III, IV
  • Nineteenth Century Collections Online (NCCO) 
  • Smithsonian Collections Online
  • The Times Digital Archive

Training support for Gale Primary Sources

WWW  GreenFILE [EBCSOhost]  [FREE]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Technology / General - Social Science  英語

GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Topics covered include global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.

WWW  House of Commons Parliamentary Papers (ProQuest U.K. Parliamentary Papers)   [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...18th century - 21th century  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

House of Commons Parliamentary Papers contains over 200,000 papers from 1715 to the present, with supplementary material which goes back to 1688.

■HCPP in two ways of provision are available.

WWW  Japan and the United States: Diplomatic, Security, and Economic Relations [ProQuest] KU EJ/DB Authentication System  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1960-2000  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語
This database makes available nearly 4,000 documents dealing with high-level policy making within the U.S. government and the history of U.S.-Japan relations during the last four decades of the twentieth century.

It includes the following collections.
  • Japan and the U.S., 1960-1976
  • Japan and the U.S., 1977-1992
  • Japan and the U.S., Part III, 1961-2000

WWW  Making of the Modern World:Part III, IV [Gale]  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1450-1945  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / History  英語

"The Making of the Modern World (MOMW) Part III, IV" is comprised exclusively of monographs and periodicals in the Goldsmiths’ Library of Economic Literature, which is held at the Senate House Library of the University of London, offering transnational coverage in an area of vital interest to historians—political economy.

Also available in Gale Primary Sources and NII-REO(except IV).

WWW  The Making of the Modern World: Part I - III [NII-REO]  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1450-1945  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / History  英語

"The Making of the Modern World (MOMW Part I-III)" is invaluable for an understanding of the competition for empire and the projection of European power from 1500 to the early twentieth century. Explore the historical underpinnings integral to the study of economics and European imperialism.

MOMW III is also available in Gale and Gale Primary Sources

WWW  Periodicals Archive Online Foundation Collection [ProQuest]  [provided by Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1908-2000  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

Periodicals Archive Online Foundation Collection is an archive of 215 digitised academic journals published in the arts, humanities and social sciences providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles.

WWW  Periodicals Index Online  
同時接続数...3   収録範囲...1665-  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

The database contains the contents of periodicals in the areas of humanities and social sciences. It currently indexes over 22 million journal articles in 7,000 journals.

more info

WWW  Project Muse  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to over 430 high quality humanities and social sciences journals from over 100 scholarly publishers.

WWW  ProQuest U.K. Parliamentary Papers  [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
同時接続数...No limit    収録範囲...18th century - 21th century  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語
U.K. Parliamentary Papers contains the digitally scanned full-text of the House of Commons Sessional Papers, from the 18th century through to the present.


WWW  SAGE Research Methods  
資料タイプ...Video and Audio / Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Dictionaries and Encyclopedias / Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  英語

SAGE Research Methods is the online resource for anyone doing research or learning how to do research. With more than 800 books, reference works, journal articles, and videos from SAGE’s world-renowned research methods list, SAGE Research Methods provides information on writing a research question, conducting a literature review, choosing a research method, collecting and analyzing data, and writing up the findings. SAGE Research Methods’ coverage spans the full range of research methods used in the social and behavioral sciences, plus a wide range of methods commonly used in science, technology, medicine, and the humanities.

  • Fulltext e-books, journal articles, Handbooks, Encyclopedias and Dictionaries
  • "Little Green Books" (Quantitative Applications in the Social Sciences)
  • Short videos
  • Methods Map - a visualization tool showing the relationships between methods

SAGE Research Methods User Guide
SAGE Research Methods - LibGuides at SAGE Publications

WWW  Social Services Abstracts [ProQuest]  
収録範囲...1979-  更新頻度...Monthly  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Social Science  英語

Social Services Abstracts provides bibliographic coverage of current research focused on social work, human services, and related areas, including social welfare, social policy, and community development. The database abstracts and indexes over 1,300+ serials publications and includes abstracts of journal articles and dissertations, and citations to book reviews.

WWW  Sociological Abstracts [ProQuest]  
収録範囲...1952-  更新頻度...Monthly  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...General - Social Science  英語

Sociological Abstracts, and its companion file Social Services Abstracts, cover the international literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. It provides abstracting and indexing of articles and book reviews drawn from thousands of serials publications, plus books, book chapters, dissertations, conference papers, and working papers.

WWW  Sociology Source Ultimate [EBSCOhost]   new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Social Science  英語

This database contains full-text of e-journals on academic materials in sociology and related fields. It includes journals published in English and local languages in Africa, Asia, Oceania, Europe, and Latin America as well as North America.

Further information

注意事項  On trial until March 31, 2025, to be introduced in April 2025

WWW  Springer Nature eBook Collections  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...General - Technology / General - Social Science / General - Humanities  英語

It includes the following collections.



Economics and Business

WWW  Oxford Research Encyclopedias  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Dictionaries and Encyclopedias  分野...Economics and Business  英語

A series of field-specific digital encyclopedias. Contains peer-reviewed overview articles on a wide range of topics by internationally active researchers in various fields.

The following four disciplines are available.

WWW  Kigyo Shiryo Tougou Database (BAO: Business Archives Online)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1877-1990  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  日本語

Containing Financial Reports (1877-1950), Prospectus (1948-1990), Marketable Securities Reports (1949-1960) and documents relevant to the Act for Elimination of Excessive Concentration of Economic Power (1948-1950). Searchable by company name, year, industry type and free word.

WWW  History of Japan's Trade and Industry Policy online  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1950-1986  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business / History  日本語

An enormous collection consisting of primary documents of industrial policy from prewar period.
Available:「第2期(戦後編):第1部 第1回配本(産業政策)」「第2期(戦後編):第2部 第1回配本(産業政策)」

User Manual

WWW  Nikkei Telecom  
同時接続数...3   収録範囲...1975-  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business  日本語

To access this database via the authentication system, click here.

Nikkei Telecom is a newspaper database provided by Nikkei Shimbun Inc. that provides full-text articles from the following Japanese newspapers: Nihon keizai shinbun, Nikkei sangyō shinbun, Nikkei MJ (Nikkei ryūtsū shinbun), Nikkei kinʼyū shinbun [Headline and Abstracts(not all articles): Jan. 1975-, Full-text: Oct. 1981-(Nikkei ryūtsū shinbun: Oct. 1985-). Also includes The Kyoto Shimbun News[Jan. 1998-], and corporate profiles, and economic statistics.

注意事項  Don't forget to logout by [ログアウト] button

WWW  Yamaichi Securities Co., Ltd. The first term (Online edition)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics] new
収録範囲...明治期~昭和20年代  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  日本語

The main part of the database is based on materials collected and organized by Yamaichi Securities, that went out of business in 1997, when it published "Yamaichi Securities History" in 1958 to commemorate the 60th anniversary of its founding. The original materials are in the possession of the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics Library.
This time, we have introduced the part corresponding to the first to twelfth collections of the microfilm version.

WWW  Bloomberg Businessweek Archive [EBSCOhost]   
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1929-2000  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  英語
The Bloomberg Businessweek Archive contains indexing, abstracting, and full text for the complete archive of Businessweek, beginning with its first issue in 1929 and ending in December 2000.

WWW  Business Source Ultimate [EBSCOhost]  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1886-  更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This business database provides full text for nearly 3,500 scholarly business journals, including nearly 2,100 peer-reviewed titles.

*For HTML format, some figures are not available.

Further information

WWW  EconLit with Full Text [EBCSOhost]  
収録範囲...1969-  更新頻度...Weekly  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  英語

EconLit, the American Economic Association’s electronic database, is the world’s foremost source of references to economic literature. Also, This database provides full text for 630 sholarly journals.

Title List(EBSCOhost)
Guide(JPN only)[Provided by EBSCO]

WWW  The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2020 [Gale]  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1843-2020  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business  英語

The Economist Historical Archive delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2020.
Included in Gale Primary Sources.

WWW  Elsevier Handbooks in Economics Series  [provided by Institute of Economic Research]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  英語

Each titles can be searched by KULINE.

WWW  eol  [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
同時接続数...2   収録範囲...1961-  資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  日本語

This database offers corporate information (for approximately 6,000 companies with registered data going as far back as 1984) mainly for Japanese listed companies.

How to access "eol.Channel"
*Limit on Number of Users: 2

注意事項  Don't forget to logout by [ログアウト] button.

WWW  The Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2016 [Gale]  [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1888-2016  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...Economics and Business  英語

The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable run of the authoritative daily business newspaper. Special supplements and the FT Magazine are also included.
Also available in the Gale Primary Sources.

WWW  Forbes Archive [EBSCOhost]   
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1917-2000  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Economics and Business  英語
The Forbes Archive contains indexing, abstracting, and full text for the complete archive of Forbes, beginning with its first issue in 1917 and ending in December 2000.

WWW  Gale Business: Insights  [provided by Graduate School of Economics] new
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This database contains the latest data and literature from 510,000 companies and 1,000 industries in 193 countries around the world.
Contents include magazine and newspaper articles, investment reports, company histories, reports by industry and market, and much more.

WWW  Lexis+   popular database
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper / Patents  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  英語

To access this database via E-Journal and Database Authentication System, click here.

This database contains U.S. federal and state law sources and legal news.

*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).

WWW  OECD iLibrary  
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  英語

OECD iLibrary contains books, papers and statistics published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).

User Guide (English): https://issuu.com/oecd.publishing/docs/oecd_ilibrary_user_guide_2018_print?e=3055080/63216264
Resources for Users and Researchers: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/oecd/help/users#guides

WWW  United Nations Commodity Trade Statistics Database (UN comtrade)  [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas  分野...Economics and Business  英語

This web site provides access to information and data on International Merchandise Trade Statistics (IMTS) and the work of the International Merchandise Trade Statistics Section (IMTSS) of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

How to register an account:
Click on "Login" link in the upper right corner of the screen and "Sign Up Now" to create an account with your Kyoto University email address (@kyoto-u.ac.jp or @st.kyoto-u.ac.jp). Then, please access the site from the new platform.

For details, please refer to the following User Guide.
▼User Guide

WWW  Westlaw Japan KU EJ/DB Authentication System  
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  日本語

To access this database via the authentication system, click here.

Westlaw Japan KK brings together Westlaw and Japan's leading legal publisher, Shin Nippon Hoki Shuppan, to provide online access to Japanese cases and legislation with versioning, law books and journals by local experts, government policy information, and real-time news provided by Jiji Press.

WWW  Westlaw Next  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  英語

Westlaw Next is Thomson's powerful online research service, providing legal professionals with trusted legal, news and business information from around the world.

Introduction of Westlaw Next [Westlaw Japan]


WWW  D1-Law.com  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
同時接続数...50   収録範囲...旧憲法下-現在(判例体系)  資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes  分野...Legal  日本語

The database provides online access to Japanese cases and legislation with versioning, law books and journals by local experts, government policy information.

Online Manual (jpn)

WWW  Lexis+   popular database
同時接続数...No limit   資料タイプ...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper / Patents  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  英語

To access this database via E-Journal and Database Authentication System, click here.

This database contains U.S. federal and state law sources and legal news.

*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).

WWW  Lexis 360 Intelligence (Formerly Lexis 360)  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
資料タイプ...Bibliographic datas, Abstracts, Indexes / Full-text databases  分野...Legal  

Provided by LexisNexis. It provides various legal information of France and other countries of french-speaking.

Login method: ID authentication method (ID authentication under IP authentication)

*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).

WWW  Lexis+ UK  [provided by Graduate School of Law] new
資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Legal  英語

This database contains provides various legal information of English law and European Union law such as "Halsbury’s Laws of England" and "All England Law Reports".

*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).

WWW  The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926  
同時接続数...No limit   収録範囲...1800-1926  資料タイプ...Full-text databases  分野...Legal  英語

"The Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926" provides digital images on every page of 22,000 legal treatises on US and British law published from 1800 through 1926.

Also available in Gale Primary Sources.

WWW  Westlaw Japan KU EJ/DB Authentication System  
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  日本語

To access this database via the authentication system, click here.

Westlaw Japan KK brings together Westlaw and Japan's leading legal publisher, Shin Nippon Hoki Shuppan, to provide online access to Japanese cases and legislation with versioning, law books and journals by local experts, government policy information, and real-time news provided by Jiji Press.

WWW  Westlaw Next  [provided by Graduate School of Law]
同時接続数...No limit   更新頻度...Daily  資料タイプ...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper  分野...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal  英語

Westlaw Next is Thomson's powerful online research service, providing legal professionals with trusted legal, news and business information from around the world.

Introduction of Westlaw Next [Westlaw Japan]