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The library hours and services will be changed from October 19th

 On 2020-12-21 (9091 reads)
Notice as of January 12
Kyoto University's “Guidelines for the Restriction of Activities to Prevent the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus”)
has been raised from Level 1 to Level 2- in all three categories.→Fore more information, please visit here.

We will provide the following services and facilities as planned.
However, it may change depending on the situation, so please check the latest information on our website.

In addition, be sure to take thorough infection prevention measures such as wearing a mask, washing your hands, and disinfecting your fingers.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 and maintain the library's services as planned.

The library hours and services will be changed from October 19th, 2020 to January 15th, 2021 as follows:
* For more information about the hours and services before and after this period, please visit the following links.

  • The service status of the period: From October 1st to October 16th is here.
  • The service status of the period: From January 18th, 2021 to February 8th is here.

3 points - [1]opening hours, [2]service hours of the stack rooms and [3]hours of Learning Support Desk - will be changed from the previous period.

  • Opening hours
    Weekdays 9:00 - 19:00
    Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays: closed

    ※Opening hours of the Main Library can be found here.

Preventive measures required when visiting the Main Library
Jump to the end of this news. Read the notice before visiting the library.


    1. Borrowing of the Main Library's items
      • Service Hours
        • Open shelves: Weekdays, 9:00 - 19:00
        • Stack rooms: Weekdays, 9:00 - 18:30
      • How to Borrow Library Items
        • We provide 2 types of services ― regular service and book delivery service.
          Regular service: 
          You can access shelves on the 1st and 2nd floors and in stack rooms of basements and take library items to borrow them by an automatic self-borrowing machine on the 1st floor.
          Please find library items to borrow by searching Kyoto University's OPAC KULINE before visiting the library, in order to make the visit to the library as short as possible.
          *”How to use KULINE” can be found here →[Japanese]/[English

          Book delivery service: 
          This service is for the following KU members.
          ・KU members who live outside Kyoto City
          ・KU members who cannot come to the library for health reasons
          You can apply via MyKULINE.
          For more information, please visit here.

        • The numbers of items users can borrow, the borrowing periods and the times to extend the periods are as follows.
          Type of ItemsBorrowing PeriodNumber of itemsTimes to extend the period
          Open-shelf books2 weeksUp to 10Up to 5 times
          Stack room books1 monthStudents: Up to 10
          Faculty: Up to 30
          Up to 2 times
          Periodicals2 weeksUp to 5Up to 5 times
          Books bound in traditional Japanese stylesUnavailable
          *You can use them only in the reading room.
        • How to Renew Library Items
          You can extend the borrowing period through MyKULINE to up to three months (five times for items from open shelves, twice for items from stack rooms and five times for journals), unless other users have reserved them.
        • How to Return Library Items
          Please return library items to the book drop next to the main entrance.
          If you need to get items immediately processed, please use an automatic self-returning machine on the 1st floor.
        • How to Return by Postal Mail or Other Delivery Services
            You can also return the Main Library's items by postal mail or other delivery services.
            Items borrowed from libraries other than the Main Library are excluded.
            Sending Address: User Support Division, Kyoto University Main Library
                     Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan
                     TEL 075-753-2632
             - Pack library items appropriately so that they are not damaged in transit.
             - Specify on the package that library items are inside.
             - Users are to pay the delivery fee.
             - Keep the copy of the delivery invoice in case of accidents.

    2. Using Reading Rooms
      • You can use the reading rooms on the 1st and 2nd floor.
      • Study Room 24 is also open.
        • Opening hours are the same with the Main Library.
        • “Nagomi” is not available.
      • Please use the desks without the notice of “Not Available”.
      • Wear a mask.
      • Don’t use a seat for more than two hours.
      • The following facilities are not available.
        • 1st floor: Learning Commons
        • 3rd floor: Reading Room, Study Rooms, Common Rooms, Media Commons, Media Theater and OSL (Open Space Laboratory)

    3. Learning Support Desk
      • Hours:【Weekdays】13:00~19:00 (No reservation required.)
        Main Library closes at 19:00; You had better come by 18:30.
      • To keep users and staffs safe,
         ・Time to talk is limited to 30 minutes per student per day.
         ・We will take your body temperature. If you have a fever, you cannot use Learning Support Desk.
         ・Please wash and disinfect your hands before talking.
         ・You must wear a mask.
      • You can also use the "Learning Support Desk Online" instead of face to face advice. (Reservation required.)
        For more information, please visit here.

    4. Borrowing and document delivery service from KU libraries other than the Main Library
      • You can borrow books or obtain copies only from the libraries of other campuses.
        Please refer to "Intercampus Loan Service - Participating libraries" page.
      • Apply for the service through MyKULINE.
      • Please understand that your application may take more time to be processed than usual or even be canceled because of the COVID-19.
      • You can pick up delivered items at the Main Library's service counter.
      • Return items borrowed from KU libraries other than the Main Library at the Main Library’s service counter.

    5. Borrowing and document delivery service from libraries outside Kyoto University
      • The same rules as the above 4. apply.
      • Return items borrowed from libraries outside Kyoto University at the Main Library’s service counter.

    6. Microfilm readers
      • Hours: 9:00-16:45 weekdays
      • Don’t use a reader for more than two hours.
      • Application is required at the service counter.
      • Wash and disinfect your hands before using a reader.
      • We will take your body temperature before using microfilm readers.
        If you have a fever, you cannot use.

    7. NDL digitized contents and NDL historical recordings collection (Rekion) transmission service
      • Hours: 9:00-11:45, 13:00-16:45 weekdays
      • Do not use the service for more than two hours.
      • Application is required at the service counter.
      • Wash and disinfect your hands before using the services.
      • We will take your body temperature before using NDL services.
        If you have a fever, you cannot use the services.
      • When using NDL’s historical recordings collection transmission service, bring your own headphone.
      • Please refer to this site for more details.

    8. Using Rare Materials
      • Hours: 9:00-11:45, 13:00-16:45 weekdays
      • Don’t use rare materials for more than two hours.
      • A prior reservation is required.
        The dead line is one week prior to your desired access date.
      • Wash and disinfect your hands before using rare materials.
      • You must wear a mask.
      • We will take your body temperature before using rare materials.
        If you have a fever, you cannot use the materials.
      • For more information about how to apply, please visit here.

    9. Registration of library user cards and MyKULINE accounts
      We are now accepting registration of library user cards and MyKULINE accounts only via email. Please apply by the following steps.

       ①Send an e-mail to application660[at] (replace [at] with @).
        *Please do not attach the application form or a photo of your ID card to your e-mail.
       ②Then we will send you an e-mail to inform you how to deliver the files.
       ③Follow the instructions in the email and submit the following application form and a photo of your ID card
         that shows the period of your affiliation with the university (eg. student/faculty IC card, working conditions notice, etc.)
        *Please mask information on the Notice of Employment other than your name, affiliation, status and enrollment period.
       ・Kyoto University Library Card Registration Form
       ・MyKULINE Registration Form
       ・Kyoto University Library > Service > Library Application Forms

        Your library user card is completed, we will inform you via e-mail.
        Please come to the Main Library to receive your card between 10:00 to 16:00 on weekdays.


Guide for non-KU users
The Main Library has the books bound in traditional Japanese styles in the B3 stack† and rare materials.
Non KU-users can only use these books bound in traditional Japanese styles and rare materials.
†The location is shown as “B3/Stacks/Books bound in japanese style” on KULINE.

  • Hours:【Weekdays】9:00~11:45, 13:00~16:45
  • Don’t use books bound in traditional Japanese styles and rare materials for more than two hours.
  • You can use up to 5 materials.
  • A prior reservation is required. The dead line is two weeks prior to your desired access date.
  • Please search for the location of the materials you desire to use by using KULINE in advance.
  • If you cannot find the materials, please inquire through Reference Web Form.
  • Wear a mask before visiting the library.
  • Wash and disinfect your hands before using the materials.
  • Please let us take your temperature before entering the library.
    If you have a fever, you cannot use the materials.

《How to use rare materials》

  • For more information, please visit here.

《How to use the books bound in traditional Japanese styles in the B3 stack》

  • You can contact us through the library of the university you belong to, your organization, a public library and so on.
  • The followings are required to apply for use.
      ・Your name and contact information (your address and phone number)
      ・The title and call number of the materials
      ・The date and time you desire to use
      ・The specific reason why you desire to use the materials

     Main Library User Support Section
     Email: ref660 ** (Please replace "**" with "@".)
     TEL: 075-753-2636 FAX: 075-753-2650
Preventive Measures Required When Visiting the Main Library
  ・In order to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, please continue to act carefully.
  ・Avoid using public transportation during peak hours.
  ・Wear a mask.
  ・Keep a social distance from other users and avoid long face-to-face conversations.
  ・Leave the library immediately after borrowing library items.
   Please limit your time in the library up to about two hours.

【User Support Division, Kyoto University Library】
