On 2024-06-13
(986 reads)
(日本語) 【医学図書館】[動画公開] 第5回 医学系DBオンライン講習会「医療系イラスト・動画集SMART Imagebaseで手軽にリアルな資料を作る」(2/7〆切)
On 2024-01-25
(1130 reads)
(日本語) 【医学図書館】 [動画公開]第4回 医学系DBオンライン講習会「OvidSPで医学研究情報(MEDLINE/BIOSIS/EBM Reviews)をまとめて入手する」(2/5〆切)
On 2024-01-24
(939 reads)
(日本語) 【医学図書館】[動画公開]第3回 医学系DBオンライン講習会「CINAHL/MEDLINEで看護・健康科学系文献収集をレベルアップ!」(1/31〆切)
On 2024-01-15
(1031 reads)
(日本語) 【医学図書館】[動画公開] 第2回 医学系DBオンライン講習会医学図書館DB講習会「科学的根拠に基づく医療(EBM)なCochrane Libraryを使い倒す」(1/24〆切)
On 2024-01-09
(1843 reads)
(日本語) 【医学図書館】[動画公開] 第1回 医学系DBオンライン講習会「医学系論文と投稿先ジャーナルの探し方 ~Web of Science、JCRの活用」
On 2023-12-27
(1209 reads)
[Medical Library] Library will be closed on Oct. 18th (Faculty of Medicine’s Anatomy Ceremony)
On 2023-10-13
(1218 reads)
Medical Library will be closed on Oct. 18th due to the Faculty of Medicine’s Anatomy Ceremony.
We apologize for your inconvenience.
Closed:Wednesday, 18 October, 2023
- Please use the book post, when you return materials.
(Except for the books with CD or the books from other libraries) - Library of Human Health Sciences is open as usual.
[Medical Library] Library will be closed on Oct. 19th (Faculty of Medicine’s Anatomy Ceremony)
On 2022-10-17
(2141 reads)
Medical Library will be closed on Oct. 19th due to the Faculty of Medicine’s Anatomy Ceremony.
We apologize for your inconvenience.
Closed:Wednesday, 19 October, 2022
- Please use the book post, when you return materials.
(Except for the books with CD or the books from other libraries) - Library of Human Health Sciences is open as usual.
【Medical Library】Extended opening hours
On 2022-09-30
(975 reads)
Reopening in saturdays from May 28, 2022
On 2022-05-27
(1231 reads)