[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Five of oriental maps and star charts have been newly released
Five of oriental maps and star charts held by the Graduate School of Letters and Science have been newly released.
"混弌歴代國都疆理之圖" was established when a manuscript of a map produced in the Ming dynasty in the 16th century was transmitted to the Joseon dynasty, where the title and a map of the Korean peninsula were added. The material held by the Graduate School Letters is thought to be a manuscript of this. It is a valuable material from which the map and the afterword can be clearly read.
"混弌歴代國都疆理之圖" held by the Graduate School of Letters
“天象列次分野之図” is a stone-engraved star map produced during the reign of King Taejo of the Joseon Dynasty (first engraving), and a facsimile stone monument was produced during the reign of King Sukjong (re-engraving). The materials held by the Graduate School of Letters and the Graduate School of Science are re-engraved rubbings.
The Digital Archive of Rare Materials also has digital images of the first and second engravings in the collection of the Graduate School of Science (Astronomy Dep.). By viewing them side by side, it is possible to see the differences between the first engraving and re-engraving, as well as the differences between the re-engraving rubbings.
”天象列次分野之図" (Left: held by the Graduate School of Letters / Right: held by the Graduate School of Science)
Record ID | Title | Collection |
RB00033993 | [天象列次分野之圖] | Grad. Sch. Letters |
RB00033994 | 混弌歴代國都疆理之圖 | Grad. Sch. Letters |
RB00033991 | 天文圖(南宋淳祐天文圖) | Grad. Sch. Science |
RB00033992 | 天象列次分野之圖 | Grad. Sch. Science |
RB00033954 | 天文成象 | Grad. Sch. Science |
“天象列次分野之図”, “天文圖” and “天文成象” are from the former collection of Dr. Issei Yamamoto, the first director of the Kwasan Observatory of Kyoto University.
The digitization of the above-mentioned rare materials has been realized thanks to the Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive Fund.
We sincerely extend our appreciation to their generosity, with our determination to continue this digitization project to preserve and make the best use of our rare materials at the same time, which we believe will lead to the promotion of research and culture.
井上充幸「東アジアにおける楊子器図の展開」(藤井讓治, 杉山正明, 金田章裕編『大地の肖像 : 絵図・地図が語る世界』京都大学学術出版会, 2007)pp. 282-297.
冨田良雄「東洋星図(花山天文台所蔵)」(『静脩』, 51(3), 2014, pp. 4-5.)
(Library Network) The change of service measures to prevent spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The following libraries change some service measures to prevent spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) .
The latest information is provided at the link.
This page is linked from KULINE.
Library | Measures | Period |
Main Library | Service restrictions (details) | May. 8(Fri) 2020 ~ undecided |
Uji Library | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) ~ undecided Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 update |
Yoshida South Library | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Nov. 13(Fri) 2020 update |
The Library of the Graduate School of Letters & Faculty of Letters / laj | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Jan. 28(Thu) 2021 update |
Graduate School of Education & Faculty of Education Library | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 2(Fri) 2020 ~ undecided Sep. 10(Thu) 2020 update Sep. 23(Wed) 2020 update |
Faculty of Law Library | Service restrictions (details) | May. 27(Wed) 2020 ~ undecided Oct. 2(Fri) 2020 update |
Library of Graduate School of Economics & Faculty of Economics | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided May 28(Thu) 2020 update |
Economic Research Office, Graduate School of Economics & Faculty of Economics | Service restrictions (details) | Sep. 16(Wed)2020 ~ undecided Sep. 15(Tue) 2020 update |
The Faculty of Science Common Library | Service restrictions (details) | Nov. 4(Wed) 2020 ~ undecided Nov. 4(Wed) 2020 update |
Division of Mathematics & Mathematical Analysis, Mathematics Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Closed (Division members only) (details) | Jan. 21(Thu) 2021 ~ undecided Jan. 19(Tue) 2021 update |
Division of Physics & Astronomy , Physics Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Closed (Division members only) (details) | Apr. 25(Sat) 2020 ~ undecided Apr. 24(Fri) 2020 update |
Division of Physics & Astronomy, Astronomy Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Only members can enter (details) | Aug. 4(Tue) 2020 ~ undecided Aug. 3(Mon) 2020 update |
Earth & Planetary Sciences Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Service restrictions (details) | Nov. 4(Wed) 2020 ~ undecided Oct. 30(Fri) 2020 update |
Division of Chemistry , Chemistry Library, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Closed(details) | Mar. 9(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Apr. 24(Fri) 2020 update |
Division of Biological Sciences, Library of Biological Science, Graduate School / Faculty of Science | Service restrictions (details) | Nov. 9(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Nov. 5(Thu) 2020 update |
The Medical Library | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 1(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Sep. 30(Wed) 2020 update |
Library of Human Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 1(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Sep. 30(Wed) 2020 update |
The Library of Graduate School / Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Service Ristrictions (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided May 29(Fri) 2020 update |
Katsura Library / Engineering Libraries | Service restrictions (details) | Apr. 1(Wed) 2020 ~ undecided Jan. 5(Tue) 2021 update |
Graduate School of Education & Faculty of Agriculture Library | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 1(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Sep. 30(Wed) 2020 update |
Library of Division of Natural Resource Economics | Service restrictions(details) | Apr. 17(Fri) 2020 ~ undecided Jan. 8(Fri) 2021 update |
Library of the Institute for Research in Humanities | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 11(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Feb. 1(Mon) 2021 update |
Center for Informatics in East Asian Studies, Institute for Research in Humanities | Reservation Only (details) | Jun. 2(Tue) 2020 ~ undecided Jun. 2(Tue) 2020 update |
Library, Graduate School of Energy Science | Closed (Division members only) (details) | Feb. 9(Tue) 2021 ~ undecided Feb. 9(Tue) 2021 update |
Graduate School of Informatics Library | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 25(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Jun. 25(Thu) 2020 update |
Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Library | Service restrictions (details) | Jun. 29(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Jun. 29(Mon) 2020 update |
Library of Environment Preservation Center | Closed (details) | Apr. 2(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Apr. 10(Fri) 2020 update |
The Library of the Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 8(Thu) 2020 ~ undecided Oct. 8(Thu) 2020 update |
The Library of Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences | Service restrictions (details) | Jan. 15(Fri) 2021 ~ Jan. 13(Wed) 2021 update |
Library of Institute of Economic Research | Service restrictions (details) | Oct. 2(Fri) 2020 ~ undecided Jan. 13(Wed) 2021 update |
Library of the Graduate School of Asian & African Area Studies (Africa) | Service restrictions (details) | Jan. 11(Mon) 2021 ~ Sep. 28(Mon) 2020 update |
Library of the Graduate School of Asian & African Area Studies (Asia) | Open (details) | Oct. 1(Thu) 2020 ~ Sep. 28(Mon) 2020 update |
Library of Center for Southeast Asian Studies | Open (details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ May 29(Fri) 2020 update |
Library, Institute for Integrated Radiation & Nuclear Science | Change of opening hours(details) | Jun. 1(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided May 28(Thu) 2020 update |
Primate Research Institute Library | Service restrictions (details) | Nov. 24(Tue) 2020 ~ undecided Nov. 19(Thu) 2020 update |
Library of Center for Ecological Research | Open | May. 25(Mon) 2020 ~ May 22(Fri) 2020 update |
Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Field Science Education & Research Center | Service Ristrictions (details) | Apr. 20(Mon) 2020 ~ undecided Apr. 20(Mon) 2020 update |
Place | Measures | Period |
Study Room (Clock Tower Centennial Hall) | Closed (details) | Closed on Aug. 14(Fri) 2020 |
[E-Resource] Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996 is available!
Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996
We are pleased to announce that "Royal Society Journal Collection 1665-1996" has been added to our online collection as Special Collections in 2019 and 2020 (provided by Graduate School of Science).
The archive is a major resource for History of Science courses and also covers major works in Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Maths and the broad interdisciplinary studies for which the Royal Society journals are so well known. (Ref. : https://royalsociety.org/journals/librarians/subscribe/archive-purchasing/ )
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1665-1886)
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A (1887-1996)
Subject: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (1887-1996)
Subject: Biological Sciences
Proceedings of the Royal Society (1854-1905)
Proceedings of the Royal Society A (1905-1996)
Subject: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science
Proceedings of the Royal Society B (1905-1996)
Subject: Biological Sciences
Philosophical Collections (1679-1682)
Abstracts of the Papers Printed in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1800-1843)
Abstracts of the Papers Communicated at the Royal Society (1843-1854)
Obituaries/Biographical Memoirs (1932-1996)
Notes and Records (1938-1996)
How to use
In order to access e-resources, such as e-journals, e-books and databases, the installment of a designated plug-in is required.
This plug-in allows you to be authenticated to access e-resources from the campus and even from home without other change of settings of your PC or network.
Please install the plug-in to your browser. The plug-in is only compatible with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
Please refer to the following page for details.
How to use e-resources
Library Section, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University
050tosho [at] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 21 Materials On Natural History Owned By The Biological Science Library, Faculty Of Science Have Been Released
Twenty one materials on natural history owned by the Biological Science Library, the Faculty of Science have been released. These are rare materials that cannot be found elsewhere, including fine botanical illustrations and manuscript research records.
▼The Age of Natural History
Surveys of Japanese Plant specimens in several European Herbaria by G. Koidzumi
- Plantae Japonicae Thunbergianae (RB00031713)
- Plantae Japonicae Musei Botanici Lugduno-Batavi (RB00031841)
- Revisio Plantarum Japonicarum Musei Parisiensis (RB00031842)
- 在蘭佛日本植物範型考索引 (RB00031843)
- The revisions of the type specimens of Japanese plants preserved in the various herbariums of Europa and America (RB00031844)
Original drawings by T. Yamada for "Trees and shrubs indigenous in Japan proper, vol. 3" (searchable)
Natural History and Taxonomy related Books
- Flora Sibirica, sive historia plantarum Sibiriae, Tomus 1 (RB00031715)
- Fundamenta agrostographiae (RB00031716)
- Historiae Naturalis de Arboribus et Plantis (RB00031717)
- 壇朝顔通 (RB00031718)
- llustrations and descriptions of the plants which compose the natural order Camellieae, and of the varieties of Camellia japonica, cultivated in the gardens of Great Britain (RB00031719)
- llustrations of the Botany and Other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains, and of the Flora of Cashmere (RB00031720)
- Vierundzwanzig Vegetations-Ansichten von Kustenlandern und Inseln des Stillen Oceans (RB00031721)
- Hymenophyllaceae Javanicae; sive descriptio Hymenophyllacearum archipelagi Indici, Iconibus illustrata (RB00031722)
- A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. Vol. II.―Plates (RB00031723)
- Monographie der Medusen, Theil 2 (RB00031724)
- Hooker's Icones plantarum; or, figures with descriptive characters and remarks, of new or rare plants, selected from the Kew Herbarium. Fourth series. vol. 8 (RB00031725)
- Kunstformen der Natur, Zweite, versurzte Auflage in 30 Tafeln (RB00031726)
- A Monograph of the Snakes of Japan (RB00031727)
- 原色版 日本蛇類圖譜(和文テキスト)・(図版) (RB00031728)
- 原色版 日本蛇類圖説 (RB00031729)
The restoration and digitization of these rare materials were funded by the Global COE program "Formation of a strategic base for biodiversity and evolutionary research" from 2010 to 2012 and the digital data was publicized in the "Biological Science Library Digital Archives" website operated by the Faculty of Science. The data has this time been transferred to Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive, a university-wide platform to make digitized rare materials open access.
As of October 9, 2020, the Digital Archive provides 1,372,575 images of 17,663 titles.
Left & center: Illustrations of the Botany and Other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains, and of the Flora of Cashmere (RB00031720)
Right: 『大日本樹木誌 巻之三』 (RB00031714)
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Edo Period's 13 architectural plans from Nakai Collection newly digitized
Thirteen architectural plans during the Edo Period from Nakai Collection held by Kyoto University Main Library have been newly digitized and released in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. The Digital Archive provides 1,333,705 images of 14,372 titles as of January 27, 2020.
Nakai Collection consists of the plans of Nijo Castle, Kyoto Imperial Palace, Shimogamo Shrine and other shrines and temples, concerning documents and maps passed down through the Nakai Family, the Tokugawa Government's master carpenter family in Kyoto. The newly released data is part of Bakufu-no-bu (幕府之部; Tokugawa Government) relating to Kyoto Shoshidai (京都所司代; Shogun's senior representative monitoring the Imperial Court in Kyoto), Kyoto Shugoshoku (京都守護職; military commissioner of Kyoto) and other Tokugawa Government offices.
“Keiou ganushidoshi hachigatsu shugoshoku oyakutaku kamiyashiki dekigata ezu tadashi yonbukei (慶応元丑年八月 守護職御役宅上屋舗出来形絵図 但四分計)” is an architectural plan of the entire residence of Kyoto Shugoshoku and includes the layout of the buildings and rooms as well as the details of their fittings. This rare material tells us the situations at the end of the Edo Period. Kyoto Shugoshoku is Tokugawa Government’s position newly established in 1862 to maintain the security of Kyoto, to which Katamori Matsudaira (1836-1893), Lord of the Aizu Clan, was appointed. He first placed the headquarters at Konkai Komyo-ji (金戒光明寺) in Higashiyama, and then the construction of the residence was started in 1863 and completed in 1865. The premises border Shinmachi-dori (新町通) to the East, Nishinotoin-dori (西洞院通) to the West, Shimotachiuri-dori (下立売通) to the South and Shimochojamachi-dori (下長者町通) to the North. There were barracks for Clan soldiers along each border. Kyoto Shugoshoku was abolished by Osei Fukko no Daigorei (王政復古の大号令; the Decree for the Restoration of Imperial Rule) just about two months after Taisei Hokan (大政奉還; Restoration of Imperial Rule) in 1868.
ID | TITLE | Call Number | |
RB00025176 | 所司代千本屋敷絵図 | Shoshidai senbon yashiki ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/36/1 |
RB00025177 | 所司代上御屋敷絵図 | Shoshidai kamioyashiki ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/36/2 |
RB00025178 | 所司代上御屋敷絵図 | Shoshidai kamioyashiki ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/36/3 |
RB00025179 | 享保六年丑十二月 所司代千本屋舗絵図 正扣 | Kyouhou rokunen ushi juunigatsu shoshidai senbon yashiki ezu seihikae | 中井家絵図・書類/37/1 |
RB00025180 | 京都所司代千本屋舗絵図 | Kyoto shoshidai senbon yashiki ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/37/2 |
RB00025181 | 二条御定番御屋敷建物麁絵図 惣建坪数六百八拾八坪 | Nijou gojouban oyashiki tatemono soezu soutatetsubosuu roppyaku hachijuu hachi tsubo | 中井家絵図・書類/38/1 |
RB00025182 | 慶応元丑年八月 守護職御役宅上屋舗出来形絵図 但四分計 | Keiou ganushidoshi hachigatsu shugoshoku oyakutaku kamiyashiki dekigata ezu tadashi yonbukei | 中井家絵図・書類/39/1 |
RB00025183 | 御目付小屋御普請小屋指図 | Ometsuke goya gofushin goya sashizu | 中井家絵図・書類/40/1 |
RB00025184 | 大津御蔵屋敷絵図控 | Ootsu okurayashiki ezu hikae | 中井家絵図・書類/40/2 |
RB00025185 | 西御役所絵図 | Nishi oyakusho ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/40/3 |
RB00025186 | 二条御城中/東大御番頭小屋絵図 | Nijou gojouchuu/higashioogobangashira goya ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/40/4 |
RB00025187 | 東御番衆小屋絵図 | Higashi gobanshuu goya ezu | 中井家絵図・書類/40/5 |
RB00025188 | 西御番頭小屋指図 | Nishi gobantou goya sashizu | 中井家絵図・書類/41/1 |
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 31 rare materials held by Main Library and others newly digitized
Thirteen titles of rare materials held by Kyoto University Main Library, the Graduate School of Letters and the Graduate School of Science have been digitized and released in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive. The Digital Archive provides 1,333,705 images of 14,372 titles as of January 27, 2020.
Kyoto University Library Network is digitizing and releasing rare material held by Main Library and other libraries on campuses every year as part of the "Open Access Promotion Project". The newly released images the original materials of which are held by Main Library and the Graduate School of Science are available for users to copy, adapt or redistribute in any medium without application or fee, if their originals' holding libraries are indicated. Please refer to "Guide for Content Reuse" for more details.
Atlas der Pflanzengeographie über alle theile der Erde Graduate School of Science
RB00012894 | 宗渕資料集 | souen shiryoushuu | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-21/ソ/1貴 | ||
RB00012931 | 宗鏡録 巻2,7,13,36,39 | sugyouroku | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-25/ス/1貴 | ||
RB00012961 | 七経孟子考文 32巻 | shichikei moushi koubun | 山井崑崙(鼎)著 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-61/シ/1貴 | |
RB00012962 | 唐開成石経 | tou kaisei sekikyou | 松崎明復(益城)撰 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-61/ト/1貴 | |
RB00012991 | 四書訓蒙輯疏 29巻 | shisho kunmou shuuso | 安部井?(芝浦) | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-66/シ/1貴 | |
RB00013011 | 荀子 20巻 | junshi | 荀况著 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-68/シ/1貴 | |
RB00013017 | 小学本註摘解補 24巻(巻17欠) | shougaku honchuu tekikai ho | 石井文衷著・筒井忠英補 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-69/シ/1貴 | |
RB00013019 | 退渓先生文集 49巻,別集 外集各1巻 | taikei sensei bunshuu | 李退渓(1501-1570)撰 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-69/タ/1貴 | |
RB00013020 | 退陶先生言行通録 8巻 | taitou sensei genkoutsuuroku | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-69/タ/2貴 | ||
RB00013021 | 伝習録 2巻 | denshuuroku | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-69/テ/1貴 | ||
RB00013026 | 陽明文録 10巻(別録1冊含む) | youmei bunroku | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-69/ヨ/1貴 | ||
RB00013027 | 山鹿語類 45巻 | yamaga gorui | 山鹿素行(1622-1685)著 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 1-81/ヤ/1貴 | |
RB00013038 | 清律例彙纂 24巻(巻5欠) | shinritsu reiisan | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 2-04/シ/1貴 | ||
RB00013045 | 貞観政要註解 10巻 | joukan seiyou chuukai | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 2-42/シ/4貴 | ||
RB00013668 | 古文奇賞 22巻目録1巻 | kobun kishou | (明)陳仁錫選評 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 4-02/コ/12 貴 | |
RB00013669 | 古文奇賞 22巻 | kobun kishou | (明)陳仁錫選評 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 4-02/コ/13 貴 | |
RB00013670 | 続古文奇賞 34巻 | zoku kobun kishou | (明)陳仁錫選評 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 4-02/コ/13 貴 | |
RB00013671 | 新刊名世文宗 30巻 | shinkan meisei bunsou | (明)胡時化編 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 4-02/メ/5 貴 | |
RB00013288 | 大三川志(稿本) 100巻 | daimikawashi | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 5-11/タ/1貴 | ||
RB00013294 | 識古編 | shikikohen | 金原安修著 | Main Library 一般貴重書(和) | 5-18/シ/1貴 | |
RB00029670 | 混弌疆理歴代國都之圖 | kun yi jiang li li dai guo du zhi tu | [京都] : [京都帝國大學文學部地理學研究室] [写] , [1910] | GS Letters | 地理研:L1/755/貴重 | |
RB00029671 | [甘肅伊犂圖] | gan su yi li tu | [製作地不明] : [製作者不明] , [1---] | GS Letters | 地理研:K7/54/貴重 | |
RB00029672 | 伊犂圖 | yi li tu | [製作地不明] : [製作者不明] , [1---] | GS Letters | 地理研:K7/19/貴重 | |
RB00029650 | Theorie de la terre. 2nd ed., corr., et augm. d'une Mineralogie | par Jean-Claude Delametherie | Paris : Maradan , 1797 | GS Science | 理学部中央図書室:貴/1/75-1~5 | |
RB00029651 | Zoonomia; or, The laws of organic life. 3rd ed., corrected | by Erasmus Darwin | London : J. Johnson , 1801 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:白上文庫/31~34 | |
RB00029652 | Die Histochemischen und Physiologischen Arbeiten | Friedrich Miescher | Leipzig : Vogel , 1897 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:白上文庫/38 | |
RB00029653 | Das Genus myzostoma (F. S. Leuckart) | Ludwig Graff | Leiozig : Engelmann , 1877 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:XL/1264/3 | |
RB00029654 | Rhabdocoelida | von L. v. Graff | Leipzig : Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann , 1882 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:XL/1264/1~2 | |
RB00029655 | Atlas der Pflanzengeographie uber alle theile der Erde. Zweite Auflage | von Ludwig Rudolph | Berlin : Nicholaische Verlagsbuchhandlung , 1864 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:XL/1232/14 | |
RB00029656 | Voyages du professeur Pallas, dans plusieurs provinces de l'Empire de Russie et dans l'Asie septentrionale. Nouvelle ed. / revue et enrichie de notes par les C.C. Lamarck ..., Langles … | traduits de l'allemand par le C. Gauthier de la Peyronie | A Paris : Chez Maradan, libraire , l'an II de la Republique [1793 or 1794] | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:XL/1231/21 | |
RB00029657 | Atlas zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke (Bombinator igneus) als Grundlage einer verglichenden Morphologie der Wirbelthiere | von Alexander Goette | Leipzig : Verlag von Leopold Voss , 1874 | GS Science | 理学研究科生物科学図書室:XL/1265/1 |
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: Kyoto University's rare materials searchable on WorldCat
Kyoto University's rare materials are now searchable on WorldCat, the world's most comprehensive database of information about library collections delivered by OCLC (Online Computer Library Center, Inc.).
WorldCat Discovery | A cloud-based application that helps people easily find resources available at their library and in libraries worldwide, including WorldCat, through a single search | |
WorldCat | The world's most comprehensive database of information about library collections delivered by OCLC |
[Search result of WorldCat Discovery]

Click [Access online] and you can see the search result of Kyoto University OPAC KULINE, which leads you to digital images in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.
Kyoto University Library Network is promoting the digitization of rare primary sources Kyoto University holds and their dissemination on the Internet so that the World can easily find them.
[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: A new collection "Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)" newly released
A new collection "Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)" of 592 books has been released. This collection consists of books on Wasan, or Japanese mathematics, including astronomy, Chinese classics, as well as Western mathematics held by the Department of Mathematics, Mathematics Library, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University.
▼Mathematics in Classics (Dep. Math.)
Wasan, or Japanese mathematics, developed in Japan independently from the Western mathematics, through the Edo Period and the Meiji Era. It has fostered many math enthusiasts among general Japanese people and a custom called Sangaku hono (算額奉納), dedication of Ema (votive picture of a horse) to shrines when difficult problems were solved, became popular. The collection includes Jinko-ki (塵劫記), an introductory book that triggered enthusiasm in mathematics among Japanese people, and Katsuyo Sanpo (括要算法), a posthumous collection of Seki Takakazu's works.
Many books that have played significant roles in the progress of Western mathematics are also available: Euclid's Elementorum, Apollonius’s Conicorum, and Diophantus’s Arithmeticorum (our holding is the same edition as the one on which Fermat wrote the famous "Last Theorem" in the margin). Anyone who is interested in mathematics can enjoy the development of mathematics through these books.
The digital archive provides 1,262,613 images of 14,162 titles as of October 30, 2019.

[Library Network] Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive: 121 titles incl. "Genji monogatari" (Saga-bon) newly released
The total of 121 titles - 33 titles held by the Main Library, including Genji monogatari (Saga-bon), and 88 titles held by the branch and departmental libraries are now newly released in Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive.
As of March 1, 2019, Kyoto University Rare Materials Digital Archive has 1,121,569 images of 12,913 titles.
Record ID | Title | Author | Collection | Call Number |
RB00013103 | 増禅林集句韻 | 瓢庵山人守仙著 | Other Rare Materials | 4-06/ソ/1貴 |
RB00013509 | (増補)類題和歌集 21巻 | 後水尾天皇勅撰 | Other Rare Materials | 4-23/ル/1貴別 |
RB00013163 | 源氏物語 | 紫式部著 | Other Rare Materials | 4-30/ケ/1貴 |
RB00013165 | 源氏物語 巻1-3欠 | 紫式部著 | Other Rare Materials | 4-30/ケ/3貴 |
RB00013168 | 狭衣 4巻(各上下) | Other Rare Materials | 4-30/サ/2貴 | |
RB00013233 | 水滸伝 100巻 | [(元)施耐庵]著 | Other Rare Materials | 4-45/ス/1貴 |
RB00013265 | 国史姓名譜 14巻 | 飯田(源)忠彦著 | Other Rare Materials | 5-03/コ/1貴 |
RB00013269 | 古事記伝 巻1-20,22-44(欠巻21) | 本居宣長撰・栗田(藤原)土満写 | Other Rare Materials | 5-05/コ/1貴 |
RB00013278 | 三鏡(大鏡・増鏡・水鏡) 大鏡8巻,増鏡10巻,水鏡3巻 | Other Rare Materials | 5-06/サ/1貴 | |
RB00013279 | 平治物語 巻上(下巻欠) | Other Rare Materials | 5-06/ヘ/1貴 | |
RB00013280 | 平治物語 巻中下(上巻欠) | Other Rare Materials | 5-06/ヘ/2貴 | |
RB00013297 | 史記評林 序目1巻,首1巻,130巻,附1巻 | 司馬遷著・淇園朱点・呉興[リョウ]稚隆校・温陵李光縉増補 | Other Rare Materials | 5-42/シ/1貴 |
RB00013298 | 戦国策譚橄 序,附1巻(凡例・姓氏・目録・附録),巻1-2,3下-10(3上欠) | [劉向編]・(縉雲)鮑彪校注・(東陽)呉師道重校・(武林)張文?校輯・皆川淇園墨入本 | Other Rare Materials | 5-42/セ/1貴 |
RB00013303 | (木斎家塾)彙纂麗史 48巻 | Other Rare Materials | 5-46/イ/1貴 | |
RB00013315 | 古註蒙求 3巻 | Other Rare Materials | 5-67/コ/1貴 | |
RB00013352 | (重刊)経史證類大全本草 31巻 | 王秋撰・大献、大成校 | Other Rare Materials | 6-21/ケ/1貴 |
RB00013354 | (重修政和経史)証類備旧本草 30巻 | 曹孝忠奉勅 | Other Rare Materials | 6-21/シ/3貴 |
RB00013356 | 進貢苗蠻図 | 清 陳枚画 | Other Rare Materials | 6-23/シ/1貴 |
RB00013598 | 椿譜 | Other Rare Materials | 8-44/ツ/1貴別 | |
RB00013446 | 天学初函 | (明)李之藻編 | Other Rare Materials | 10-02/テ/1貴 |
RB00013458 | 群書治要 50巻(巻4,13,20欠) | (唐)魏徴等奉勅撰 | Other Rare Materials | 10-04/ク/1貴 |
RB00020644 | 1879년 상주삼십필수가초책(上紬三十疋受價草冊) | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//632 | |
RB00025168 | 1904년 12월 빈전도감(殯殿都監) 자문 | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//2275 | |
RB00025169 | 1904년 12월 빈전도감(殯殿都監) 자문 | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//2276 | |
RB00025170 | 1904년 12월 빈전도감(殯殿都監) 자문 | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//2277 | |
RB00025171 | 1904년 12월 빈전도감(殯殿都監) 자문 | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//2278 | |
RB00025172 | 1904년 12월 빈전도감(殯殿都監)의 차하장(上下状) | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//2279 | |
RB00025173 | 1902년 5월 면주전(綿紬廛) 보조금(補助金) 영수증 | Kawai Collection | 河合文庫//R2 | |
RB00009133 | 賀茂御内陣器具図 | Tanimura Collection | 1-04/カ/4 | |
RB00009134 | 白鳥陵御笠殿社由来記 | 平田篤胤著 | Tanimura Collection | 1-04/シ/1 |
RB00009136 | 神領諸下知状写 | Tanimura Collection | 1-04/シ/3 | |
RB00009139 | 遷宮御正体神璽図 | 岡本清茂編 | Tanimura Collection | 1-04/セ/2 |
RB00000169 | 噎膈胃反論 | 中川壷山(故其徳)著 | Fujikawa Collection | イ/14 |
RB00022905 | Carte generale de la Tartarie Chinoise dressee sur les cartes particulieres faites sur les lieux par les RRPP Jesuites et sur les Memoires particulieres du P. Gerbillion | par le Sr. d'Anville | Yoshida-South Library | 292.2/C/2 |
RB00022904 | Imperii Sinarum : nova descriptio | Yoshida-South Library | 292.2/I/1 | |
RB00022906 | Troisieme partie de la carte d'Asie, contenant la Siberie, et quelques autres parties de la Tartarie : publiee sous les auspices de Monseigneur Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, Duc d'Orleans, Premier Prince du Sang | par le Sr. d'Anville | Yoshida-South Library | 292.9/A/2 |
RB00022907 | Geographica nova ex. Oriente gratiosissima, duabus tabulis specialissimis contenta, quarum una Mare Caspium, altera Kamtzadaliam seu Terram Jedso, curiose exhib?t | editore Jo. Bapt. Homann | Yoshida-South Library | 292.9/G/1 |
RB00022903 | Generalis totius Imperii Russorum : novissima tabula magnam orbis terrarum partem a Polo Arctico usq[sic] ad mare Iaponicum et China Septentrionalis confinia exhibens : cum via Czaricae nuper Legationis ex urbe Moscua per universam Tartariam, ad magnu China Imperatorem : cum privilegio sac. Caaesaria Majestatis | Yoshida-South Library | 293.8/H/2 | |
RB00022936 | Plates for the Essays on the microscope | by George Adams | Yoshida-South Library | 630/34/三高洋 |
RB00022935 | Gouvernement de la Compagnie des Indes orientales tant en ces provinces que dans les Indes | Yoshida-South Library | 678.235/G/2 | |
RB00022908 | 佐州金銀採製全圖 | Yoshida-South Library | 750//18/三高和 | |
RB00022934 | Works by William Blake : reproduced in facsimile from the original editions | Yoshida-South Library | 910/123/三高洋 | |
RB00022911 | 松浦宏ノ東京大小區分繪圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理:L2/207 | |
RB00022926 | 東西蝦夷山川地理取調圖 | 松浦竹四郎著 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/629/貴重 |
RB00022909 | 大日本地圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/691/貴重 | |
RB00022912 | 相模国図 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/714 | |
RB00022922 | 嘉永増補改正大和国細見之図 | 中村敢耳齋 [著] ; 西里佐々木, 雨蕉長谷校 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/715 |
RB00022913 | 関東河々之図 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/718 | |
RB00022915 | 洛中洛外舊地圖 : 清書下地 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/720 | |
RB00022921 | 加賀国自浜坂至木場潟沿海古図 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/721 | |
RB00022924 | 西海舩路 従摂州大坂至 山陽四国西国 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/722 | |
RB00022927 | 嘉永増補改正大和國細見圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/723 | |
RB00022925 | 海瀕舟行図(海辺之絵図) | 高林直重 [ほか作] | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/730/貴重 |
RB00022918 | [五島之圖] | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/733/貴重 | |
RB00022919 | 萬國人物圖會 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/734/貴重 | |
RB00022923 | 四國偏禮繪圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/735/貴重 | |
RB00022910 | 無人嶌大小八十余山之圖 : 本名小笠原嶋ト云 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/736/貴重 | |
RB00022917 | 鎌倉繪圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/737/貴重 | |
RB00022920 | 江戸近旁圖 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/738/貴重 | |
RB00022916 | [近江国野洲郡赤野井村小字図] | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/739/貴重 | |
RB00022914 | 摂津国有馬郡図 | Graduate School of Letters | 地理研:L1/740/貴重 | |
RB00022937 | Acta, inn Sachen so zwischen dem hochloblichen Ritterlichen Teutschen Orden Klageren an einem dann Burgermaistern unnd Raht des H. Reichs Stadt Nurnberg Beklagten andern Theils ... | Graduate School of Law | ||
RB00022949 | Elemens philosophiques du citoyen ... | par Thomas Hobbes | Graduate School of Law | |
RB00022947 | Les devoirs des maitres et des domestiques | par Claude Fleury | Graduate School of Law | AII/10-8(5-3) |
RB00022948 | Les hevres de recreation | Loys Gvicciardin | Graduate School of Law | AII/12-1/Gvic |
RB00022943 | Projet de code de procedure criminelle pour l'Empire du Japon : accompagne d'un commentaire | par Gve Boissonade | Graduate School of Law | AII/12-9/B |
RB00022940 | Les six livres de la repvbliqve | de Iean Bodin | Graduate School of Law | AII/2-5 |
RB00022941 | Les six livres de la repvbliqve | [de Iean Bodin] | Graduate School of Law | AII/2-5/Bodi |
RB00022956 | Maximes of reason: or, The reason of the common law of England | Edmond Wingate | Graduate School of Law | AIII/3 |
RB00022946 | An essay upon ways and means of supplying the war | Charles Davenant | Graduate School of Law | BI/10 |
RB00022945 | A new discourse of trade, wherein is recommended several weighty points relating to companies of merchants | Josiah Child | Graduate School of Law | BI/1-4 |
RB00022950 | Several papers relating to money, interest and trade, &c : writ upon several occasions, and published at different times | John Locke | Graduate School of Law | BI/1-4(4-25) |
RB00022954 | Political arithmetick | William Petty | Graduate School of Law | BI/1-4/P |
RB00022944 | A treatise wherein is demonstrated, I. That the East-India trade is the most national of all foreign trade ... | Josiah Child | Graduate School of Law | BI/4-16/C |
RB00022953 | Of a free trade | Henry Parker | Graduate School of Law | BI/4-16/P |
RB00022938 | Discourse concerning coining the new money lighter. In answer to Mr Lock's considerations about raising the value of money | Nicholas Barbon | Graduate School of Law | BI/4-25/B |
RB00022939 | Proposals for raising a colledge of industry of all useful trades and husbandry, ... | John Bellers | Graduate School of Law | BI/5-1/B |
RB00022951 | Some considerations of the consequences of the lowering of interest, and raising the value of money | John Locke | Graduate School of Law | BI/7-9(4-25) |
RB00022955 | A treatise of taxes & contributions | William Petty | Graduate School of Law | BII/1/P |
RB00022952 | Thomae Mori Vtopia | Graduate School of Law | BIII/10/M | |
RB00022942 | Ioan. Bodini Andegavensis de repvblica | Graduate School of Law | BIII/6 | |
RB00022928 | 天象列次分野之図(太祖時の初刻の拓本) | Graduate School of Science | 宇宙物理学専攻図書室 | |
RB00022929 | 天象列次分野之図(太祖時の再刻の拓本) | Graduate School of Science | 宇宙物理学専攻図書室 | |
RB00022957 | Icones filicum ad eas potissimum species illustrandas destinata, qua hactenus, vel in herbariis delituerunt prorsus incognitae, vel saltem nondum per icones botanicis innotuerunt : Figures and descriptions of ferns, principally of such as have been altogether unnoticed by botanists, or as have not yet been correctly figured | William Jackson Hooker and Robert Kaye Greville | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/23/1 |
RB00022958 | A monograph of the genus Lilium | Henry John Elwes ; illustrated by W.H. Fitch | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/24 |
RB00022959 | Remberti Dodonai Mechliniensis Medici Casarei Stirpium historia pemptades sex, sive libri XXX : varie ab auctore, paullo ante mortem, aucti & emendati | Remberti Dodonai | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/25 |
RB00022963 | Plantae Asiaticae rariores; or, descriptions and figures of a select number of unpublished East Indian plants | Nathaniel Wallich | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/28/1 |
RB00022964 | Herbarium Amboinense (Het Amboinsche Kruid-boek, dat is, beschryving van de meest bekende boomen, heesters, kruiden ... in Amboina en de omleggende eylanden) | G.E. Rumphius ; nagezien en uitgegeeven door Joannes Burmannus | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/29/1 |
RB00022965 | Rumphia : sive, Commentationes botanicae imprimis de plantis Indiae Orientalis, tum penitus incognitis tum quae in libris Rheedii, Rumphii, Roxburghii, Wallichii aliorum recensentur | Scripsit C.L. Blume cognomine Rumphius | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/31/1 |
RB00022962 | Flora Rossica seu stirpium imperii Rossici per Europam et Asiam indigenarum descriptiones et icones | iussu et auspiciis Catharinae II Augustae ; edidit P.S. Pallas | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/32/1/1 |
RB00022961 | The gardeners dictionary : containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture: including the management of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe. Together with directions for propagating and improving, for real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees | Philip Miller | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:EX/36 |
RB00022966 | Flora pedemontana, sive Enumeratio methodica stirpium indigenarum Pedemontii | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:XL/1224/1 | |
RB00022960 | Hortus Indicus Malabaricus, Continens Regni Malabarici apud Indos celeberrimi omnis generis Plantas rariores, Latinis, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum characteribus nominibusque expressis, ..... | per Henricum van Rheede tot Draakestein et Theodorum Janson. ab Almeloveen ; notis adauxit & commentariis illustravit, Joannes Commelinus | Graduate School of Science | 生物科学専攻図書室:XL/1224/2/1 |
RB00022968 | L'Histoire naturelle eclaircie dans une de ses parties principales, la Conchyliologie, qui traite des coquillages : de mer, de riviere et de terre. ouvrage dans lequel on trouve. une Nouvelle methodc Latine & Francoife de les divifer. augmente. de la zoomorphose, ou repre'sentation des animaux a coquilles, avec leurs explications | par M*** des societes Royales des Sciences de londres & de Montpellier | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室: 貴/6-I/117 |
RB00022973 | Geschichte und Litterature der Geognosie, ein Versuch | von Christian Keferstein | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:1/10 |
RB00015108 | Institutions geologiques | Breislak, Scipion | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:1/86-1 |
RB00022981 | Le bassin parisien aux ages antehistoriques | Eugene Belgrand | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:16/318-1 |
RB00022982 | Crustacea formationis transitionis | auctore, N.P. Angelin | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:16/411-1-b |
RB00022983 | Atlas to accompany the monograph on the tertiary history of the Grand Canon District | by Clarence E. Dutton | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:17/134 |
RB00022984 | Atlas to accompany the monograph on the geology of the Comstock lode and the Washoe district | by George F. Becker | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:17/135 |
RB00022979 | The geology of Pennsylvania : a government survey | by Henry Darwin Rogers | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:17/32-1 |
RB00022986 | The Pamirs : being a narrative of a year's expedition on horseback and on foot through Kashmir, Western Tibet, Chinese Tartary, and Russian Central Asia | by the Earl of Dunmore | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:23/410-1 |
RB00022976 | Topographischer und naturwissenschaftlicher atlas zur reise durch Java | von Fr. Junghuhn | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:24/212 |
RB00022988 | The mining industry of Japan during the last twenty five years, 1867-1892 | by Wada Tsunashiro | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:25/223 |
RB00022969 | Essai sur la theorie des volcans d'auvergne | par M. de Montlosier | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:5/304-b |
RB00022977 | Uber die Brachiopoden der silurischen Schichten von B?hmen | von Joachim Barrande | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-G/154 |
RB00022972 | Petrefacta Germaniae : tam ea, quae in museo universitatis Regiae Borussicae Fridericiae Wilhelmiae Rhenanae servantur quam alia quaecunque in museis Hoeninghusiano Muensteriano Aliisque = Abbildungen Und Beschreibungen der Petrefacten Deutschlands und der angranzenden Lander : unter Mitwirkung des Herrn Grafen Georg zu Munster | Hrsg. Von August Goldfuss | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-G/447-1 |
RB00022978 | Itineraires et coupe geologique a travers le continent de L'Amerique du Sud de Rio de Janeiro a Lima, sur les observations de Francis de Castelnau et D'Eugene D'Osery | par Francis de Castelnau | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-G/476 |
RB00022987 | Catalogo de los pajaros fosiles de la republica Argentina conservados en el Museo de La Plata | por Francisco P. Moreno y Alcides Mercerat | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-G/479-1 |
RB00022989 | Contributions to a knowledge of the fossil vertebrates of Argentina by R. Lydekker . On two mesozoic crocodilians Notosuchus (genus novum) and Cynodontosuchus (genus novum) from the red sandstones of the territ ory of Neuquen (Argentine republic) / by Arthur Smith Woodward = Sobre dos cocodrilos mesozoicos Notosuchus (genus novum) y Cynodontosuchus ( genus novum) de las areniscas rojas del territorio del Neuquen (Republica Argentina) / por Arturo Smith Woodward | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-G/479-2 | |
RB00022971 | Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organisation, pour servirde base a l'histoire naturelle des animaux et d'introduction a l'anatomie comparee | par Georges Cuvier | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-I/187-1 |
RB00022975 | Programm zur offentlichen Prufung welche mit den Zoglingen der Realschule in Meiningen : Donnerstag, den 28. und Freitag, den 29. Marz 1844 im grossen Horsaale der Anstalt. abgehalten serden soll. Zu dieser Schulfeierlichkeit ladet die Gonner und Freunde der Anstalt, so wie die Eltern der Zo glinge | ehrerbietigst ein K. W. Knochenhauer | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-I/203 |
RB00022970 | Conchology : or the natural history of shells | by George Perry | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-I/338 |
RB00022974 | A Treatise on Malacology : or the Natural Classification of Shells and Shell-fish | By William Swainson | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-I/46 |
RB00022985 | Micro-palaeo phytologia formationis carboniferae : Iconographia et dispositio synoptica plantularum microscopicarum omnium in venis carbonis formationis carboniferae hucusque cognitarum, eorumque illis proximorum corpusculorum natura vegetabilica non incerta, quae inveniuntur et in venis carbonis et in stratis formation infra supraque carboniferam sequentium | Auctor Paulus F. Reinsch | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-P/145-1 |
RB00022980 | Osteographie des cetaces vivants et fossiles : comprenant la description et l'iconographie du squelette et du systeme dentaire de ces animaux ainsi que des documents relatifs a leur histoire naturelle | par Van Beneden, Paul Gervais | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:6-V/132-1 |
RB00022967 | Voyage dans les Alpes, precedes d'un essai sur l'histoire naturelle des environs de Geneve | par Horace Benedict de Saussure | Graduate School of Science | 理学部中央図書室:貴/16/293-1 |
RB00022930 | De nieuw hervormde anatomie, ofte, Ontleding des menschen lighaams | Steph Blankaart | Medical Library | B/54 |
RB00022932 | De Re Metallica | Graduate School of Engineering | 工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 | |
RB00022933 | [Dem Durchlauchtigen Hochgebornen Fursten und Herrn ...Friedrich Ulrich ...] ; Aula subterranea domina dominantium subdita subditorum ; Interpres Phraseologia Metallurgica | Graduate School of Engineering | 工学研究科社会基盤工学専攻 | |
RB00022931 | Cosmographia | Apiani, Petri | Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics | 湯川記念館記念室:T/1 |