- News and Newspaper -
Asahi Shimbun Cross-Search
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
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This database enables you to search over 15 millions of articles in the paper by "Asahi Shinbun" since 1879.
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
■ It includes the following contents.- "Asahi Shimbun" 1985~, "Shukan Asahi", "AERA"
* "The Asahi Shimbun Digital" → From May 2011: Several original columns and article series (about 100 articles per month) - "Asahi Shimbun" Reduced-size Facsimile Edition 1879~1999
- "Chiezo" Keyword Database
- Who's Who Database
- Historical Photo Archive
- "Asahigraph" 1923~1956
- AJW (Asia & Japan Watch)
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"Economist" Digital Archives
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
This is a digital archive of the business magazine "Economist" published by Mainichi Newspapers Co..Available: 1960s to 2020
*As of April 2022, some issues are missing from 1961 to 2020. To be added sequentially.You can cross-search with "Weekly Diamond" (1913-2019) provided on the same platform.
"Diamond Weekly" Digital Archives
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
This is a digital archive of the business magazine "Diamond Weekly" published by DIAMOND, Inc..You can cross-search with "Economist" (1960s - 2020) provided on the same platform.
Ta Kung Pao [provided by Graduate School of Education]
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
"Ta Kung Pao" was first published in Tianjin on June 17, 1902, and has been the longest-running Chinese-language newspaper to date. This database includes publications from 1902-1949 and Temporary Evening Edition from 1937. Provided on the platform "Quan Guo Bao Kan Suo Yin (CNBKSY) (National Newspaper Index)".
Nikkei Telecom
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
Nikkei Telecom is a newspaper database provided by Nikkei Shimbun Inc. that provides full-text articles from the following Japanese newspapers: Nihon keizai shinbun, Nikkei sangyō shinbun, Nikkei MJ (Nikkei ryūtsū shinbun), Nikkei kinʼyū shinbun [Headline and Abstracts(not all articles): Jan. 1975-, Full-text: Oct. 1981-(Nikkei ryūtsū shinbun: Oct. 1985-). Also includes The Kyoto Shimbun News[Jan. 1998-], and corporate profiles, and economic statistics.Don't forget to logout by [ログアウト] button
Nikkei BP Kiji Kensaku Service (Academic Edition) [Number of downloading articles is limited.]
...No limit
...News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
You can search articles published in Nikkei BP's journals.
There is an annual limit on the number of articles to be downloaded.
If you go over the limit, reading full text is not available.
Please read only what you need.
...News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
A database of articles from the Mainichi Shimbun newspaper.
...News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
* If you access this database via the “Electronic Journal Database Authentication System”, please click here.
You can search and browse over 15 million Yomiuri Shimbun articles from the first issue in 1874 (Meiji 7) to the latest issue (dated the previous day).
- The Meiji, Taisho & Showa Eras: Every page from 1874 to 1989
- The Heisei & Reiwa Eras: Articles from 1986 to present
- Regional Sections (Showa Era): Regional Sections after 1933
- The Japan News: English-language daily since 1989
- Contemporary Who’s Who: Profiles of 23,000 noteworthy people
User Guide
The Economist Historical Archive 1843-2020 [Gale] [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
...No limit
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business
The Economist Historical Archive delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of The Economist from 1843 to 2020.
Included in Gale Primary Sources.
The Financial Times Historical Archive, 1888-2016 [Gale] [provided by Graduate School of Economy]
...No limit
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...Economics and Business
The Financial Times Historical Archive delivers the complete searchable run of the authoritative daily business newspaper. Special supplements and the FT Magazine are also included.
Also available in the Gale Primary Sources.
Gale Business: Insights [provided by Graduate School of Economics]
...No limit
...Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper
...Economics and Business
This database contains the latest data and literature from 510,000 companies and 1,000 industries in 193 countries around the world.
Contents include magazine and newspaper articles, investment reports, company histories, reports by industry and market, and much more.
The Japan Advertiser
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
Digital, searchable scans of all pages published in The Japan Advertiser between 1913 and 1940.
Published during a period encompassing the Taisho Period and the early Showa Era, the content includes news articles as well as stories aimed at foreigners living in Japan that introduced Japanese culture, and advertising that reflects the social and economic climate of those times.Following contents are also available:
The Japan Times (from 1971 to 2010)
The Japan Times of the 1860s (from Sep. 1865 to Jun. 1866)
Japan Chronicle Online [Brill]
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
The Japan Chronicle Online delivers a complete searchable copy of every issue of Japan Chronicle Weekly from 1902 to 1940, which is english-language newspaper. This collection includes the Kobe Weekly Chronicle (1900-1901), the predecessor of the Japan Chronicle Weekly.
The Japan Times Archives [provided by The Institute for Liberal Arts and Sciences]
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
Digital, searchable scans of all pages published in The Japan Times between 1971 and 2018. Also available on BD.
Following contents are also available:
The Japan Times of the 1860s (from Sep. 1865 to Jun. 1866)
The Japan Advertiser (from 1913 to 1940)
The Japan Times of the 1860s
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
“The Japan Times of the 1860s” which enables us to more clearly grasp the society and its surroundings at the end of the Edo Period. (Sep. 1865 to Jun. 1866)
Following contents are also available:
The Japan Times (from 1971 to 2010)
The Japan Advertiser (from 1913 to 1940)
Le Monde [ProQuest]
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
This database offers digital access the full run of "Le Monde", from its launch in 1944 to 2000.
You can cross-search with other databases by ProQuest.
...No limit
...Full-text databases / Figures, Statistics, Numerical datas / News and Newspaper / Patents
...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal
To access this database via E-Journal and Database Authentication System, click here.
This database contains U.S. federal and state law sources and legal news.
*You cannot use “Lexis+”, “Lexis 360 Intelligence” and “Lexis+ UK” in the same browser at the same time. If you wish to continue using the other three databases, please close your browser or use a different browser or private/secret mode (if this does not work, please try clearing your browser cache).
The Newsweek Archive [ProQuest]
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...1933 - 2012
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
"The Newsweek Archive" offers digital access the full run of the US edition of "Newsweek", from its launch in 1933 to 2012.
You can cross-search with other databases by ProQuest.
New York Times [ProQuest]
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
Comprehensive digital coverage back to 1980 is available for this newspaper through the ProQuest database. The complete text of recent articles is provided in the ASCII format.
The Observer: News for the American Soldier in Vietnam, 1962-1973 [Gale] [provided by Center for Southeast Asian Studies]
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
The Observer was a weekly newspaper published by the Command Information Division of the U.S. Military Assistance Command’s Office of Information. It was the official organ of the Military Assistance Command, and it carried official news about and for American troops in Vietnam.
Pravda Digital Archive
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
The Soviet newspaper "Pravda" of record is available online in a complete archive, in full-text and full-image.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers [ProQuest] [provided by Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Law, Institute for Research in Humanities and Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Institute for Research in Humanities]
...No limit
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
Gain insight into Chinese political and social life during the turbulent 120 year period from 1832 to 1953 with 12 English-language Chinese historical newspapers. Included are critical perspectives on the ending of more than 2,000 years of imperial rule in China, the Taiping Rebellion, the Opium Wars with Great Britain, the Boxer Rebellion and the events leading up to the1911 Xinhai Revolution, and the subsequent founding of the Republic of China. In addition to the article content, the full-image newspapers offer searchable access to advertisements, editorials, cartoons, and classified ads that illuminate history.
Further information: https://proquest.libguides.com/hnp
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Le Monde
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
This database offers digital access the full run of "Le Monde", from its launch in 1944 to 2000.
You can cross-search with other databases by ProQuest.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The New York Times with Index [ProQuest] [provided by Graduate School of Letters, Graduate School of Education, Graduate School of Law]
...No limit
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
A historical database of The New York Times in full text, full page, and images.
Terms and Conditions: https://about.proquest.com/en/about/terms-and-conditions
The Times Digital Archive 1785-2019 [Gale]
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field
The Times Digital Archive, 1785-2019, is Gale’s premier online historical archive, delivering every page as published from 200 years of The Times (London) to your library.
Also available in Gale Primary Sources.
Westlaw Japan
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...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal
To access this database via the authentication system, click here.
Westlaw Japan KK brings together Westlaw and Japan's leading legal publisher, Shin Nippon Hoki Shuppan, to provide online access to Japanese cases and legislation with versioning, law books and journals by local experts, government policy information, and real-time news provided by Jiji Press.
Westlaw Next [provided by Graduate School of Law]
...No limit
...Full-text databases / News and Newspaper
...General - Whole Field / Economics and Business / Legal
Westlaw Next is Thomson's powerful online research service, providing legal professionals with trusted legal, news and business information from around the world.
Introduction of Westlaw Next [Westlaw Japan]