【Online Workshop】9/6: The recording of the lecture is available now. / 23rd, April 14:00- "How to use KULINE"

 On 2021-09-06 (2288 reads)

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[ONLINE Lecture] How to use the "eol" database (May 17-24)

 On 2021-05-06 (1457 reads)


有価証券報告書、各種の届出書・報告書、決算短信や適時開示書類等を収録したデータベース eol のオンライン講習会を開催します。YouTubeにて専用動画を公開します。

日  時:2021年5月17日(月)~5月24日(月)
対  象:学内者


      情報環境機構 IKEv2


     (TEL) 075-753-3412
     (E-mail) 040etsuran*mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp(*を@に変えてください)


– 学内環境からのみアクセス可
– 同時アクセス数2

京都大学図書館 -電子ジャーナルリスト-



【Online Workshop】22nd, April 17:00- "Tips on Application for JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists (DC)" - Learning Support Desk presents -

 On 2021-04-14 (2303 reads)

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(日本語) 【オンライン講習会】研究支援シリーズ:アクセプトされるための英語科学論文の書き方~出版社の立場から~(3/18)

 On 2021-03-04 (4126 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


(日本語) 【図書館機構オンライン講習会】2/18:録画を公開しました 論文投稿で後悔しないために -身に付けておくべきジャーナルの知識- (2/12, 13:30-)

 On 2021-02-18 (3276 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Main Library] 3/9: The recording is available now. / Virtual Guide Tour of Kyoto University Library (11/26)

 On 2021-02-17 (3305 reads)

―For Freshman―

Virtual Guide Tour of Kyoto University Library 2020

2021.3.9 update
The recording of "Virtual Guide Tour of Kyoto University Library" are now ready to watch!
Please click the below URL to access them.
*You must log in with your ECS-ID or SPS-ID.

We hope it helps your learning and studying.

We are glad to announce the Virtual Library Tour for the freshman.
The Main Library of Kyoto University has many various spaces.
For example, "Media Commons" ”Basement Stack Room” etc.
At this tour, a graduate student staff will take you to such places in the main library through Zoom.

Date: 26ht, November (Thu)
1. 16:30-17:00 (Japanese ver.) 2. 18:00-18:30 (English ver.)

How to join: Please register with this form (Click!) before the previous day to get the meeting URL.

*KU members only

  User Support Section, Main Library
  Email: ref660 at mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


【Online Workshop】 How to use online reference management software"EndNote Basic"(2/9,13:30-)

 On 2021-01-28 (2388 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Online Lecture] How to write acceptable English scientific papers -from the viewpoint of publisher- (January, 13)

 On 2020-12-18 (3589 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.



 On 2020-12-18 (3133 reads)

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.


[Online Workshop]12/16: The recordings of the lectures are available now. / Learning Support Weeks for International Students

 On 2020-12-16 (4226 reads)

2020.12.16 update
The recordings of the lectures held during "Learning Support Weeks for International Students" are now ready to watch!
Please click the below URL to access them.
*You must log in with your ECS-ID or SPS-ID.

We hope they help your learning and studying.
If you have some questions, you can ask the speakers directly at "Learning Support Desk". (Online Support is also available.)

Learning Support Weeks for International Students
유학생 학습 집중 지원 주간
Learning Support Weeks untuk Siswa Internasional

-----Learning Support Weeks for International Students-----

Learning Support Desk provides special learning support for international students during the following period.
We also hold English lectures as follows.
○The lectures will be recorded and open to the members of Kyoto University.

Date: Oct.26(Mon)-Nov.13(Fri),2020
Place: The lectures are held online (through Zoom).
Reservation: Click here to make a reservation.

-Please register by 17:00 one day before the desired date.

1. How to Enjoy E-resources (All in English)
 I"ll explain the basics of how to find and use e-books, e-journals, and databases that Kyoto University offers.
      Nov.4(Wed) 16:30-17:00, 18:00-18:30
      Speaker: Science M1

2. How to Find Literature (All in English)
 This lecture will show you how to collect literature (including books, magazines, and articles). It will be a useful introduction to KULINE.
      Nov.10(Tue) 16:30-17:00, 18:00-18:30
      Speaker: Letters M2

3. LaTeX Tutorial in English (All in English)
 This lecture covers basic skills of writing reports in LaTeX with math formulas, figures, and tables. No previous knowledge required
      Nov.11(Wed) 13:30-14:15, 15:00-15:45
      Speaker: Informatics D2

Host: Kyoto University Library Network
Contact:Main Library User Support Section
Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp


Learning Support Desk将在以下时间内举办中文学习讲座,欢迎大家积极参与。

申请:请点击这里! *The link is the English and Japanese page.

1. 社会科学研究方法讲座
      时间:2020年10月27日(周二)13:30-14:00 / 15:00-15:30

2. 学术日语集中讲座
      时间:2020年11月2日(周一)16:30-17:00 / 18:00-18:30

Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

-----유학생 학습 집중 지원 주간-----

Learning Support Desk에서는 다음 기간 동안 유학생 지원을 강화합니다.
기간 중 한국어로 강좌를 개최합니다.
○강의는 녹화되어, 추후 학내 한정으로 공개할 예정입니다.

장소:온라인(Zoom)으로 개최됩니다
사전 신청:온라인 사전신청 바로가기 (바로가기) *The link is the English and Japanese page.
※개최 전날 17:00까지 온라인으로 사전 접수해 주십시오.

실험레포트 작성방법 (전부 한국어로 진행됩니다)
 실험 레포트를 어떻게 써야하는지 이야기합니다.
      2020년11월13일(금)13:30-14:00 / 15:00-15:30
      담당:의학연구과 M1

주최:교토대학 도서관기구
문의처:부석도서관 이용지원과
Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

-----Learning Support Weeks untuk Siswa Internasional-----

Di Learning Support Desk, kita akan membuka “Learning Support Weeks” untuk siswa internasional.
Kita juga akan membuka seminar umum dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Silahkan cek informasi beriktnya.
○Seminarnya akan direkam dan di share di website. (rekaman nya hanya untuk mahasiswa Kyoto universitas.)

Period: 26 Oct. (Senin)-13 Nov. 2020(Jumat)
Tempat: Seminarnya akan dibuka di Zoom.
Pendaftaran: Silahkan klik di sini! *The link is the English and Japanese page.

-Pendaftarannya akan diterima sampai sehari sebelumnya seminar.

Kosa kata akademik dalam bahasa Jepang
 Seminar ini untuk mahasiswa asing dari Indonesia yang ingin memahami dan memakai kosa kata akademik dalam bahasa Jepang untuk menulis atau persentasi.
      13 Nov.(Jumat) 16:30-17:00 / 18:00-18:30
      Narasumber: Mahasiswa S3 dari ASAFAS

Host: Kyoto University Library Network
Contact:Main Library User Support Section
Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Email: ref660(at mark)mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp