(5/28 repost) Maintenance: KULINE, Discovery, 京大ArticleLinker, E-Journals & E-Books List (May 30-31)

 On 2021-05-28 (2496 reads)

Due to system maintenance, services below will be temporarily unavailable.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

  Period : from 10 am. on May 30 to 10 am. on May 31, 2021 (JST)
  Services to be affected :
     Some links to access e-journals and e-books are not displayed, or cannot be accessed.
     Some links to access e-journals and e-books are not displayed, or cannot be accessed. 
     Links to e-resources are not available.
    ・E-Journals & E-Books List
     E-Journals & E-Books List is not displayed.

  Searching (via KULINE, Discovery etc.)  will be available, but some links to e-resources will not work.
  E-journals and e-books themselves are not out of service. Please access directly of their website.

    [Main Library Academic Support Section]


    [E-Book] Textbooks and reference books for classes of AY2021 Spring are now available

     On 2021-05-14 (6216 reads)

    151 textbooks or reference books  recommended by "Request for recommendations of eBooks for student use in AY2021" are now available.

    Let's check the list of textbooks or reference books (PDF file)


    【Main Library : for faculty members】Request for recommendations of eBooks for student use in AY2021  (3rd. Feb. 2021)


    The Kyoto University Library Network is proceeding to provide students with eBooks as countermeasures against COVID-19, also as a part of the effort of Kyoto Initiatives for Humanities and Social Sciences.

    You can search all of e-books accessible in Kyoto University on KULINE.

    Let’s access and read some.

    Example of titles

    <Oxford University Press>
    ・Very Short Introductions
    ・What Everyone Need to Know
    ・Infobase Learning Clubhouse Readers eBook Collection
    <Cengage Learning>
    ・The Making of the Modern World IV
    ・朝倉実践心理学講座  ・現代基礎数学  ・統計ライブラリー  ・シリーズ朝倉「言語の可能性」
    ・岩波講座日本歴史 ・新日本古典文学大系 ・日本近代思想大系 ・岩波テキストブックス
    ・シリーズ現代の生態学 ・共立講座 ・統計学One Point  ・高分子機能材料シリーズ
    ・アカデミック・スキルズ ・世界を読み解く一冊の本 ・井筒俊彦英文著作翻訳コレクション
    ・大学数学の入門 ・基礎数学 ・UP選書アーカイブ
    ・子どもの心の診療シリーズ ・現代生物学大系 ・脳神経外科学大系
    ・ニューエクスプレスプラス ・白水Uブックス
    ・平凡社新書 ・平凡社ライブラリー
    ・有斐閣アルマ ・法学教室Library ・法律学全集
    ・読みなおす日本史 ・歴史文化ライブラリー ・日本の食文化
    *Some series are not provides all titles as e-books.


    ・Access e-books from off campus via an IKEv2 connection or a designated "Plug-in".

    *The "Plug-in" is not compatible with iOS and Android.

    When you read the above-mentioned ebooks using iOS and Android devices, please set up the IKEv2 VPN connection.

    If you still cannot access, please clear your browser's cache and try again.

     ref. How to clear the cache?:  http://www.iimc.kyoto-u.ac.jp/en/faq/general/general/post_159.html


    Kyoto University Library Electronic Resources Section.


    Maintenance:EBSCO eBooks (May 5-12)

     On 2021-04-30 (1251 reads)

    Due to system upgrade, some features of EBSCO eBooks will be unavailable from May 5th to 12th. (EST)

    The details are as follows.
    Upcoming system upgrade for EBSCO eBooks and Audiobooks

    [Academic Support Division, Main Library]


    [Library Network] Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for E-Resources

     On 2021-03-19 (3249 reads)

    Use of electronic resources including databases, e-journals and e-books subscribed by Kyoto University is subject to copyright laws and licence agreements.
    The licences generally prohibit the following uses:

    • Systematic and programmatic download
    • Usage beyond the private purpose
    • Reproducing and distributing

    Violation of the licence agreements may result in the suspension of access to e-resources for the whole University.

    There have been frequent recent occurrences of users unintentionally downloading or accessing large volumes of data using pre-read browser functions. Pre-read browser functions continually access links within pages in the background while pages are being viewed. As a result of this, large volume data downloads or large volume access of which the user is unaware may occur, even if the user intends to use electronic journals in the standard way. We request your cooperation in disabling these functions by making the below changes to your browser settings.


    • Electronic Journal "Excessive Access" Recent Case: It happens without any intention!!(PDF)[Flier]


    [Kyoto University Library Network]


    Solved!: Trouble: KU Article Linker Temporarily Unavailable on Google Scholar (25 Feb)

     On 2021-02-25 (1765 reads)

    The trouble was soleved. (2021/3/5 14:00)

    KU Article Linker is currently not available on Google Scholar.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    <Academic Support Division, Main Library>


    【Main Library : for faculty members】Request for recommendations of eBooks for student use in AY2021

     On 2021-02-03 (3436 reads)

    ※Recommendation form was closed. Thank you for a lot of eBooks recommendations. (Apr. 6, 2021)

    The Kyoto University Library Network provides students with eBooks for lectures and their studies.

    To help us provide a wider range of eBooks, we would like to ask for your recommendations of eBooks that you think would be useful for students in AY2021.

    Persons eligible to make recommendations

    All Kyoto University faculty members (Including part-time lecturers)

    eBooks eligible for recommendation

    ・eBooks that will be used for liberal arts and sciences (ILAS) courses in AY 2021, or that will be useful for students taking those courses.

    ・eBooks that will be used in undergraduate courses in AY 2021, or that will be useful for students taking those courses.

    ・eBooks that would be useful for undergraduate students studying at home.

    eBooks ineligible for recommendation

    ・Complete works, journals (including back numbers), newspapers

    ・Study guide, workbooks, self-help books and books of hobbies and practical use

    ・eBooks that extra costs will be charged next year (ex: contract maintenance fee, platform usage fee) 

    How to make a recommendation

    Please use the recommendation form

    *If you wish to recommend more than one, please enter the titles in order of priority.

    Deadline for recommendations

    Finished. Thank you for a lot of eBooks recommendations. March 31, 2021

    Please note

    ・We will proceed with the purchase procedure in the order of recommendation acceptance in consideration of the budget situation and order of priority.

    ・eBooks will be available between late March and early May. Please check KULINE of their availability. 

    ・The recommender will be informed only in the case if the recommended eBooks will not be able to be purchased.

    ・We cannot purchase eBooks which are not sold to academic institutions. Please refer to the list of titles which are sold to academic institutions at the "For reference" below.

    ・eBooks purchased will generally only be accessible by one user at a time.

    ・We will purchase books listed in syllabus of ILAS course sequentially after April. If you need eBook version, please make recommendation from the recommendation form.


    Acquisition and Cataloging Section, Kyoto University Library

    Email: shiryoseibi660 [@] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

    For reference

    ・Titles which are already owned by Kyoto University can be searched via KULINE.

    ・List of titles which are available to academic institutions

    Titles are sorted by platform and classified by type. Please use the classifications to narrow down the lists. Some titles are provided in multiple platforms

    *Please note that the files are large, so downloading them may require some time.

    *Due to the large size of the files, they may not be viewable on some smartphones and tablets.

    [Japanse books] (Excel, approx. 20MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the Maruzen eBook Library

    ・List2  Provided by the KinoDen

    ・List3  Provided by the EBSCO eBooks

    [Non-Japanese books 1] (Excel, approx. 0.5MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the EBSCO eBooks(Best sellers in 2020)

    [Non-Japanese books 2] (Excel, approx. 69MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the ProQuest eBook Central(titles published after 2015 only)

    ・ Although the number of eBooks available to academic institutions is smaller than the number available to individuals, it still comprises a very large number of titles. The lists include only a partial selection of the eBooks that are available, so please do not hesitate to recommend eBooks that are not included in the lists, and we will check their availability.  

    Your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Your recommendations help us to enhance our eBook collection, and will also be used as reference when requesting publishers to provide digital versions of their books.


    [Library Network] Conditions of Use and Licensing Restrictions for E-Resources

     On 2021-01-21 (1921 reads)

    Use of electronic resources including databases, e-journals and e-books subscribed by Kyoto University is subject to copyright laws and licence agreements.
    The licences generally prohibit the following uses:

    • Systematic and programmatic download
    • Usage beyond the private purpose
    • Reproducing and distributing

    Violation of the licence agreements may result in the suspension of access to e-resources for the whole University.

    There have been frequent recent occurrences of users unintentionally downloading or accessing large volumes of data using pre-read browser functions. Pre-read browser functions continually access links within pages in the background while pages are being viewed. As a result of this, large volume data downloads or large volume access of which the user is unaware may occur, even if the user intends to use electronic journals in the standard way. We request your cooperation in disabling these functions by making the below changes to your browser settings.


    • Electronic Journal "Excessive Access" Recent Case: It happens without any intention!!(PDF)[Flier]


    [Kyoto University Library Network]


    [Maintenance] A Plug-in for the New e-Resources Access Authentication System (January 26, 2021)

     On 2021-01-19 (1225 reads)

    A Plug-in for the New e-Resources Access Authentication System will suspend its service due to the system maintenance for about 15 minutes from 12:00pm, January 26, 2021.
    The service will be restored as soon as the maintenance work has been completed.

    Thank you for your understanding.


    Solved!: Trouble: Installment of a designated plug-in for Google Chrome Temporarily Unavailable (18 Jan)

     On 2021-01-18 (1267 reads)

    Solved! (2021/01/20 17:55)

    Installment of a designated plug-in for Google Chrome is currently not available.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.


    【Library Network : for faculty members】Request for recommendations of eBooks for student use in the second semester

     On 2020-10-08 (3547 reads)

    ※Recommendation form closed. Thank you for a lot of eBooks recommendations. (Oct. 19, 2020)

    ※Added about eBooks ineligible for recommendation. (Sep. 15, 2020)

    Due to the current situation regarding the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), most courses in the second semester of AY 2020 will continue to be provided online. The Library Network provides students with eBooks for home study. To help us provide a wider range of eBooks, we would like to ask for your recommendations of eBooks that you think would be useful for students.

    Persons eligible to make recommendations

    All Kyoto University faculty members (Including part-time lecturers)

    eBooks eligible for recommendation

    ・eBooks that will be used for liberal arts and sciences (ILAS) courses in AY 2020, or that will be useful for students taking those courses.

    ・eBooks that will be used in undergraduate courses in AY 2020, or that will be useful for students taking those courses.

    ・eBooks that would be useful for undergraduate students studying at home.

    eBooks ineligible for recommendation

    ・Complete works, journals (including back numbers), newspapers

    ・Study guide, workbooks, self-help books and books of hobbies and practical use

    ・eBooks that extra costs will be charged next year (ex: contract maintenance fee, platform usage fee) 

    How to make a recommendation

    Please use the recommendation form

    Note: if you wish to recommend more than two eBooks, please enter the titles in order of priority.

    Deadline for recommendations

    Finished. Thank you for a lot of eBooks recommendations. October 16, 2020 

    Please note

    ・eBooks will be purchased in the order that recommendations are received.

    ・We may not be able to purchase all of your recommendations due budget limitations and order of purchasing priority.

    ・We will endeavor to purchase recommended eBooks that could not be purchased in this budget period in a subsequent budget period.

    ・We cannot purchase eBooks which are not sold to academic institutions. Please refer to the list of titles which are sold to academic institutions at the "For reference" below.

    ・eBooks purchased will generally only be accessible by one user at a time.


    Acquisition and Cataloging Section, Kyoto University Library

    Email: shiryoseibi660 [@] mail2.adm.kyoto-u.ac.jp

    For reference

    ・Titles which are already owned by Kyoto University can be searched via KULINE.

    ・List of titles which are available to academic institutions

    Titles are sorted by platform and classified by type. Please use the classifications to narrow down the lists. Some titles are provided in multiple platforms

    *Please note that the files are large, so downloading them may require some time.

    *Due to the large size of the files, they may not be viewable on some smartphones and tablets.

    [Japanse books] (Excel, approx. 18MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the Maruzen eBook Library

    ・List2  Provided by the KinoDen

    ・List3  Provided by the EBSCO eBooks

    [Non-Japanese books 1] (Excel, approx. 13MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the Brill, the Cambridge, the Oxford, the Taylor & Francis, the Wiley, the World Scientific(titles published after 2015 only)

    ・List2  Provided by the EBSCO eBooks(titles published after 2015 only)

    [Non-Japanese books 2] (Excel, approx. 66MB)

    On-campus access only

    ・List1  Provided by the ProQuest eBook Central(titles published after 2015 only)

    ・ Although the number of eBooks available to academic institutions is smaller than the number available to individuals, it still comprises a very large number of titles. The lists include only a partial selection of the eBooks that are available, so please do not hesitate to recommend eBooks that are not included in the lists, and we will check their availability.  

    Your help and cooperation is greatly appreciated. Your recommendations help us to enhance our eBook collection, and will also be used as reference when requesting publishers to provide digital versions of their books.