News |
hits |
Date |
Main Library : [Main Library]The library hours and services from August 5 to September 30, 2022 |
3746 |
2022-07-29 |
E-Journals : Termination of Password-Based Authentication for the IKEv2 VPN Service (Aug. 29, 9:00) |
2011 |
2022-07-26 |
E-Journals : Maintenance: Ovid Journals Platform (Jul. 29) |
1172 |
2022-07-26 |
Yoshida-South Library : 【吉田南総合図書館:展示企画】「ヒトとモノの居場所 -建築学科有志作品展示-」開催のお知らせ(7/22-8/4) |
1380 |
2022-07-22 |
: [Maintenance] Library Network Service temporarily stop on August.17 |
3695 |
2022-07-22 |
Library Network : Maintenance: JDream III (Jul. 23) |
701 |
2022-07-21 |
E-Books : [Ebook] Oxford research books collections migrate to Oxford Academic platform |
3846 |
2022-07-21 |
Main Library : (日本語) 【附属図書館】【締め切りました】学部生オフィス・アシスタント(=アルバイト)の募集について(7/21(木)〆切) |
1996 |
2022-07-14 |
Library Network : [Maintenance]ProQuest Platform (Jul. 17) |
1004 |
2022-07-12 |
Economics Lib. : [Maintenance] OECD iLibrary (Jul. 14th) |
1343 |
2022-07-12 |
Library Network : [Main Library] 7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. [Online Workshop]"How to use KULINE" June 24, 12:30- (Japanese Only) |
1958 |
2022-07-11 |
Library Network : 【Library Network】7/11: The recording of the lecture is now available. Online Workshop "CiNii Research, Web of Science, and EndNote Online"(7/1, 7/5) |
4439 |
2022-07-11 |
工学研究科 : [Katsura Library] You will be able to enter the basement stack rooms from July 14, 2022 |
836 |
2022-07-11 |
Main Library : [Main Library] You can study in the Library Hall during the examination period (July 8 to August 4) |
1154 |
2022-07-08 |
Main Library : [Main Library]The library hours and services from July 8 to August 4, 2022 |
3120 |
2022-07-08 |
Library Network : [Library Network] The Email due date remainder could not be sent on Sunday, July 3rd |
1081 |
2022-07-04 |
工学研究科 : 【Katsura Library】Library Calendar of July-August 2022 |
1005 |
2022-07-04 |
Service : (日本語) 【復旧しました】KULINE等図書館システム障害 |
986 |
2022-07-03 |
E-Journals : [solved]Trouble: Discovery (Jul.1) |
756 |
2022-07-01 |